Chapter 6
Becca -
‘What the fuck was that about?!? He could have killed me!’
Dani: ‘Hey, I’ll explain later, I promise, but your shoulder is going to hurt like hell. Are you allergic to anything? Anything at all?’
‘Avocado. That’s it, why?’
*a/n: I changed this from kiwi because people had trouble understanding how she could have things artificially flavored to taste like kiwi later on in the story*
She opened the drawer of her bedside table.
Opening a prescription bottle she shook a few pills into her hand.
Dani: ‘Here, open up.’
She dropped two pills into my mouth then held a drink with a straw so I could sip it.
I swallowed.
Dani: ‘Relax, it was just Loratabs, if they don’t help I have Oxy.’
‘You just give them out like candy?’
Dani: ‘Chill, you mentioned surgery recently, so I assumed they gave you something similar. Plus I asked if you had allergies. You landed on some rocks and your phone is shattered. Once the medicine kicks in, I need to check your shoulder to make sure you didn’t knock it out of place.’
My eyes widened.
‘Dani, what the hell is going on? Are you in trouble or something?’
She seemed to be smiling as she reached for an ash tray.
Dani: ‘Do you care if I smoke a little something besides tobacco? Been a long day if you couldn’t tell.’
‘Share? I’d really like to stop crying like a little bitch.’
She seemed stunned.
It wasn’t something I did often, at all.
Basically, I just tried it so I could say I did.
But it wasn’t awful, even though I didn’t really care to do it much.
I just wanted to stop hurting.
Dani: ‘Call your parents to say you won’t be home. I’ve already given you pain pills, I’m not sending you home high.’
‘You said my phone shattered. Plus they will be out late at a business dinner.’
Dani: ‘It should still work, if not, use mine.’
Dani: ‘My house, my weed, my rules.’
She handed me my phone which had cracks scattered across the entire screen, but somehow still worked, with enough effort.
I texted my dad that the storm was bad so I was staying with a friend.
‘There. It’s better to text them.’
She looked at me kind of oddly, but lit it and took in a long slow drag.
Then she got my tears to stop, in a way I wasn’t expecting.
She placed her hand on my cheek, and opened my mouth gently with her thumb.
I inhaled the smoke she slowly blew into my mouth, and by the time I exhaled, my head already felt heavy.
I just smiled at her.
Dani: ‘Well you’ve surprised me, that’s for sure. So how are you feeling?’
‘I feel like my arm is going to hurt like a bitch when this wears off.’
Dani: ‘Yeah, but looking at it, I can tell you didn’t disclocate it at least, but the rocks you landed on did plenty of damage. They may have even messed with your muscle, which would explain why it hurts so bad.’
She took another hit and shared.
‘So are you going to tell me what that was about earlier? Is he one of the boyfriends you’re not sure if you have or not?’