Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Katie -

I laid there crying for hours totally lost.

I tried drinking when I could bring myself to.

That was that how she fixed my head.

How she saved my mom.

I took a class that actually studied things like that as fiction, of course.

There were several theories.

Some things were always the same like the drinking of blood for vampires, obviously.

Many said their blood could heal you, connect you to them, allow you to be manipulated by them, make you desire them, and a bunch of other things.

She came in and I sat up bringing my knees to my chest.

Dani: ‘If you can stop crying, here's food.’

‘No thank you.’

Dani: ‘You have to eat.’

‘Why don't you just kill me and get it over with?’

Dani: ‘I don't plan on killing you.’

‘I know it's not like Twilight, you said human blood.’

Dani: ‘I forgot they remade those movies, but this isn't Twilight sweetheart. I will kill you, if I have to, but like I said that's not my intention.’

‘Then why don't you just put more blood in me so I do whatever the fuck you want and save me from having to be aware of it? Why am I not the one screaming through the house?’

Dani: ‘Just eat.’

‘Just make me or are you so evil you want me to suffer through every second? You couldn't let me listen to music last night. Why not put me to sleep like you did in the car? I thought you were being nice when you cuddled with me not just asleep and following whatever connection there is.’

Dani: ‘I was nice, but I see it wasn't appreciated.’

She left slamming the door, but didn't leave the food.

I started shaking as I heard her moving down the hall and up and down the stairs.

It went on for a while and I began drinking from the bottle.

There were loud footsteps coming closer.

She ignored me as she entered going to the bathroom and leaving with towels.

When she came in again she pulled a key from the drawer on her side.

‘Whatever you're about to do, I haven't asked for anything so can I?’

Dani: ‘What the fuck do you want?’

Her tone sent shivers through my body.

‘A smoke outdoors. Keep me on the chain if you want.’

Dani: ‘You couldn't run from me with a fifty mile head start in the fastest car, but sure. Only speak when you're spoken to.’

I nodded and she unlocked me so I could get up to put the hoodie on.

She looked at me as I grabbed the bottle.

Dani: ‘Told you.’

‘Yes Ma'am.’

We went to the patio my guess was it was early evening.

The table had an umbrella open over it, with the rod in the middle.

Dani: ‘If you will behave, you can have a few out here with drinks and food. You won't be outside for a while. You won't be anywhere for a while.’

‘I would love food.’

Dani: ‘Stay.’

She went inside then quickly returned with a plate along with a bottle of water that she sat in front of me.

Again she read my face.

Dani: ‘You can speak.’

‘Tha-thank you, Ma'am. You cooked for me again?’

Before I could look at my plate I saw she had a cigarette in her mouth so I lit it.

Dani: ‘I will talk while you eat. You just eat and if you feel you must do something, nod.’

I started eating the steamed broccoli, carrots, and zucchini all seasoned with melted butter on top and there was a pork loin slice.

Dani: ‘You called me evil. I could have drank your mother, and you for that matter like I drank that man last night. Instead I gave her my blood, and spared you from watching.’

Nodding, I looked up and drank some water.

Looking down I continued eating.

Dani: ‘I asked what you wanted from the store, and told you whatever you put on the list I would get. Then not only did I get those things, I got much more. I took my time to make you breakfast and the food you're eating now.’

Moving to the pork I nodded then started cutting it with my fork and eating it.

Dani: ‘I sensed your pain from the wood in your head. Not only did I remove it, I healed any trace of a wound.’

Finishing up I nodded taking a big gulp of water.

She tossed me the pack and lighter so I lit myself one.

For a while I just smoked thinking about what would happen.

Once I didn't feel so full I started drinking amaretto again.

After a few cigarettes I lit a fresh one and she spoke again.

Dani: ‘So when you finish that cigarette, we'll go inside.’

She put one in her mouth so I lit it.

When we finished and went in she lead me to the door she said I should never enter.

Dani: ‘Just take in what I'm trying to teach you. I can show you evil.’

‘Yes Ma'am.’