The Final Decision

Mansoor POV

I gritted my teeth in annoyance .When I saw my father so helpless that he had to give my mother's necklace to save our left over respect. I never would have thought that one day , I could deem my parents so low ,that my inability would let these people crush my parents prominence under their feet. I had to bit my inner cheek in order to stop myself from getting up and strangle this man in front of me .

'High and Supreme ,MY FOOT!!! ,He only knows how to use people weakness against them'

''Mansoor ,elders have decided that you will return all the expensive gifts given to you by Mustafa and the suit you are wearing now ,take it off!'' Yasir said firmly ,I looked at my ex father in-law expecting him to say something ,a muscle in his jaw ticked, but other than that ,he didn't move instead moved his gaze towards the giant window. I slowly unbutton the first few buttons of my suit jacket and handed it over to Yasir ,I tossed the shirt away to the accumulating pile of clothes ,thankfully the pant he gave to me was a plus size so I have worn one of my own .Sitting there upper half naked ,I was feeling ashamed in front of all elders .I desperately want to get away from here .looking up I saw my crying mother ,she was holding the wall for support after her head injury .She was joining her hands in front of all the elders requesting them to let me go .

And just like that ,I felt the knot in my heart dissolve and sink into my stomach .

''Sitara ,we can let you go with due respect ,just return those bangles .'' For the first time ,Mustafa spoke up ''I hope you remember them '' H e said in mockery

She gasped hearing him ,.Her eyes burst open in shock .She ignored the pain that still lingered in her head and reflexively got up ,organizing her disheveled state . She looked at him firmly

There is one last card to play !

She walked towards him and grabbed his arm ,catching him off guard .All the men present there gaped at her but she doesn't look back.

Mustafa retracts his arm back once they reached the store with a smirk on his face ,His golden brown hair shining with the warm streaks of light coming from the small opening ,He flexed his taut muscles and squinted at her .

''You can't do this with me !,You - you promised me'' She gritted her teeth

Mustafa placed his index finger on lips and pretended to think something very deep.

''Answer ME!! ''

''Calm down woman ,you broke your end of the deal ,and I ended the deal for forever''

''I broke no rule-----

He laughed humorless and jabbed a finger at her ''You dare to come to my house , after I have told you to stay away from it and even dared to blackmail me , into giving my another daughter as a bait to you .Just because you know a secret of mine .. .'' He pursed and said '' Listen and listen to me clear this time ,I knows how to turn tables in my favor and If I can start a game ,I can and only I can end it ,You were just a mere pawn in the game ,That's all ,However you served really well .'' He said tracing her jawline with his finger .

He turned around and started to leave when she caught his arm .''I can serve you again! ,just please keep my son and husband out of it . '' She kissed his knuckles and he took a short look at her appearance ,before he could deny it . A glass broke!!

Sitara spun around and looked up to find his son in a shocked state ,He landed on the stairs with a thud ,though he made no movements but his eyes said it all ,the miserable and painful look in his eyes ,the rolling tears and the unsaid words..................................................................................................then suddenly the thing happened and his whole world collapsed .She kissed Mustafa and he responded back .

Seeing all this made his head go dizzy ,He quickly got up and ran faster ,He ran to get away from the scorching scene ,he ran to escape from the reality ,he ran because he has no other option left ,he ran because everything was finished ,he ran because he took his final decision .He walked towards the end and freed himself from all the worldly relation .

Now no one will question his Manliness ,his parents won't get disrespected because of him .Her mother will no longer be the mistress of Mustafa and his father wouldn't know about their affair and his heart would not get broken like his .He found it easier to die then to tell his father that his 20 years old soulmate cheated on him.

Mustafa jerked her away from him ,disgusted by her behavior ,and wiped her lips vigorously. ''Have you gone insane woman ,why did you kiss me?''

''because I am tired of pretending that I am happy in this marriage ,and I know you aren't happy too ,after all that woman was a living dead---

She wasn't able to complete her sentence as Mustafa throws her out of the store ''No ,disrespecting her ,Anam was my life ,she is my life ,and will always remain until my last breath. ''

Sitara was recovering from her rejection when a loud noise of sound boomed her ears . . . She rushed to see her son was lying dead in the pool of blood .