Chapter 58: If You Don't Have A War God, Store Bought is Fine (Part 10)

[Clock - 11:0 | 11:00 AM]

[Calendar - 04/05/2003]

[Location - White House - Washington DC, United States of America]


Flashback - [03/05/2003]

POV Change

Geoffrey James - President of the United States of America - POV

It started with a simple rise of an eyebrow and a curious click. He had received many private massages before, many from one of his mistresses that wanted to try and get money off of him, sometimes it was news that couldn't be sent through proper channels, and sometimes it was just spam mail. Contrary to most folks that run the United States, Geoffrey tried to at least be a little bit up with the times- hey, he knows how emails work! And they're pretty convenient too, he must add. "What is this..." The moment his eyes were laid upon the title of the message that was this bright fuschia color, he read: [Grave news, a new nation has been born within your lands, Mr. President] and he easily recognized the name of the one and only Secretary-General of the United Nations, Andrew Apperson. He was one of his people, and someone Geoffrey knew he could trust to warn him about serious events. "This sounds serious..." As he started to read the message that he received, he could practically feel understanding pierce his skull.

"...fuckin' rats." Just by reading the report given by Andrew, he easily understood what was going on here. He tried getting rid of the floating carcass of a ship that was Gotham by finishing it as it had sunk, but it seems that the rats have learned how to swim, huh? And they've even made their own little nation of fellow rats that were trying to float without needing to swim. "Oh, not on my watch you won't." There is no way that this new nation will exist freely within USAmerican soil, because even though he threw out the carcasses to the vultures, he wouldn't let the vultures make a kingdom out of the rotten flesh that still belonged to the United States, and as such, to him! With a heavy dose of frustration and snger in his voice, he turned to stare at the door to official as he called iof for this "I'll stop this fuckin' clown fest or else my name isn't Geoffrey James- Melissa!"

(*Casually forgets the whole "No Man's Land" situation*)

The beauty and splendor of a curled haired brunette lady immediately greeted the old tired eyes of the president as Melissa pushed her way into the room, a short and polite smile on her face as she asked: "How may I help you today, Mr. President?" Melissa has been working with him for the entirety of his reign over the United States for the past 3 and a half years, and he must say he has been doing a great job- if you ignore the several and repetitive atrocities he has commited, of course! Like, for example, him declaring Gotham a No Man's Land! But the place was doomed either way, right? Right now he's only stopping a future uprising against him and his fellow politicians- He's sure they'll understand him as soon as he explains. Melissa seemed to freeze in place as he was lost in thought for a few moments before something clicked inside his mind, flowing through this sensation of... violence.

War. Despair. Anger.

He was taken aback by those emotions, almost failing to notice the almost completely imperceptible soft momentary glow of golden energy that phased through his eyes before simply vanishing: "...Call an emergency conference. I have come to the decision that the piece of rotten flesh that I have thrown out is not well suitable for rats, so I will give this rotten flesh and meat to the vultures known as the media. I will do an interview in about-" He turned to look at the clock in the wall before remembering he had one on his wrist, and both weren't working properly! " hour. Get as many journalists as you can- i have some words to say to these new leeches."

Well, it only took a few moments before he stood before a podium, and his first words were: "There are new little rats in Gotham."

[Breaking News: The President has declared the new kingdom known as Beastialis, an invalid nation!]

[Today News and Tomorrows Notions: Learn everything about the newly budding empire known as Beastialis, the Kingdom of Beasts]

[A Glimpse of Today: Beastialis Kingdom has been declared a "traitorous zone" by the President Geoffrey James. Anyone within it is no longer a (and I quotel) "red bloodied American", and have their rights as an American citizen revoked, declares the president. "They should just leave US soil, this country has no need for such a nation", he concluded.]

[Seattle Seagull - News Delivery: "This little group of homeless fucks somehow got recognized as a real nation" says president "It smells fishy, fishier than the Atlantis people"]

[Daily Planet: Speculations about the origins of this new "Beastialis Kingdom". An alien nation? A supervillain nation? Nobody seems to know for certain]

And several other articles were released that day.


[Location - Meeting Room of the Council of Beasts, Beastialis Kingdom, Old Gotham, Gotham City]

[Clock - 09:22 | 09:22 AM]


POV Change

Atlas - Queen of Beasts POV

The president didn't know then, but this natural fear and anger towards Gotham was a little bit more than just a small ruse. 

Atlas had decided to be a very good Samaritan and recycle the energy that was flowing through Gotham and trying to keep the cycle of violence going in a constant flow- Ares, the God of War was within Gotham's territory. Atlas, despite having a Greek name, didn't really care for the Greek Pantheon of Gods or their shit, but he did see the opportunity on using Ares' divine aura of violence, fear, and anger to further push the president to do such reckless actions. And it worked well- Maybe too well? "I wasn't expecting him to even call me three different slurs in one sentence before pulling a Karen and telling me to go back to my country, even though I'm already in my country... How American of him, never losing a chance to be ignorant~" Snickering, Atlas allowed his fingers to trace through the air as he had long begun the extremely complicated ritualistic process of chaining his magic to the world around him. He has been doing the same for the past 7 hours with no rest, his magic was just weaving this intricate and extremely detailed array of runes, letters, and symbols that faded into each other: "So, Lonnie, you ready to escalate the situation further?"

Sitting by the table, typing away in a war of comments, was the one and only Cyber-Neet, Lonnie Machin - aka Anarchy: "Yep, just doing some changes in the public opinion through a bunch of information shared through some forums... Should I release the prepared statemant through the Gothamite Survivalist Guide, my Queen?" Typing away, Lonnie seemed really focused on what he was doing- and how couldn't he? He was essentially seeding the US of A with the seeds of anarchy, making the goverment seem even more incompetent and stupid than it already was, and such a thing was fun to him. He had a bunch of intructions given to him by his Queen, and Atlas knew he would follow them.

"Not yet. The situation should escalate just enough... send him the second letter in... An hour or so, I'll be done by then and I'll start on the [Bubble] once I'm done." Atlas knew he was almost done with the spell he was preparing, and once he was done with the preparations he could activate the spell at any moment. He had used the essence of the Elemental Plane of Air that he had gathered in this small cloud that was held within this sphere of cyrstal. This was a Mythallar containing the spell necessary to elevate, to take the entire Beastialis Kingdom to the skies. "Thankfully Death gave me this." Holding this mass of black threads that, like a Venom symbiote, seemed to shift and shiver, taking thousands of different forms at a second. This was the bundle of energy that Death of the Endless had given him, and he knew he could use it in the place of a few components of the [Bubble] spell, to create this massive protective sphere around Beastialis Kingdom once it is in the skies.

"Love." The familiar voice of the King of Beasts, Waylon Jones, called out to him. Atlas turned to look at him and was slightly surprised to see the man in question holding this impressive looking glaive: "Does this look good on me? I just got this from that fucker you called Ares-" Atlas' brain stopped working for a moment: "-he tried to come into the kingdom, and I followed your advice and put him in that weird jar that you made-" Atlas almost burst out laughing "-and he had this weapon on him, so I decided to take it for myself, spoils of war and whatnot. So, do I look good with it? I was thinking, maybe, you could change it a bit? Sobek told me I could, maybe, get a bunch of my own scales on the handle and by the back of the blade, maybe even use my own tail blade to enchant and strengthen the blade of this weird glaive thing- It smells and feels divine, pops did say it was a glaive made of Adamantine, or whatever it was the name-"

"...Love." Atlas serious tone of voice made Waylon stop and stare at him: "...Did you seriously bitch slap the god of war, put him in a jar, and took his weapon?"

"Uhhh... yes...?"

"...I fucking love you." Atlas wanted to just drop everything he was doing and do the big dragon man instead, but he couldn't. The very fact that he had used the jar that Atlas had made to give to Wonder Woman so she could threaten Ares to put him inside. The jar was enchanted with a few spells, including [Arcane Lock], [Greater Symbol of Sealing], and [Seal Away]! The last spell was a powerful 8th level spell that required him to set up a condition for the creature inside the jar to be freed from it, and the condition that he had placed on the jar was "once violence has left its heart", so now Ares would be trapped inside the jar for who knows how long? "Fuck, shit, I wanna just-" Atlas clenched his hands hard as the spell before him wavered, he had to go back and focus on the spell because he was getting distracted by thinking of sexual things! "-Waylon, please leave the room, or else I'll have to start again and will lose all the progress of casting the spell I have been preparing for the last 8 hours because I want to ride you so bad right now." He didn't know why the prospect of Waylon somehow beating the shit out of the Greek God of War and putting him in the special little jar that Atlas made for this exact reason did it for him, but the very notion of thinking about it made him horny.

"Okay." With a large grin, Waylon stepped out of the room- only to push his head back in as he said: "Once you're done, you know where to find me, love~"

Lonnie, meanwhile: *I was forgotten*

It took him a while to recover the sheer homosexuality that just happened before his very eyes, but Lonnie asked: "Uh... Should I send the message now...?"

Atlas snapped out of his (very horny) thoughts and blinked: "Huh? Oh! Give me 15 more minutes, then you can send that message."

Fifteen minutes later, a single message was sent to Geoffrey James, and not even an hour later, there were news that shocked the world:

[The United States of America declare war against the Beastialis Kingdom]

Atlas, meanwhile: Heh, we got a war god in a jar :3