Heart attack

As promised, Surraya came in the evening and left with Ismail bhai to bring Selma from Badarpur .

Selma was welcomed very dearly inside the house ,she was the bubbly girl who can entrap every person's heart with just her alluring eyes ,She faced lots of ups and down in just 2 months of her Marriage with Mansoor .

The worst was when she came to know that her in-laws weren't as rich as they pretended ,there was only one hut in the middle of woods where they lived , On her first day her husband left her alone to search for a job, because he lost his previous one because of Zayn .He stayed less in the house and more with his ex girlfriend ,in the afternoon after doing all the household chores her mother in-law also leaves to shop in the sale market .

Selma got scared one day when a stray dog suddenly entered inside her kitchen, they don't have doors inside the house and they just pull curtains in the name of privacy ,from noon to evening Selma sat beside the curtain holding it so that no one could come inside ,if some person called for Mansoor from outside, she remained quiet so that the other person would leave thinking that no one was inside .

After 2 months of this torture ,she finally smiled when aunt Surraya came to take her ,she quickly packed her cloths and bangles to which her mother in-law objected that she should not carry a gold jewellery with her as it was not safe for the journey but She was too excited to listen anything especially from her mother in -law .

When she reached home her father placed a blessing hand on her head and left for his head council meeting, her mother hugged her tightly and all the sisters surrounded her asking questions about her life in Badarpur .

Her mother in law did not allow Selma to meet any person so she usually remained alone .

When Selma's mother asked her about the kind of life she was spending in Badarpur ,Selma's smile fainted but still being a good daughter she said that she was very happy there and people were taking good care of her .

Nazmeen the oldest among them , asked if she could spend her summer in Badarpur with Selma ,Selma denied saying that her mother in law did not like visitors ,she doesn't want her family to know how she lived ,she hates to see the look of pity and sympathy on their faces .

"selma...Selma ! " Surraya called her from the ground floor ,Selma was ironing the clothes but listening her dear aunt voice ,she came downstairs to see what she had to say

"Yes aunt !Surraya "

"Selma ..my daughter how are you? " Surraya asked while caressing her face

"I am a good aunt , thanks for bringing me !"

"Oh no ..please that's your house you can come anytime " said Surraya while inspecting Selma's hands.

"Selma ..why are you not wearing any ornaments or bangles. .where are those ..it's not good for a newly wed to roam here and there empty handed and bare "

"Oh ..I'll wear them now only " Selma called Nazmeen to bring her bangles and a gold chain ,she immediately wore them and tucked her dupatta inside

"Yeah ! Now you are looking like a newlywed ,you know what Selma I really love your bangles." Surraya said caressing her hands

Selma smiled "My grandmother bought them from Jaipur ,she saved for her whole life and bought them from the most expensive jeweler there ,though she never let anyone wear them when she was alive , but My mother said that my grandma wished to give them to me or Rina ,as Zayn Bhai used to have a good job that pays him well so mother gave them to me ."

" Selma if you don't mind can I just send them to my jeweler so he can make the exact copy ."

Selma did not want to give her most valuable thing but she can't deny too ,then she thought that it's only her aunt and she will return them after showing the design to jeweler "

"Yes aunt ..Why not ! "

Selma immediately gave her bangles and asked her aunt to bring them safely tomorrow.

Surraya was taking vegetables from the market when Mahnoor ,the last daughter of Mustafa came to greet her ,Surraya hugged her and they started gossiping about the new tenants in Suleman's house .

"ok ..aunt ..it's time to go ,you should visit us sometime its been few days "

"I just came yesterday only to return Selma's bangles ..remember " Surraya said in her overly joyed voice ,though Mahnoor didn't remember her coming in house but since she was their beloved aunt and why would she lie so she hummed as yes.

4 days passed and still ,Surraya didn't come .After talking with her mother Selma sent their servant to call Surraya from her house .

Surraya came and greeted her as usual .

"Aunt my bangles?" Selma asked worriedly

"Which bangles ! last I remember I gave them back to you 2 days ago " Surraya said with a smile

"No aunt, You didn't. ,please don't say this they ..they were my only possessions " Selma hiccupped

" Ooo such a disgraceful girl you are ,you are doubting me ..me who saved you from that hell hole of a house ,be ashamed of yourself ,I have so much jewelery, why would I steal yours ."

Surraya shouts and collects all the women of the village .

She made many false allegations on Selma that she had dementia serious disorders that's why her husband was deciding to leave her and marry another woman .Selma was crying during the whole time , Selma's mother asked Surraya to swear on God by placing her hand on the holy book that she did not took her bangles but even there Surraya denied all the truth and swear falsely but her mother was still doubting on her actions so Surraya asked her to call Mahnoor .

Mahnoor came and when asked about the bangles ,Mahnoor remembered her conversation with her aunt the previous day and she said that she was present when Surraya was returning the bangles . Mahnoor was close to her mother so she trusted her in her every saying .

"Be ashamed of yourself Selma, your aunt was telling the truth ,you have a serious disorder" Her mother said in disgust.

Selma shouts in pain and falls on the floor , being a migraine patient ,even a small thing can damage her brain . .She lost her voice in the shock and it felt like she would die any moment.

She was neither weeping for her lost gold bangles nor her aunt's lies ,all she was afraid of losing her mother’s trust in her and also...her mother -in-law would throw her out of the house if she came to know about the lost bangles.

Her world dooms just thinking, what would happen next!