Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Katie -

I wasn't sure what time it was and the room was completely dark.

Dani was wrapped around me, holding me firmly.

I moved just a little trying to wake up my foot and she squeezed me tighter so I felt her breath against my neck.

It sounded like she was slowly hissing almost.

I swallowed louder than I intended then she grabbed my shoulder and pulled me under her.

A growl came from her making her body vibrate and my heart raced.

I felt her lips on my neck, spreading as her mouth opened.

Dani: ‘Shit!’

She rolled off me forcefully.


Dani: ‘I told you to save that.’

She barked, sounding angry.

Not knowing what to do I stayed quiet and still.

Dani: ‘What do you want to eat? We both need to.’

‘Uh anything really. I can cook for you. If you let me I mean.’

She scoffed.

Dani: ‘You'll feed me in time, but for now we have to talk. Your innocent thing is cute, but old. I'll bring you something, last chance for requests.’


Dani: ‘Suit yourself. I'll be back.’

She got up and left leaving me totally confused.

She was nice one second, then acted like she was pissed off at me the next.

The faint sounds of screaming returned and gave me goosebumps.

She moved over to cuddle me last night after chaining me to the bed and offering me drinks.

Thoughts swirled around in my head until she returned.

The light came on and I saw her holding a plate of eggs almost seeming chipper.

Dani: ‘I haven't cooked since before you were born so if they suck there's cereal.’

She handed me the plate and a glass of juice.

‘Thanks, I'm sure they're great.’

Dani: ‘Do you want me to wait until you're done to start talking?’

‘No you're fine. I'm in college I multitask well.’

I started eating.

Dani: ‘You want something stronger to drink?’

‘No it's...’

I looked around.


Dani: ‘Almost noon, but that doesn't really matter. I'm going to get something and I'll bring the bottle.’

She left and returned with amaretto.

Dani: ‘Let's just go ahead and do this, take a few big sips.’

I did and she poured amaretto in my cup until it was almost full.

She must have read my confusion.

Dani: ‘Interesting conversation starting. That will help.’

‘Ok, thanks I guess.’

Dani: ‘So I just have to know. Why have you not asked more questions?’

I shrugged.

Dani: ‘That's it?’

‘I don't know how to answer. The few I did ask you shut down or said you'd answer later.’

Dani: ‘You didn't ask anything about your mom. You didn't question leaving with me. I know you've heard things unless your deaf. None of this seems off to you?’

‘You said we had to go, but she would be ok. Yes I heard things, but I guess I've already figured out that you're not going to tell me anything until you're ready to.’

She looked puzzled.

Dani: ‘So you just trust what people tell you?’

‘Not if they're lying.’

Dani: ‘Because you can just magically tell?’

‘I like to think I have a decent idea when they are.’

Dani: ‘We'll go back to that, because I told myself I was going to be as nice as I could be. Something tells me I'm going to get pissed off though.’

I looked at my plate and just sat it on the table beside me.

‘Thank you for the food, but I'm not hungry anymore.’

Dani: ‘Well do you want to know what I had?’


Dani: ‘Put your cup down, and come here.’

She spread her legs and patted them so I obeyed.

Her arms and legs wrapped around me tight.

Dani: ‘The screaming you've heard has been me feeding, on human blood from my latest play things, but I'm betting it's no where near as delicious as yours from that tiny sample from your neck last night. I think the term that you'd be familiar with is vampire.’

My heart raced, I had no clue how to respond so I just tensed my body.

Demi: ‘Since you know that, you can never leave. Which is why I told you not to bother trying to escape. Now if you're going to freak out, go ahead and do it now. I'll know either way because you've had my blood so I can tell when you're in distress. I assume that's why I woke up attached to you this morning. You were upset when I went to sleep so I must have been trying to comfort you. I'm going to let you go now. For your own sake, however you choose to react, I advise you don't try to get free because you won't break that chain. Also, don't be stupid and try to hurt me.’

She released me and I moved away quickly.

I drank what was left of my drink and held out my cup.

She got the bottle and poured more.

I just chugged it and laid down hugging the pillow as I began crying.

Dani: ‘That's it?’

I didn't reply.

Dani: ‘Well fine. If you're not going to respond I'll leave you be. I was trying to be nice and talk. The bottle is on the table. I have to tend to my play things, they've been here a little too long.’

She left and slammed the door behind her.