Chapter 43: [Interlude] A Breezy Place (Part 1)

[Clock - 06:00 | 06:00 AM]

[Calendar - 16/03/2003]

[Location - Beastialis Kingdom - Old Gotham, Gotham City, New Jersey]



[Clock: Unknown]

[Calendar: 09/03/2003]

[Location: Unknown]

POV Change

Lord of Chaos - Klarion the Menace

Soft, light touches upon the thin and long thread of magic made him smirk- Oh, this is going to be so much fun... He had spent weeks slowly but surely working on this, he had been extremely bored out of his fucking mind! The Light hasn't been doing much, and that immortal fucker was boring tok because he refused to do anything fun... He remembers to this very day the face that guy made when he sank the kingdom his kid made- it was awesome! He did torture and kill the beast woman that summoned him there though, mostly because she was trying to demand things from him after he was having his fun. But, as part of the deal he had made with her, he did have to send away as many beast people as he could before that continent had sunk. "Well, it's kinda similar to the thing I did to Atlantis, but who cares?" He looked at his beloved anchor and kitty, Teekl, who just looked back at him with her big eyes: "What do you mean I'm being repetitive?" She meowed in response: "Huh, I mean, that... That is genius! Total chaos, people killing each other, and so much more!? Oh, I'll just have to make some minor adjustments..."

With a wide grin, he let go of the thread he was holding- not today, later. He needs to... do a few more things before he pulls the last part. These changes would cause chaos, death, suffering! Oh, he is so excited about it- he truly believes Teekl is a genius little kitty, to suggest something so devious? Oh, this will be a calamity.


POV Change

Atlas - Queen of Beasts (Jester?)

It was a surprise to him when Adam started to spark. For those who do not remember, Adam is Abigail's son- the one who touched the train Atlas has been working on to make magical in nature. He got a big shocking surprise when he touched it, and to Atlas' surprise, he started to show signs of... Well, the only way to describe it is powers. Specifically, little Adam started to show the ability to shoot little lightning bolts from his fingers. It was quite shocking (heh) when Abigail came running to him, holding her son, as she looked worried. And to appease her, he just gave her the diagnosis that he had: "Oh, don't worry about him- Puberty, you know? Specially when your child has the Meta Gene. Well, he is 6 years old, so I guess puberty isn't really the thing but who knows? It might be also because he got blasted by a train once." Shrugging, Atlas poked the kid with his finger and watched as static electricity sparked on his finger: "Don't worry, Abigail, I'm sure I can help him- But just in case, you should pray to Bastet, she will take care of everyone of your household."


Book of Living Beings

Name: Adam Begala

Race: Homo Meta

Age: 6

Height: 5'2 feet

Weight: 48 pounds

Mental Health: Stable, Anxiety, Stress

Health: Minor muscle spraining, headache for overusing ability

Location: Beastialis Kingdom, Learning Palace of Thoth, 2nd Floor

Meta Ability: Energy Based Attacks (Electricity)

Analysis: Adam has awoken his Meta Gene due to an accident involving magic. As far as you know, his ability is limited to shooting sparks of electricity out of his fingertips. This might change upon the further development of his abilities. It is reccomended he receives extra care, else he might damage his own body by overusing his own abilities.


It was a surprise to see this- Meta Genes? 'Is this the DC equivalent of the X-Gene from Marvel?' Atlas frowned for a few moments- he will focus on reading about it later, right now he has found another path for the citizens of Beastialis Kingdom... That at this point, is going to become a menagerie of several different types of citizens. I mean, they have animals that received human-like intelligence and the ability to speak English from magic, they have human-like animals that were created by a sunken empire of fish people, they have previously homeless people, and in the future they will have people with powers that come directly from their genes. "You can relax- I will teach him how to properly control his newfound abilities so he doesn't hurt himself doing that, okay? Oh, by the way, would you mind if I took blood samples? Just for some exams- Have to make sure he is completely healthy and his newfound powers won't affect his health, of course." That and he wanted Robert and Victor to take a look at the Meta Gene that this child had, to see if there was any way to recreate it and awaken within the human body. He had a few theories of how to do it with magic, but he didn't really have the time to test it nor the will...

He was preparing for something else. He was preparing himself to go the Elemental Plane of Air! That place was- well, it was beautiful but equally as deadly. It is as open as an endless sky, it is as solid as a breath, and it is falling forever- Well, not forever forever, because you would hit something sooner or later. Sky above and sky below! A sea of clouds, thunder and lightning, and beautiful sights to enchant the eye and heart of poets and writers... That's the best way to describe the Elemental Plane of Air. 'Ah, the Boundless Blue...' He was so fucking excited and very anxious about it at the same time. "So, kiddo, wanna learn how to shoot lightning from your hands and yell 'Unlimited Power'?"


POV Change

3rd Person POV

Time Skip - 4 Days

[Calendar: 20/03/2003]

[Clock: 08:18 | 08:10 AM]

[Location: The Boundless Blue - Elemental Plane of Air]


It had taken him 4 days to completely make an item "attuned" to the Elemental Plane of Air. All he did was to continuously feed and enchant an item with magic, focusing entirely on Conjuration and the need to go to the Elemental Plane of Air, which caused the soft feather of a dove he had gotten, to become a pristine white feather that would constantly float in space. That was his anchor to take Waylon with him to the Elemental Plane of Air and back to their Kingdom- But there was a small problem, a little tiny thing called:

Taking the Eternal Plunge.

That is what is called when you fall in the Elemental Plane of Air, and because there is nothing but air, you fall eternally. This falling can be easily controlled as long as you control your own perception of up and down, gravity in this plane is very different and weird... It simply goes wbere you perceive "down" to be. If you think the direction you're looking at is down, gravity will pull you towards that direction! Which is why Atlas told Waylon "Because we will appear in an endless sky, with nothing but air, I'm casting a spell on you to allow you to float" but he did not cast such a spell at all. He gave Waylon the illusion of being weightless, the illusion that there was no up or down, and Atlas already knew such trivial thing was non-existent in the Elemental Plane of Air- And because of that, when the trio (Well, Sobek wanted to come along, so Atlas took him too... Which in turn had all the other gods wanting to come too, so Atlas gave them the responsibility of watching over the kingdom while they were away) appeared in the endless expanse of clouds and blue skies, they simply floated where they were.

The very first thing that Atlas noticed, however, was the softness of the air around him. His eyes were particularly affected by it for some reason, and he felt his sight expanding and doubling over- he could see everything with greater detail than before! "Woah, this is trippy." The second thing he noticed, however, was this sudden snapping sensation over his soul- A line, a tether of esoteric, metaphysical energy seemed to make contact with his own magic. Like a curious animal, it reached out to the object of its curiosity before softly pushing. It was surprisingly welcoming, the Weave. Atlas felt it make a connection to him, and that was it! There were no oppressive sensations over his magic or soul, simply... A welcome. "This..." He pulled magic into himself- The magic around him was pure energy from the Weave, and it was pure and clean. It was magnificent! The energy itself was leagues and bounds above anything he had ever felt before, and he is confident he can easily create more stars and more circles within his soul! "Waylon-" Atlas turned to look at Waylon and smile, only to see the big crocodile man upside down, touching a cloud. "-what you doin'...?"

"This. Is. Awesome!" Twisting and spinning around (He shouldn't be doing this? He didn't have the [Fly] spell on himself), Waylon grinned playfully- He hasn't had so much fun ever since... Well, he doesn't really remember! His childhood was shit, and his entire life after was shit too. He needed to be a mature and serious king at all times, but when he was alone with Atlas, he felt free to act as childish as he wished! "Hey, Atlas, come here! This cloud here seems weirdly solid." He poked the cloud again, slowly approaching simply by willing himself to fly towards the cloud. Sobek, who was holding onto him, also poked the cloud with clear interest in his eyes. Waylon's clawed hand clenched over the cloud, piercing through and pulling a piece of it- it had the consistency of cotton, but somehow it was also solid enough to hold the weight of... Is that a castle? "...Atlas, you didn't tell me that there were castles in the clouds."

Atlas, meanwhile, was having a soft anxiety attack at the moment. You know, solid clouds aren't exaclty... common, even in the Elemental- No, even on the Boundless Blue, they aren't exactly easy to find, unless you are in the territory of some magical beings. But the moment Waylon mentioned a castle, he looked up to see this enormous gigantic walls of stone and thick, absolutely thick rocks the size of houses. His eyes gazed upward, and without prompt, his body floated up as he focused. He did see Waylon pause his shenanigans and follow right after, and when they broke through the wall and approached the high points, Atlas saw what he could only describe as a beautiful white cloudy castle.


"Woah..." The solidity of the clouds looked to be about the same of marble, but the softness was that of cotton. When he applied great pressure, the wall bent a little before reaching a point where it was harder and harder to push. Only Waylon, with the enormous strength of his (that was constantly increasing) could pierce the solid cloud with his bare hands and pull a chunk of it. "This is so beautiful..." But, of course, just because this place was beautiful did not mean it wasn't dangerous! "Waylon, stay still for a few moments-" He pulled his fingers together before dragging them out in a single line. He reached out and touched the side of Waylon's face, and the familiar sensation of having magic reach out and establish a mental bond, a bridge between their minds, snapped. "[There, now we can speak like this.]"

"[ there a reason why we can't speak out loud?]"

"[Woah, this is cool-]" Ah, right, Atlas didn't want to leave Sobek out of the [Telepathic Bond]! "[-kinda weird, but similar to when a mortal prays to me.]"

"[Well, because we're in someone's home.]" Atlas smirked softly, he could basically feel the opportunity in the air- Just right there for them to grasp! "[This is the castle of a Cloud Giant... And they love to hoard riches, magic items, and art. This means we can have a little fun.]"

It seems that stealing from Batman once was enough to give Atlas the taste.

Meanwhile, back on Gotham, Selina Kyle felt weirdly proud of herself.