Everything gone wrong

Rina returned to her house in Jafrabad ,her in-laws insisted her to stay a few more days but she knew better if she stayed a day more they would have kept her for the whole life and then she would lose the 10 % land share .

After Mehjabin 's husband unfortunate disappearance father gave her the 10 %land share for to secure her future .

everybody insisted to give her something as she was a young widow.

"This had to happen one day . " Mustafa snorted looking at the big duffle bag in Rina's hand .

Rina paid no heed to his father's words and came forward to greet him but before she could ..he left.

Her mother was a sobbing mess ,all the sisters were treating it like any other day .Mahnoor was busy braiding her long curls , Sana was eating without having a care for this world and Asma was in the kitchen preparing for dinner but Mehjabin was feeling really sad for her elder sister as now her kind of fate would be shared by her other sister too.

God knows she prayed for this day not to come. She made her sister's bed and arranged a special meal for her so that she could lessen her grief but little did she know Rina came here with other plans .

After a month of her stay there ,Rina noticed that her father has not called her yet to discuss about her 10% land share .So she turned to her mother for help.. her mother as usual gave her the same reason she was giving her for past 28 years "Wives were not allowed to talk about money affairs from their husbands unless they are dying" so Rina decided that today after evening when father would come home she would ask directly from him .

Mustafa came back tired and breathless after sowing seeds in the field and helping the farmers plough their land .

He sat on his wodden chair and called for his wife to bring him a glass of water and a towel ,after drinking a glass of water and wiping the sweat of his face he took a long breath .

He thought to rest for a while , when he heard the creaking of his door .

No one could dare to enter in the hall room besides his wife but the footsteps did not belong to his wife ,his wife wore silver anklets and there were small bells tucked in her anklets that chimed when she walks .

He opened his eyes to find Rina in a disheveled state ,her uncombed curly hairs were covering her face ,torned cloths and no dupatta and she was standing straight glaring at him, but Mustafa being Mustafa instead of getting angry simply ordered her to bring a glass of water for him and also to call Mehjabin .

She brought a glass of water and He asked her to drink it in one go , Rina denied but one sharp glare from Mustafa was enough to bring her into senses.

After some time Mehjabin entered in the hall room covering her face with dupatta .

"Daughter Mehjabin!" Mustafa said calmingly

"Yes father " Mehjabin was shivering as this was the first time her father was talking to her directly and not through her mother .

"Daughter ! Have your mother not taught you how do women's behave in our house " Mustafa said scratching his chin

Mehjabin was on the verge of crying " I am sorry father what did I do father ?"

"Lets see what you did" Mustafa said in a deep voice ..well daughter you didn't teach your elder sister how to come in front of elders "

"But father ".. Rina stopped mid -sentence when she noticed his father cool and calm demeanor changing to icy glare .

"Daughter Mehjabin ..your sister is too shocked to say anything ..Zayn's death was very unfortunate we all know but I also know about the hearts of my dear daughters ..I know what they want and what's necessary for them so Do a thing daughter give her your room so that she could grieve for her dead husband in private and you shift with your mother .I hope you get that." Mustafa half smiled

"yess father" being an obedient daughter Mehjabin followed her father's instruction and shifted with her mother and Rina was locked for a few days on her mother's instruction ,Anam apologised to her husband saying that " please forgive Rina ..She is possesed by a bad spirit ,I ll take her to the pilgrimage in the nearby town and ask the eldest saint to treat her and get rid of this bad spirit , you know in her stable mind she wouldn't dare to come in such a state especially in front of you"

Mustafa picked some fresh grapes from the market . on his way back he way found some childrens playing and distributed the grapes among them ,Akram smiled and placed a sloppy kiss on Mustafa's cheek ,he laughed and asked him the about his family whereabouts to which the child innocently replied that he lived just next to that "Big house" ,the biggest house in the town was of Mustafa so he assumed that the little kid lived in her cousin sister Surraya's house ,Akram insisted him to come with him ,he wanted him to meet her mother .

"Surraya...Surraya" Mustafa called his sister .she rushed to hear who was on the door .

"Sorry for being late ..I was preparing sweets ,Akram go wash your hands first " Surraya said while arranging her dupatta on her head .

"No need for sorry ..I know you are a very busy woman ..as you give employments to thousands ." Mustafa said tauntingly .

That was the thing about him ,he never shouts or get angry at others ,just throw a sarcastic remark at them and leave or when the matter become worse , his icy glare was enough for everyone .

"Surraya ...! come in the evening and go with Ismail to bring Selma from Badarpur"

Her face brightens up by listening her favourite neice name and she was delighted to hear that her father was missing her too .

"Definately ..I was thinking of coming to your house ..its been a few months Selma did not come even once " Surraya said but then she noticed her brother was not making any eye contact with her which means there was more to the story .

"you want her to come because ? "

"Nothing I was just missing my daughter " Surraya searched his eyes for the hidden truth but Mustafa was not an easy person to read .

Surraya was about to leave when Mustafa said

"Ask her to bring the bangles too"

Both smiled at each other cunningly ...