Accidental Murder

Rina was very disturbed because her husband Zayn didn't let her attend Selma's wedding .

They fought for a while after which Zayn had had enough and he left for his shop .

All her neighbors had gone to Jafrabad to attend the wedding only she was left here sulking with this moron !.

Sneha's aunt also told her that her father Mustafa had given 4 gold bangles to Selma and one 2-carat ring to the boy .

"How could father do this to me " was the first question that came in her mind ,when she heard about the amount of jewels Selma has received .She was pacing in her house like a mad person when someone rang the doorbell ,she closed all the doors to block the sounds.

Zayn arrived late in the evening that day .It was a long hectic day in the office ,his boss was a pain in the ass .he bashed him today just because he mixed some unimportant headlines of the journal .He rang the doorbell twice but no one answered .

He forgot to take spare keys with him this morning because of the stupid fight he had with her .

After hours of standing there , still no one came, now he was becoming worried for Rina as she was a housewife and his strict instruction to her was not to step a foot outside without his permission.

After 20 minutes of constant banging at the door he finally called the "Keys Man ".

Zayn's anger fueled when a simple unlocking cost him 250 bucks . He searched the rooms but Rina was nowhere to be found , then he heard some movements from the kitchen and he opened the door to see his not -so beautiful wife standing near the kitchen counter, chopping veggies brutally and heating the oil or more like boiling it.

"Have you gone insane woman .I was banging the door since last hour can't you open it " Zayn yelled

but Rina had become tone deaf ,she was continuously chopping and not answering him ,Zayn snatched the knife out of her hand ,he then turned her to face him . Red was all he could see in her eyes.

"Don't shout at me ,What on the earth has happened if I didn't answer it are now inside the house that's what matters." Rina huffed. She was different than her other sisters ,words like respect and obedience didn't exist in her world .Zayn was shocked hearing Rina's words ,his world turned upside down in just a second his sweet and obedient wife was long gone, what standing in front of him was a woman he no longer recognise .

"How dare you talk to me like that Rina .Mind your tone ! What had happened to you ... ?"

"What had happened to me ..Or should I ask what had happened to you dare you stop me from going to my beloved sister's wedding ..Who are you to even say this !" She said pointing her finger directly at his face

" I am your god -damn husband ! and I have every right to stop you from going into that absurd wedding ..Do you even know to whom your beloved sister got married ..My petty servant !!"

"I don't care with whom she got married .All I cared about was , Why my father gave her my grandmother's bangles .I took care of her until she died. She always said that the bangles belonged only to me then how dare he gave them to Selma ." Rina started pulling on his hair in frustration

"You know what I..I should have gotten married to that Petty servant then my father would have given the bangles to me and not to her ,The idiot didn’t even know what I did just for what’s mine . She narrowed her eyes at him and said ‘’You are a petty bastard Zayn! ,who can’t even give me a ngold necklace in this whole 7 years.

"how dare you say that" with that being said Zayn grabbed her arm harshly and started dragging her towards the hall room ,Rina quickly snatched her wrist from his grip and pushed him backwards ,he lost his balance and falls on stove, The oil in the pan splashed on him and soon fire catches.

"Ahh ! Rinaaaa !! Help..Help .. my eyes !!" He shouted but Rina was too shocked to do anything so she did the only thing she could do at that time ,she grabbed her bag and rushed towards the emergency exit .After strolling in the parking lot for 30 min ,she decided to return back and see if neighbours had saved Zayn.

When she climbed upstairs she saw a crowd of people surrounding her house after asking the watchman what had happened ,he told that her husband accidently burnt himself while cooking ,he was shouting and calling for help and Mausma aunt called everyone to save him but he could not be saved .

Before the suspicion could raise against Rina ,the Keys Man gave his statement to the police that no one was present in the house when the accident happened because Zayn called him to unlock the door and he was very angry at that time .The case was closed with this statement and everybody looked at Rina with sympathy and pity in their eyes .That day Rina moaned for her dead husband ,her only chance to get the bangles back but before she could wipe her non existent tears Suleman came and informed her that her in-laws were coming tomorrow to take her with them .Rina smiled sadly and waved him goodbye .She closed her bedroom door and started taking deep breaths , she had to think something before her in -laws come and force her to live a widow like life . now only one person could save her and provide her a shelter

her father -MUSTAFA ZAHID"