Chapter 57: Only a Day (Part 9)

[Clock - 10:02 | 10:02 AM]

[Calendar - 03/05/2003]

[Location - Meeting Room of the United Nations - General Assembly Hall, New York, USA]


Warning: I don't know how this shit works. Suspend thy disbelief, think in comic book logic.

Remember, in this DC Universe, the UN actually has some clout. All politics or political opinions are in light of the characters- i couldn't give less of a shit about politics.


POV Change

3rd Person POV

Standing amidst a bunch of old people who represented their own countries was not something Atlas ever thought would happen. He kept the best poker face that he could as he stared at the many faces that were staring at them- He easily recognized many of the faces that he has been studying for all their dirty, dirty secrets, and that includes the Justice League itself! "So~" One thing to notice, is that Atlas is not wearing a mask at all- he has no more reason to cover his face, because he is 100% sure that his plans will work. If not the primary, then the many backup plans that he has prepared. He stared directly into the eyes of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, a soft pale pink glow fading through as he said: "Now, we were going to talk about Gotham, right? How the stupid fucker known as Geoffrey James, President of the United States, has abandoned Gotham and declared it a No Man's Land? How this has caused thousands of death? How this has not only affected the US economy- since money is all you old fucks seem to care about -but also the entire world economy? Ooh~ How about we talk about that ugly shirt thing you're wearing, Aquaman?"

There was a reason they were targeting Aquaman, and that was psychological games. First of all, he was a King. If both the King and Queen of another nation mocks the king, the population of the nation was also mocked indirectly, and Atlantis has a lot of beef and prejudice against those with the Homo Beastialis genus, and he has actually read about the many examples of what Atlantis has done to those with the Homo Beastialis genus throughout history, which has strengthened the "Atlantean Blood Purity" movement. By having the King and Queen of All Beasts, the race that they mocked and despised (alongside humans too, even though they wish to look as human as fish-ly possible), mock their king back, it was essentially a payback and clear provocation.

"..." Aquaman simply stared back at Atlas as he kept the eye contact, unbroken: "I have seen your friends before... Curious, how many villans have gathered here today." His eyes narrowed as he stared at the group of people that had suddenly appeared, the majority of them being villains that have once terrorized the streets of Gotham. With Poison Ivy doing a lot of damage to Gotham and other places in the world as well, Man-Bat was actually on the run and was last seen a few months ago after he stole something from a lab, Mr. Freeze was on the loose after he ran and escaped from Arkham Asylum, and there were faces he didn't recognize- "Is that an alligator?" He couldn't help but ask as he saw this big fucking alligator sitting right beside the group, with a small rat in the table in front of them as well. Wonder Woman had lifted an eyebrow at that too while Martian Manhunter seemed to be puzzled by something. Superman just looked forward, trying to keep his face stoic even though there were waves of amusement and worry going down the mental bond that was established by Martian Manhunter before the meeting had even started. The Flash? Well, he had gotten popcorn from who knows where and was eating it!

Batman, as always, just kept a stoic visage.

"I am a crocodile, you ignorant man." A deep female voice suddenly emanated from the crocodile, who sounded offended by the fact that Aquaman thought she was an alligator: "I am Sobekneferu, Daughter of the Swamps of Slaughter, Protector of Children, and Leader of the Croc Guard, you will respect my name, fish fucker." Sobekneferu turned to huff and puff, angry. She was indeed all that was described, since Waylon decided to nominate every single crocodile within Beastialis as a guard, to protect the people of Beastialis, and the little crocs were very excited and happy about it. It was an adorable day, and Sobekneferu was named the "Leader of the Croc Guard" by Waylon, and she took that job fucking seriously, dammit!

The sheer spite in her voice as she looked genuinely offended was amusing to Hal Jordan, who secretly (not so secretly, as his ring glowed) analyzed the talking crocodile... The results? Well, [This is the energy construct of a Class: Reptilia | Order: Crocodilia | Superfamily: Crocodyloidea | Family: Crocodylidae. The energy used for this projection seems elusive and unknown. Caution is reccomended, for there is no known database registry of this foreign energy. Contact the Green Lantern Corps?], which confirmed that also confirmed it was an energy projection, meaning these people weren't truly here. Mentally, Jordan sent the information he received while also adding his own analysis mentally: "[And, well, these people look really weird too- Let me just try to analyze them too, make sure they're really energy projections-]" But before he even could, there was a sharp "slap" sensation through his entire mind as he was about to use the Ring to analyze the others, and to confirm if they were also energy constructs.

"I'd like if you didn't try to use your little celibacy ring on my friends here-" Atlas felt this foreign energy as the ring softly glowed and reacted immediately by slapping that energy away with his own Magical Energy, which easily blocked whatever the fuck that was from the Green Ring: "-we're here to discuss things, but if you try to analyze my and my own again, I will do the same to you." With narrowed gaze, Atlas allowed his magic to just softly emanate from his body, and there was this glow in his eyes. There was a weird shimmer in the air, almost like air pressure had changed, and a rough hand touched Atlas' shoulder which broke him out of his protective anger: "'ve been warned." With a huff, he turned to look at the crowd of old people once more... He has a few plans, and because the Justice League is physically here, he'd have to pull back on a few because he would have to use Enchantment magic to influence the people here, but if he doesn't succeed on convincing these old people, he can also use the good ol' mother of all negotiations: Threats! He snapped his finger twice, eyes closed for a moment, and everyone around him seemed to focus back on him: "Look, peeps, I'm here as the Queen of Beastialis-" There was a lot of raised eyebrows at his declaration: "-What? You think I'm not a good Queen? Bitch, I am literally the strongest Magic User of the Beastialis Kingdom! Also, keep your old fuck opinion about gender norms and sexuality, because I couldn't care less... Here's the deal: You recognize Beastialis as a Nation under the UN, and I'll take care of the No Man's Land problem."

There was only silence, and for the first time people began to speak- Immediately, Atlas learned at least 20 different languages instantly just by hearing the difference representatives of the many different countries speak in their native tongue. He was hearing a lot of slurs! Hey, he kindly smiled as he mentally added a bunch of names to his "Do Not Help" list, because he is fucking petty as shit. "Right, right..." Sighing, Atlas looked down at his wrist, as if he was looking at a non-existent clock: "Three... two... one-" Before he even finished counting down the seconds, there was the sound of a lot of phones getting notifications, calls, and messages. One after the other, the representatives looked down at their phones- They weren't allowed to use them unless it was an emergency, and them receiving a text or a call was worrying.

Immediately, hundreds of faces turned pale.

"Ah, is everyone ready to vote~?" With a smug grin on his lips, Atlas allowed his body to move forward as he literally laid down in the table in front of him, his chin was placed right the open palm of his hand as he looked at everyone in the room: "Everyone who agrees that Beastialis is a beautiful, resilient, and official kingdom with official reagents, government, land, laws, and permanent population raise your hands~" Immediately, the great majority of people within the room raised their hands, many with fake and nervous smiles on their faces as they agreed and voted with their agreement: "Lovely... Now that this problem is out of the way, I guess we can return to our own places- Ah, don't worry Batsie, everything is going as usual without you there on Gotham, you know? Death, fire, destruction, mayhem, torture, and other shit like that." This time he turned to look at the Secretary-General of the United Nations with a look that could pierce through rocks as he said: "I await the official announcement of the recognition of Beastialis Kingdom as an official nation under the United Nations banner, I suggest you do not disappoint me, okay~?" And with that, he softly casted [Mass Suggestion], and a wave of energy ensnared the minds of the various political representatives as a compulsion, a Suggestion to not disappoint the Queen emerged within their minds. It was a very subtle magic, specially because Atlas spent a lot of time learning the Metamagic aspect known as Subtle Spell to make his spells silent and easy to cast while also being hard to be detect and feel.

"...Wait a moment." Batman's voice stopped him right on his tracks. Atlas turned to look at Bruce Wayne, a soft sigh escaping his lips as he paid full attention to the man- he was, in fact, one of the few superheroes that Atlas actually liked and respected: "...I read and heard about what you've been doing in Gotham, and I just wanted to tell you- Thank you."

'...did that just happen?' Atlas mentally fucking kicked himself with guilt for mentally fucking up Batman- even if it was for the good reason of healing his broken mind and the trauma he had as a child -as he nodded to Bruce, saying: "Well, Batsie, you're welcome." He smiled, but when he turned to look at Wonder Woman, he asked: "Hey, has Ares been fucking around in Gotham? Because the whole place is like a war zone! I know that the land is cursed with Cipactli's presence, but things are starting to get more aggressive there too." This was true! Gotham was starting to get more... aggressive, and Sobek, Ptah, and Isis have said they felt a divine presence close to Gotham but like it was being masked by something that made the divine presence muffled. Atlas already knew the answer to this question, but throwing it at Wonder Woman was like throwing bait at shark infested waters: "Because, just a warning, if I find him I'm going to put him in a jar again."

"Pfft-" Diana snickered for a moment before she caught herself and kept a perfect stoic face, she was the perfect example of a noble princess! "-thank you for your warning, but next time please do not threaten the politically chosen representatives of several countries in our presence."

"Well, it worked, didn't it?" Waylon chuckled, speaking for the first time in a while as everyone had agreed that they would let Atlas do his magic, with only Lonnie doing his bastardly best to send threats directly to the phones of various presidents all across the world with a single click of a button, threats of exposing their dirtiest secrets (with clear evidence) if they did not tell the representatives of their country to vote yes on what they were voting right now. And like little cowardly cockroachs- Seriously, he didn't like politics! -they immediately called, sent messages, and used any means they had to simply agree. It's really easy when magic is also sent through text to make them compelled to agree. Technomagic is kinda hard, but Atlas was able to magically enchant each message with the [Suggestion] spell.

Not even technology was safe from him!

"Well, it was a good meeting." Atlas' figure started fading away, everyone just watching as all the [Project Image] spells shattered and the illusory representation of the Council of Beasts alongside their King and Queen vanished: "Bye old fucks, bye Batsie, bye Fish Fucker~"

And with that- they were all back at their own seat in the Beastialis Kingdom.

"Lonnie. Send the message to the president." Atlas didn't even have to look- Lonnie clicked the button he has been waiting for so long to press. It sent one such magically enchanted message to the president. In a few moments, there would be an interview with him, where he would speak his mind about this new nation that appeared in Gotham and that was declaring independence. [Suggestion] was used, of course, and soon the president would cuss them and that would softly change his mentality, and then Lonnie would send the last message to make the Beastialis Kingdom look like the victim of a crazy tyrannical bastard (That was a request from Lonnie, and Atlas complied because he also wanted to fuck with the goverment a little bit more).

A message that was enchanted with the spell [Geas], with a simply instruction- that if not followed, would make the president have nasty headaches for the rest of his life -and that powerful magical compelling was to "Get the Beastialis Kingdom off of your land".

It will only take a day.