Chapter 42: Tiny Little Small Heist (Part 1)

[Clock - 00:12 | 12:12 PM]

[Calendar - 13/03/2003]

[Location - Warehouse N° 7 - Otisburg, Gotham City, New Jersey]


POV Change

3rd Person POV

The quarter moon shone through the thick clouds of darkness that always seemed to permeate around Gotham, giving its silvery light to the dark corners of the street. Street lights were, for reasons unknown, were not very bright and thus the darkness consumed whatever lignt they produced- Down the street, a flicker of shadow dashed through the darkness, and at the same time, the street light above it simply flickered off. One of the many warehouses used by Wayne Enterprises, a big, crystalline humanoid colored a soft shade of violet could be seen encased in thick protective bulletproof glass. The humanoid was about 10 feet in height, with jagged shards of crystal and amethyst jutting out of its shoulders, arms, legs, and back. There was a hollow head on the top, with empty eye sockets that were previously full of light. All around the room, there were different standard surveillance cameras, seeing as this huge crystal thing could be possibly stolen- And if you think nobody would steal such a massive thing, there once was a giant penny on the top of Gotham's Bank, but it is long gone! The casing was also rigged with a tracker (in case someone managed to get the entire container) and an alarm that would detect vibrations above a certain level, in case someone attacked the glass to try and break it.

But there's things you cannot avoid. Like magic, for example. A single puff of blue smoke spread out, and above the bulletproof glass case, two individuals appeared for a split second- coincidentally, the security cameras seemed to turn off for a moment before they turned back up and returned to normal, and those two individuals were no longer there.

Through a [Telepathic Bond], Atlas said to Waylon: "[So, my beloved King, what do you think~?]" Having cast [Greater Invisibility] on both himself and Waylon, alongside the spell [See Invisibility], Atlas was comfortable enough to softly settle himself on Waylon's shoulder, his hand gripping the muscle while making a thoughtful expression- he stopped thinking his perverted thoughts and focused back towards the big creature beneath them, it was a little bigger than he thought, but the copy would be enough- He made the Crystal Golem to be completely still, he had casted [Create Construct] on it because he planned on making the golem destroy itself, which would make it lose all magic and in turn make it seem like the crystal hulk of the monstrosity simply withered away. "[Let me take a look around, I'll see if there are any triggers... While you're here, take a look around, you can take whatever you want- Just keep the gloves on, okay?]" He compromised on taking Waylon with him to the "secret Justice League warehouse" so they could steal something, which was kinda ridiculous. Atlas knew for a fact that these things won't stay here for long. In fact, they might be taken out to the Justice League's new base soon— seriously, Waylon really wanted to get something, anything really. He was excited about it! Sure, he didn't express it through words, but his actions spoke loudly.

"[Sure thing, my Q- Atlas, I'll keep the damn gloves on...]" Grumbling and a little annoyed at the insisting nagging that Atlas repeated for the 9th time that night, Waylon approached the edge of the glass platform they were on top of before taking a step off. Before he could even hit the ground that was quickly approaching, his momentum broke and he slowly touched the ground with a simple and soundless touch of his feet. His tail softly swayed from side to side as he analyzed everything around him... This was one of the secretive warehouses that, according to Atlas, was owned by Bruce Wayne- he still wasn't over the fact that the billionaire play boy was the fucking bat! But that makes perfect fucking sense, after all, who'd think a daddy's boy rich enough to buy the entirety of Gotham would put on what Atlas loves to call a "combination between a fursuit and a BDSM leather daddy suit", and he only knew what one of those was- and it wasn't the furry thing. "[Just make sure to get things of value too, like, I don't know... Drugs?]" I mean, Bruce Wayne is a play boy, he must have used at least a single type of drug before! Like, snorted cocaine of a bitch's back? He has done that before, it was weird.

"[Why would the bat have a secret stash of drugs on his secret warehouse where he stores his secrets?]" Atlas' dry voice responded with a mixture of sarcasm and genuine curiosity. His floating body was softly gliding around the giant glass case as he looked over it, letting his mind slowly come up with several different ways to get the big thing out. "[...on second thought, you should really take things too- Nothing of too much value so we don't get the League on our ass, but it'd be weird if someone broke in this building and took nothing- I will have to turn off the surveillance cameras for a while, until I bring the crystal golem and switch it up for the other crystal creature thing... I can practically feel the magic from this thing.]" He dragged himself around as he went off to detect and find every single surveillance camera and every single bug in the room- there was a surprising of amount of them, but considering the fact that this was one of Batman's secret warehouses, then it is to he expected. He slowly marked each place, he'd need to either turn the entire system off at once (which would require more time for him to access it) or he would turn off only a few cameras and bugs... But that would make it obvious that something was taken from that region.

"[Oh, I'll make suuure to take shit! There's a lot of weird and random things around here- specially metal sharp weapons and weirdly shaped things. And apparently a lot of weird materials for some things? This is kinda cool tot he touch- Oh, what's this?]" Holding this weird circular shield-like disk that was painted blue, red, and white with a star on it, Waylon felt kinda patriotic and ridiculous. He was in this section of the warehouse where there were a bunch of weird items- He saw this hammer that he was going to try and lift, but he stopped before he could try and went directly to the isle next to him, picking up this claw-like metal thing: "[I think Selina will like this one.]" Without hesitation, he snatched it off of where it stood- He stopped, waiting for an alarm to echo, but nothing happened? He turned to look at Atlas as he had a hand lifted towards him, his eyes were wide and he looked almost scared for a moment. Then his gaze turned hot and annoyed, and Waylon had to control himself before he got a boner then and there- Angry sex was not something he has had with Atlas yet, mostly because he goes really soft and dormant in his arms, but he wanted to, just once, anger him to the point of breaking to see what he would do. "[Oopsie?]" With a grin and not sorry at all, Waylon went to look at other shit he could take. There were also normal stuff there too, things you could find in a warehouse, like metal? There was a huge box of metal.

Ignoring Waylon as he started to fill the [Bag of Holding] he had given him with whatever he could get his hands on, Atlas focused back at disabling the surveillance system and the alarm system as well, so Waylon could steal as much shit as he wanted. He closed his eyes for a moment and reached out with his magic, sensing the flow of energy within the world around him before casting- for the first time ever -the spell called [Remote Access]. This was a branch of magic that has just been thinking about for the past two days, but today he decided to try it out... Technomagic. Magic that interacts and controls technology! The spell he had just casted on himself was a spell designed to grant him access to a machine in the same way someone using their own hands to control it could, but by controlling the machine itself. "[Let's see...]" He couldn't really control the cameras the same way he wanted, he knew absolutely nothing about hacking, so instead he decided to simply use it to connect himself to the eletronics to see if he could find something... And, well, he found nothing! Well, he found that there was no way for him to access the system from here and place a loop on the cameras, so he decided to learn more about Technomagic later and rely on good ol' fashioned magic! "[Illusions always work anyway-]" He weaved his hands like he was making the most intricate of nets, then with a whisper of "[-Silent Image]" there was a temporary filter of magic that tightly surrounded the giant crystal humanoid. It was perfectly in place, so Atlas casted [Teleport] to send away the actual Crystal Creature husk before whispering the magic words to cast [Conjure Construct] right where the Crystal Creature was supposed to be and where a illusion of it stood. "[And... done?]" alarm rang out. "[Knew it.]"

Meanwhile, a few moments before, Waylon was looking through random shit. He didn't truly know what to expect from this place, but he thought there would be cooler shit, but this was basically a normal warehouse if you ignore the weapons and giant crystal thing. "[This is worthless junk...]" Seriously, his excitement was quickly drying out and dying at this moment! He paused when he caught something from the pile of rubble and trash he was going through... He pulled it out and turned it around before he smirked: "[Who knew I'd find one of those weird bat shaped things he likes to throw around.]" He poked it on the pointy ends, a bit surprised when he felt it prickle his leathery skin. You see, it has been a slow process but Waylon was already feeling the results of becoming a Demigod! He was sure his scales could stop bullets now, where they previously only slowed them down or reduced their impact- and his skin? It was able to stop cuts from most blades, so this thing was crazy sharp! "[I needed a new souvenir. I think I'll keep it-]" Perks of becoming a Demigod meant everything he had was becoming stronger. It was like a second puberty, and Sobek did warn him his sex drive would increase ("I fear for that boy...") alongside his senses too, which came to mind as soon as this shrilling, sharp, and loud ringing screaming sound echoed inside his skull.

"[...I might have triggered the alarm.]" Atlas chuckled down their [Telepathic Bond] nervously, looking at Waylon with a shy smile while poking his two index fingers against each other (), trying to look cute and innocent, like a kid that knew he would get in trouble but was trying to act innocent in hopes of getting off free of a beating or lecture. "[Sorry?]"

"[Seriously? Barely even noticed.]" Waylon easily noticed how Atlas was trying to act cute (he didn't need to act) and grinned: "[Remember the bet? Now you gotta do whatever I ask you~]" With an almost dangerously wide grin of triumph (he was happy he didn't trigger the alarm), Waylon already had something in mind for what he wanted Atlas to do. Images of him doing embarrassing things, calling him "sir" or "daddy" or "king" while he was being broken by his dick, ot maybe... Yeah, he'll settle for this simple thing, it's good enough, he supposes.

"[Wait- that was serious?]" Atlas remembered the little "hey, I bet you'll trigger the alarm" conversation they had before teleporting in the warehouse with [Dimension Door]. Waylon did say "If you trigger it, you gotta do what I say", which he just laughed it off as a joke- but apparently he was serious. "[...okay, what do you want me to do?]"

"[Simple. Go out with me.]"


"[But you gotta be wearing panties while doing it.]"

Ah, there he is. Perverted as always.
