She is a widow !

Haris was exhausted today after returning from badarpur . He searched for his mother and found her sitting under the shade of the mango tree in their house .He walked to her and laid his head on her lap and closed his eyes ,his mother as usual lightly massaged his scalp and he saw that innocent ,beautiful, yet simple face again .

It wasn't that his dreams were filled with her thoughts or the thought of her was distracting him from his work just after the whole tiring day ,the only face he wanted to see was of hers ,when he lays his head on her mother's lap ,the only image that occupy his mind was of her .Her brown eyes which were casted down the whole time, her panicked face when the apples started rolling down the street ,her image was not leaving his mind even after trying so hard .

'was it because she resembled mother so much or her one glimpse was enough to give me that peace I was searching for years ' Haris has a list of questions which were unanswered .He wants to connect with his soul and search for the hidden answers but before he could ,his mother nudged him to wake up . she called him repeatedly .He doesn't wants to wake up and lose the sight of her but disrespecting mother won't be right so he replied with a vague yes ma !

''Haris ! why didn't you answer before ,I was calling for over half an hour ''

''sorry mother …I was just a little tired today '' Haris yawned

''Today Adan came ,when you were not in the house ,he asked you come over at his house ''

''Maa ! Adan was a kid ..all he wants me was to fly a kite for him and then when it reaches on the top he snatches it from me and show off to others ,how high he can get '' Haris frowned

His mother laughed at the thought of his 35 years old son flying a kite ,she wants him to maintain the child in him forever but work load in the early age of life deprived her of seeing her child behaving like a child .

''you should go son ,you never go anywhere except Badarpur that too for work purpose or back when Aslam used to live here ,you go there once or twice but now you caged yourself completely ,you should also enjoy your life sometime'' She kissed his forehead

Haris took a deep breath and said ''what's life after Dad mom?''

he said this with so much pain in his eyes that a tear almost dropped from his mother 's eyes ,she quickly wiped it and showed her son the strongest side .

''Life is a gift of god son and your dad is with him ,don't grieve for him so much just be happy for him that God has given him the high place in heaven '' She said caressing his cheeks .He knew that this topic was sensitive for both of them so he chose to remain quiet .

Adan lived with his aunt on rent who was a woman in her mid 40 's .she took care of Adan in summers and in winters he lived with his parents in Kolkata .His aunt has given him the top floor room so that he cannot eavesdrop on their conversations .Adan has a bad habit of secretly listening to elders talk and keep record of what's happening in each and every house of the town .he could even tell what the new tenants are cooking for dinner and when the new girl in red dress will leave the house for tuitions .

Adan's aunt Mariyam offered Haris a glass of fruit juice and asked him about his work schedule .And usual question of when are you getting married .The woman was not a guest loving person but would always welcome Haris with a big grin on her face .His mother once told him that the woman secretly wants Haris to marry her daughter Melba but he had no plans to get married yet.

''when are you getting married son?''

''work load is more nowadays Mariam aunt ...can't think of marriage right now'' Haris answered honestly

''oh c'mon Haris ,don't get too late in the decision ,see if you do any late no girl will be left in this town of your match ,our Melba is beautiful ,young and hardworking but still no match because boys these days are irresponsible and less earning material .It is very difficult these days to find a man like you ,you are getting no .. what I am trying to say '' meanwhile Haris was eyeing Adan silently asking him to save him, Adan got the signal and he called out ''Help me brother Haris .The kite was not going that high ''

''Coming'' He immediately stood up

''Aree! Haris .. sit '' Mariam insisted but Haris quickly fled away .

''Thanks brother '' He hugged Adan ''No problem bro ..after all its me only who save you every time from aunty silly marriage talks and please don't marry sister Melba she was a gossip queen ,if you marry her your whole life will be like ,sister Sitara did this ,zearra did that and a whole bunch of queries with stupid talks ''Adan said mimicking Melba's child like voice .

Haris laughed at the child's stupid acting and then suddenly the grip went loose and his kite went down .Haris tried pulling the string but it seems like it got stuck in something.

Haris got on the thin brick wall of the terrace to see his kite under the chair of the neighbors ,He raised his neck to see if anyone is there who can return it and that's when he saw that innocent face again in a wine color suit .she was untying the knot attached to the kite and later gave it to the small girl in front of her ,the girl smiled and ran away holding the kite ,The woman too smiled and bent down to finish her work ,she was spreading the washed wheat on the terrace to bask in the sun .

''Oh damn ! My kite ,Brother that was the only one I had '' Adan pouted

''Shh!! I'll get you a new one ,just tell me whose house was this ? '' Haris asked ,not once moving his eyes from the woman in front of him.

''That's my teacher's home, I go there every evening to learn Arabic''

''Your teacher's home !! who is your teacher ? " Haris asked curiously

Adan too got on the thin wall and pointed towards the woman'' her ''

Haris smiled at least he got to know something about her .He grinned mischievously as a new plan formed inside his head

''What's her name Adan?''

" I don't know''

Haris blinked at the innocence of the child ,she was her teacher and he doesn't even know her name ,Haris got off the wall and bid him goodbye ,just when he was about to leave Adan said ''Brother ,I don't know her name but people called her a widow of some Pakistani guy .

He stopped on his tracks and blinked rapidly to overcome the shock .Haris world got stopped suddenly with just three words of Adan ''A widow !''


** a

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