Chapter 40: Chill Meeting (Part 1)

[Clock - 05:12 | 05:12 AM]

[Calendar - 11/03/2003]

[Location - Beastialis Kingdom - Old Gotham, Gotham City, New Jersey]


Animalia. The biological kingdom that encompasses all animals- born from a clade (a single common ancestor) -there beings share a spiritual connection to all life, which grants their souls access to the Red. The supernatural force that represents all Animalia.

"Cinderelli, how have your little friends been?" Holding the large female rat in his hands- Miss Girl Lady Woman was sitting on his shoulder like it was the most regal of thrones, looking down at the recently Awakened rat. It took him a whole day to create the necessary amount of [Ring of Human Form] for the Werebat children that wished to look human (Aron rejected the ring) and be human for a while, because Atlas explicitly told them that they would have to take ring off so their bodies can grow properly- and if they refuse, he will remove the ring from their fingers and never give it back. He could understand why they'd want to look human, but he didn't want them to suffer because of it! "I take it that your new rat society has been flourishing? After all, as the Contessa of Cheese, you need to report to me everything." The entirety of day 10 was spent by him using [Awaken] on rats, not only to establish an information gathering network (who the fuck would suspect rats to be sentient?) but also because these little buddies were very enthusiastic about worshipping the gods. Their new race- or as they took to call themselves -was called Cheese Chasers, and they're awfully adorable. Rats are social animals, and the [Awaken] spell seemed to increase it to a greater degree, which allowed them to work very well together! Their short lifespan was something the magic also changed, but it was still short when compared to the lifespan of a human... The new Awakened Cheese Chasers can live up to 15 years, or that's the estimate Atlas was able to glimpse with magic. As the first rat to be Awakened, Cinderelli received the title of the Contessa of Cheese and was declared ruler of the Cheese Chasers by Atlas- and because they were charmed to him thanks to the [Awaken] spell, they agreed easily.

"The Contessa of Cheese greets you, Queen of Beasts-" Ah, right. They took to call him that, and Atlas had a hard time saying no to the cute little rats- what? They're adorable, they speak funny, and they like to groom each other with their little tiny hands! He even taught a few of them how to do braids, and now the little rats have braids in their thick fur, making them look adorable. "-me and my men have successfully managed to spread out. They have infiltrated the locations you've asked them to, and they're reporting everything they see back to us. It is with my great gracious gratification that I am here to say, the mission you've granted me is a complete success." She saluted like a little soldier, her tail swaying from side to side proudly as he had completed the task given by the Queen of Beasts! Their Queen! This was so exciting!

Atlas patted her head. "Good... Here, you reward, Contessa of Cheese - Cinderelli. You've been named after a princess, so you should wear the clothes of a princess." Atlas presented to her a small, rat sized pale blue dress with little glass slippers to match- it had taken him a while to make them so fucking small, but seeing the absolute joy in Cinderelli's face when she took it from his open palm was a joy that made the effort well spent. "Tell your men that they are to keep to the shadows, making sure to stay hidden from their targets... And if they are going to die, to activate the emergency button, okay?" She simply nodded, hopping away to wear her little dress- Atlas, meanwhile, looked down at the reports he received... They were these pieces of parchment that would appear inside this small chest that was hanging from his neck as he wore it like a small necklace. With beautiful calligraphy (Giving them all a small pen enchanted called [Writing Pen] was a good idea, because it wrote what you wished it to, and it would write with a beautiful calligraphy) he could read the report of the small rats- three rats were chosen and sent on this mission by the Contessa of Cheese herself, and they received four items from Atlas to complete their little rat missions.

The pen, a copy of the small chest Atlas had in his chest- but this one could only teleport whatever was on the inside to the one Atlas had on him, basically being the sender while he was the receiver (something he's used to by now, thanks to Waylon) -and a small black cloak that was wrapped around their little necks that they could use to cast the spell [Shadow Warp] to teleport to a dark space that is not being illuminated. That spell was useful for a tiny mouse! And, of course, there was the emergency coin! The emergency coin was a small button-like coin that was enchanted with the [Alarm] spell, and when broken, the alarm would ring inside Atlas' head to tell him the little rat that broke it was in danger. He knows each coin, and when they're broken, he will simply teleport the rat that broke it to him, easy peasy!

"Huh, it seems everything is going normal..." The three rats were sent to three different places and homes of people Atlas wanted to be watched for a while. They were: Commissioner Gordon for obvious reasons, a rat was sent to Arkham Asylum to keep an eye out on who enters, who leaves the Asylum (and to find Baytor, that little demon had left for Arkham Asylum last time Atlas spoke to him), and the last rat was sent to find and report on Batman... Risky? Yes, but the little rat volunteered to go, so Atlas had to give him an extra item... It was a small belt that went around his little body that would activate on command, shifting him between the form of a bat and a rat. As a bat, he could hang on the Batcave without any problem, and he would watch and hear everything that was happening down there. This was the riskiest job of these rats, but Atlas considered it necessary. Not only was he curious, but the knowledge he had copied from Batman's was making a little more... paranoid. It wasn't changing his personality of outlook on life, but it was making him feel a little paranoid on the ways he knew the bat could hurt him and his people- He is blaming it all on Bruce.

With the addition of 105 Cheese Chasers, the population of Beastialis Kingdom is about 56 humans, 58 Werebats, 75 Crocodiles (1 Awakened one), and 1 big bad Werecrocodile that was looking at him right now! "How can I help you, my King?" Atlas was on the second floor of the Learning Palace of Thoth, the tower-like building that he was still perfecting a little bit, sitting on this comfortable looking giant egyptian lotus chair that he made. "I don't think you've come here to read some books..." He turned to fully look at him to see who was behind him- pale blue skin that emanated pale blue ice cold mist, ruby red tinted glasses that reminded Atlas of a certain X-Men, and with this curious but untrustworthy of everything around: "Ah, it seems you've brought me the guest I was expecting, thank you my king... It is nice to meet you, Mr. Freeze- Can I call you Victor? Or would you like Mr. Fries if that is good enough for you? Take a seat, sir, let us discuss your future."

"So... you're Waylon's boy toy." Looking him up and down, the old cold scientist seemed to pause for a bit- looking square at his lack of legs: "...I see." He seemed to be judging him, huh? Well, Atlas did send out Waylon to find him so they could speak about his wife- Nora Fries -and how Atlas could cure her. "A magical healer that has the miraculous cure for my wife's illness, and yet can't grow himself new legs? It doesn't seem very trustworthy, but I've come so far, I'll listen to what you gotta say." He groaned and was about to sit down on the chair before him when his skin started to turn a softer shade of color, slowly coming back from its own pale blue coloration to a normal, humanoid color.

"Is that proof enough?"


Book of Living Beings

Name: Victor Fries

Race: Homo Sapiens

Secret Identity: Mr. Freeze (Batman's Chillest Villain, Cold Man, Desperate Husband, Genius Scientist, Mad Scientist, ...)

Age: 36

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 6'0

Weight: 190 pounds (86 kilograms)

Mental Health: Desperate, Slowly Decaying

Health: Stable, Partially healed of his condition.

Location: Underground Cave (Beastialis Kingdom, Learning Palace of Thoth, 2nd Floor)

Analysis: He has been partially cured from his condition thanks to your magic. The illness he artificially implanted on himself is completely gone, but internal damage is to be carefully treated through constant healing magics.


Ah, right- The first time Atlas had read this screen, he saw an opportunity. How? Well, Atlas had read this first:



Due to his continuous desperate attempts at finding a cure for his wife's illness, he has tested on himself many different serums, which have caused irreparable damage to his body. To keep himself going, Victor has artificially changed his physiology to adapt to cold, both keeping his body frozen and active at the same time, this causes him a lot of pain because of the irreparable damage done to his body, but he is willing to endure for the good of his wife.

He has contaminated himself with his wife's illness, to both remimd him of what he wants, and what he needs to do.


And this, this was something Atlas saw as an opportunity- A desperate man that wished for nothing but to heal his wife, a desperate husband that was considered a genius on the field of genetics, who was willing to even test his own experimental solutions on himself first before even trying on his wife. A man who went as far as to contaminate himself with his wife's illness to find a cure for it. This man was before him, and like an angel with hidden horns, Atlas with extend a hand for him- Come, I can save you, just take my hand. My trustworthy, friendly hand. "...what did you do?" With eyes wide, the man looked down at his own hands as they slowly turned back into healthy human hands. The change was slowl enough for him to feel it, the state he had constantly kept himself in for the past few years forcefully receed as this energy seemed to flow into his body before it faded away into nothingness. "What was that? What did you do to me- how have you done something like this, this is scientifically impossible, completely improbable, it is not-"

"Some things are not explained by mundane knowledge." Atlas simply kept on his smile- he ignored the way Waylon took a step back, a little scared of the face he was making -as he pushed forward a beautiful and detailed contract: "If you sign this, I can guarantee that I will completely and fully heal your wife from he illness, and as a bonus also heal your internal injuries, alongside these two benefits I offer you the ranking and noble title of Pale Blue Doctor, alongside research material and research funding... All you gotta do is work alongside Robbie and help him develop a few things."

Waylon decided to take a step back and leave the room- but on the way out, he couldn't help but think back about the way cold freeze guy referred to Atlas... He referred to him as his boy toy. And he had to stop and this all Atlas is? A simple toy for him? I mean, the sex with him is good (excellent even, he went from a shy virgin to an experienced whore under his care and training), but the intimacy... It was good too.

Maybe...maybe he has a queen already.