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Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Brooke -

Dani: 'Have I said how sexy I find your skin with that tan?'

She ran her finger down my arm lightly as I ate the breakfast wrap she provided.

After swallowing most of my food I covered my mouth to speak.

'Maybe a few times Ma'am.'

I said shyly.

Her hand rested on my thigh until we finished eating then she squeezed it firmly.

Dani: 'Time to go back to reality baby girl as much as I hate that.'

'Yes Ma'am.'

Dani: 'That's not what I need to hear...'

'Yes Mommy I'm ready to be your good girl in the office.'

Dani: 'That's what I need to hear. We've had so much fun lately and you've been such a good girl for Mommy. Today we go back to our daily routine where you're my incredible intern. So give Mommy one more kiss before we go back to work.'

I leaned forward and she grabbed my face kissing me with an overwhelming amount of passion.

Dani: 'Now get to work young lady.'

She patted the folder on my desk filled with things for me to review.