Chapter 41: Kitty Meeting (Part 2)

[Clock - 11:11 | 11:11 AM]

[Calendar - 11/03/2003]

[Location - Beastialis Kingdom - Old Gotham, Gotham City, New Jersey]


Atlas, meanwhile, was none the wiser to Waylon's thoughts.

Instead, he focused on getting Victor to meet Robert- it was an interesting meeting, mostly because Victor was surprised to see Man-Bat wearing the stereotypical scientist white lab coat, wearing these glass bottle bottom glasses that made his little eyes look so big that it was almost comical, and handling dangerous chemicals easily with his elongated thin fingers like it was the easiest thing in the world- "Wait, what is that?" -and, well- "This? Oh, yeah, this is-" -their friendship wasn't something Atlas expected to happen so quickly! They started to speak a bunch of genetic and scientific stuff, so Atlas simply floated away. He left the Count of Awakening (Robert) and the Pale Blue Doctor (Victor) to their responsibilities for a moment- Atlas had negotiated with Victor, and they're going to get his wife from her cryo cript soon.

So! Talking about responsibilities, Atlas had a few to go back to— And one of them was to prepare for the future. "Let's see..." From what he gathered, the spell he wished to cast to bring the city to the heavens and the spell that was going to guarantee that the city does not fall in two weeks are supposed to be cast at the same time? Or, rather, it is reccomended that they should be cast at the same time, because then you can create the Mythallar and cast the spell which you wish to create, at the same time. "But a cystal that costs at least a million gold pieces? How am I supposed to know how much that would cost in real world money-" Ah, right, he has a book for that stuff! "-I am so stupid sometimes..."


Book of Objects

List of Crystals that are Worth a lot of money.

Carat is a weight measure.

Alexandrite - 10,000$ per carat [List of Locations]

Opal - 9,500$ per carat [List of Locations]

Painite - 60,000$ per carat [List of Locations]

Diamomd - 15,000$ per carat [List of Locations]

Ruby - 16,000$ per carat [List of Locations]

Padparadscha Sapphire - 18,000$ per carat [List of Locations]

Taaffeite - 65,000$ per carat [List of Locations]

The Blue Oppenheimer - 56,000,000$ [Location]

The Moussaseif Red Diamond - 20,000,000$ [Location]

The Shattered Emerald of Peru - 66,500,000$ [Location]

Lost Sapphire of the Sea - 78,000,000$ [Location]

Remenants of the Crystal Creature Appelaxian Kalar of Vanity - ??? [Location]



The list went on and on about more and more crystals and their locations, alongside their price in US dollars. He was quite interested in the remains of the Crystal Creature, however, because it was something that was listed as [???] In price, which might be more than enough for the magic to work and take hold! I mean, he probably can make a mythallar without having to infuse the magic spell he wanted it to have, because he's pretty sure of one thing: As he is, he is barely able to cast 9th Level Spells, and it has taken some time for him to be able to successfully cast them... Imagining how hard it would be to cast the 10th level spell he wanted to bring this city to the skies, and the 11th level spell necessary to keep it there... That will take a lot out of him, most likely enough to either outright kill him or put him in a deep coma. "That's it... I need more rings and stars." 4 Rings and 40 stars would not be enough, he needs more! "It'll take a while, magic density is not that high here... If only I could go to a place with more magic- Oh, wait, I can?" Atlas pondered for a moment... If he was not wrong, he could go to another plane of existence to try and gather magic from there- but here's the question: If he went to a place that had the Weave (Dungeons and Dragons Multiversal entity that embodies all magic), would he be affected by the rules of the Weave? Would he be limited to Spell Slots? Would he need a Spellbook? "Shit... That's something I didn't consider."

He wanted to try and go to the Elemental Plane of Air. Why? Mostly because he wanted to, but also because going to a place where magic is literally in the air might help him grow stronger faster! Seriously, the very presence of the Weave was both an underlying threat and a possible opportunity for growth. "Shit..." He was undecided, but if he wanted to bring the city to the skies, he needed to make a decision: "...I guess I'll just ask the King, I'll ask Waylon." What he expected was for a reasonable answer along the lines of "Such a thing sounds risky, but if you believe this might be an opportunity, we should take precautions before going into the deep end." You know? Like a responsible, mature, and analytical King that first takes a look at a situation before making any decisions that might affect his kingdom and his subordinates. Or maybe a "That sounds dangerous, perhaps we should take some time to come to a conclusion, analyze our options and think on the long term about what can be done about this situation" or maybe even a "You wanna go to a dangerous dimension where your magic might change forever? No, you're not going, I can't imagine putting you through such dangerous things~!" In a romantic tone...

But the answer he got? Well, it was a: "...An endless dimension of only air? That sounds fun as fuck, let's go!" And worse yet, this answer came from both Waylon and Sobek- the adoptive divine father adoptive divine son duo were at their shenanigans again. "So, what is it like? Do we just, like, fall constantly?" He seemed really excited about this all, and Atlas couldn't really fault him for that- he was just offered the chance to go to another plane of existence where magic is everywhere and they're in a place where only air exists!? That's awesome, right? Of course you'd wanna go there! "Oh, are there any people with wings there?"

"Well-" Atlas had to pause for a few moments, he had to think and remember about what he knew of the Elemental Plane of Air, known by the locals as the Boundless Blue: "-there might be some Aaracokras there, some Air Elementals, and maybe a few Ginns? I don't even know if the spell will even work, so I guess I don't know?" Well, there were some other non-natives to the plane, like others who can teleport themselves with a [Plane Shift] spell, while others that found themselves taking naturally formed portals to the Elemental Plane of Air, which normally are birds. "I think there definitely might be some people with wings there, at least one."

And sure enough, Waylon just looked excited- Don't judge him, he has never left his dimension before, so he has every right to feel excited! "So, what're we waiting for?" He asked, already holding onto Sobek as the little lizard started to excitedly make little clicking noises: "See? Even Sobek's excited to go." Holding out the lizard to Atlas, Waylon grinned when Sobek made the little noises a baby crocodile would make to call their mother, but this one sounded more excited and happy, like a small child that was told they would be taken to a candy store. He felt giddy mostly because of the fact that they were going to another dimension that was full of magic (according to Atlas) and thus he would be able to gather more power to himself faster too! He didn't even care if his powers or magical abilities somehow changed a little bit after going to that place.

"...well, Waylon, Sobek-" Atlas remembered a very necessary component of the spell. An item that was attuned to the plane he wanted to shift to... How the fuck would he even get one of those here!? "-I just remembered... we might not be able to go? I mean, I need this specific item that has a connection to the Elemental Plane of Air, otherwise I'd need another spell to teleport directly to it? Like, I could possibly make an item attuned to the Elemental Plane of Air if I wanted and with some time, by summoning Air Elementals and using their elemental energies to make something into an attuned item." But he was still a little bit worried about what the Weave would do, or how his own magic would react to the Weave's magic, and how they would interact... He was also terribly, terribly curious about it. "Give me some time, alright? I can get us there, just need some time. Right now, I'm going to go get the body suit or whatever of that Crystal Creature alien thing, okay? It's pretty much solid crystal that can be used in magic, something we need."

"So you're planning a heist without me?" If Waylon had an eyebrow, he would've lifted it: "Where even is that crystal body thing?"

"Oh, with the Justice League." Atlas answered nonchalantly, a smile still on his face as he seemed to be lost in thought



[Clock - 07:23 | 07:23 AM]

[Calendar - 12/03/2003]

[Location - Beastialis Kingdom - Old Gotham, Gotham City, New Jersey]

Of course, Atlas wasn't simply going to steal the crystal corpse of the alien thing. No, he had a semblance of a plan... You see, Atlas was making a copy! Using glass and magic, he was making a copy that would come to life and shatter itself in a thousand pieces of worthless crystal and glass. He started working on it as soon as he got the idea- why was he even going to steal that from the Justice League? Well, Batman? Because it was the corpse of an alien energy being, that was valuable enough that with it he could make more than one mythallar! Imagining the spells he could add to the mythallars he could make with this crystal corpse, he was even more tempted to steal it. He was intricately making use of Illusion spells to make the copy of the crystal golem to be exactly like the other one!

There were other crystals out there that could be used to make a mythallar, but he wants the Crystal Creature one. It feels right.

"Hey, my little burglar-" Atlas snapped out of his thoughts and turned to look at Waylon. He was floating above this enormous crystalline humanoid, holding out his hand that had a soft orange glow. Waylon had entered the Foundation Station and looked up at the 10 feet tall statue of glass and crystals (fake crystals, using both Transmutation and Illusion magic), one of the few places Batman hadn't completely bugged. Atlas deactivated the bugs Batman had placed there and made the hidden cameras unusable by simply slapping a sticky note on them with the words [No peeking, little bitter leather daddy pervert~] written on them. "-I brought someone who could help us with our little, tiny heist." Waylon grinned to Atlas, who confusedly tilted his head and whole body in a upside-down 90° degrees angle as he looked at the woman wearing black leather that walked out from behind Waylon.

"Oh~ So this is your little boy Waylon? He is quite adorable, as you said." Atlas recognized her- Selina Kyle, also known as Cat Woman, one of the best thiefs in the entirety of Gotham. Known for wearing a fursuit of Bowser's fat ass leather kitty costume alongside BDSM fetish gear and a whip. She has danced the upside-down tango with Batman at least a few times, and she definitely topped. "Hello kitty, I'm-"

"Selina Kyle. Yes, I know." Atlas slowly lowered himself to stay beside her for a few moments before he looked above her head, frowning and asking: "So... Sobek, you've brought her here because she's a daughter of Bastet?" Right above Selina's head, floating softly, was a barely visible cat. It was Mau cat, one of the oldest species of cats in the world. "Welcome to the Beastialis Kingdom, Goddess of Home, Domesticity, Secrets, Cats, Fortune, Fertility, and Childbirth. May I enquire about your permanent stay?"

Meanwhile, Sobek, the little lizard on top of Waylon's head, who hadn't even seen Bastet because of just how weak she was: *surprised pikachu face*