CH 13|| Jealousy

Few hours after work out, I was chilling out at home.

With my pink hoodie and blue denim bum short, I laid stomach down on my couch watching a whole lot of current videos on Netflix with my tablet.

I was currently on an episode of Into The Badlands when I heard a loud bang on my door.

"WTF " I said in low tune, the words slipping out of my mouth unintentionally.

I turned my gaze to the door as I heard series of bangs vibrating through the living room.

Who would be banging on my door violently like that? It can't be Chris, but he's like the only person who knows my apartment.

I sighed, afraid to open the door. I dropped all I had on the couch and headed for the door, barefoot.

As soon as I opened it, a hand got hold of my neck as my hood fell off my head, pushing me backwards towards the couch as I finally hit my back on it. A loud crash was heard shortly and I'm sure it came from my fallen device.

I choked, finding it difficult to breathe. My eyes were shut tight as I tried to catch my breath.

Immediately I opened my eyes, Amarachi was sitting right on top of me—straddling my stomach. She was really strong and taller than me, measuring close to chris' height.

I have to do something, I can't die like this. Blood was rushing all through my head as beads of sweat popped out their heads on my forehead.

"You are gonna die you hear me. Leave Chris for me! " She screamed near my face, almost blasting my eardrums.

I tried to get my hands on her face but it didn't work that easily. After struggling with her, I finally pushed her off my body and she ended up sitting on the other couch with a short yell because I threw her backwards with force.

I forced myself down from the couch, trying to crawl out of the room.

"You pathetic little bitch! I'm gonna kill you! " She screeched towards me.

Again she came back, pulling my hair terribly as if my hair roots were already ripping. I yelped in severe pain while she turned me over, sitting on my stomach.

As if trying to choke me wasn't enough, she began hitting me with her fist mercilessly but I crossed my arm to prevent her from touching my face.

How long are my going to bear this?

Thankfully, someone rushed in, separating her away from me as I felt a heavy weight lifted off my stomach.

The pains around my neck didn't leave, it was excruciating. I sat up straight, pulling myself close to the couch.

I held my neck, wincing in pain as I scowled angrily at Amarachi. She slapped Chris and stomped out.

"You are so going to regret this, both of you." she said her last words before slamming the door behind her.

The room was quiet as Chris turned to me. I could see the worried expression on his face but I'm too angry to think of it.

He knelt down beside me, only for me to scoot away from him.

"Chris please leave." I said with my eyes clogged in tears.

Why are my such a cry baby?

"Eddy... " he came closer but I stood up.

"Chris leave, I don't want to see you right now!" I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry Eddy, I-I didn't mean for this to happen." he pleaded, stepping closer to me.

"Of course you didn't mean for it to happen. Your girlfriend almost killed me Chris, she choked me! You still didn't mean for that to happen right?!"

"I'm sorry " he still pleaded.

"Your sorry won't help if I were dead by now so please you and your rabid girlfriend should leave this compound this instant! " God! If she had killed me, where would I see him again— In hell?

I'm telling you I was seriously angry at him at that moment.

"But you need to see the doctor" He said, sounding even more concerned.

"Look, you have bruises and who knows what might have gotten worse, please let me help" His voice sounded deep but genuine and too annoying.

More anger eroded inside me as I stared at him with tight lips.

I walked closer to him and looked up at him. "At least stop pretending like you care for once. I know all this is just a charade. Just leave, I can take care of myself" I whispered loudly, feeling so irritated.

He stepped back with a disappointed look etched on his face.

I looked at him walk out of the door without saying a word.

I sank back on my couch, too preoccupied to think about the broken screen of my tablet.

Tears trickled their way down my cheeks, as warm as ever. How did I get into this? Is it because I got married to someone who's already owned?

I guess this is what I deserve for barging into someone's life unannounced. I'm such a home wrecker.

I wiped off my tears with the sleeve of my hoodie like a weeping child would. No amount of tears can take away the bitter truth of my current existence. Crying won't change that fact.

I shouldn't cry for anyone. I've always wasted my tears on myself but not anymore. I can't cry because I got hurt by a mere incident. Tearing down always reminds me of my worst teenage years.

Some people love themselves passing through adolescence. My childhood was the best - I had nothing to think of in the world. As a child, I lived a carefree life but everything crumbled the day maturity started knocking on my door. I felt as though I was the only one going through it. Not until I found my mates changing as well.

Adolescence struck me like lightning, breaking my legs so I have nothing to support myself on. Envy was something that was becoming a part of me as I watched my mate grow out of childhood.

Almost everyday you must have a reason to shed a tear. A tear that screamed mock at me as my only comforter. A comforter that made me feel solitary, like I'm the only isolated island in the globe. A globe full of perfect people that I'm the only mutated.

Whenever I stepped my leg in school, a wind of mockery swept me off with it. My eyes would always search for someone like me but I couldn't find. I found everyone else too perfect. Why was I always staring at myself in the mirror? It's to find a thin figure staring back at me. Her eyes carried with it no life. Just pure misery, a misery that's a misery itself. Her short black hair cannot be compared to the lengthy strands belonging to her mates. She looked like a thirteen year old trapped in a seven year old body.

While her mates where off flaunting their growing hips and large busts. She was off hiding her buds and narrow hips. Many times she would hear girls her age talking about a guy who's approached them but for her, no guy did such. All boys rushed for hot looking females. What hurt me even more was the fact that my best friend was getting way more attention than I did because she was curvaceous especially at fourteen.

All the bad trauma of teenage emotional problem hit me like a trailer. My pillow suffered because I was constantly crying into it. And my mirror was tired of seeing the same image over and over again. I had so much low self-esteem back then but not now. Life has taught me not to depend on tears but ignoring those emotions and sealing it in a jar even if it means smiting them with a sledgehammer but how can that be possible when at times I can hardly control it? At sixteen, I gave up trying to look perfect, about having a perfect body and all. I put my concentration on my future. I believed my future has to have me getting my studies complete before settling down and by then would look matured enough to be loved.

That is the main reason I hate someone seeing me cry. It makes me feel weak. I rather cry in my space than in front of someone even my mom. I just wonder how I broke down in front of Mrs Gracia..

I took off my hoodie and looked at the bruises still left on my arm.

My fingers trailed around the bruises on my arms and neck. I deserve this, yes I deserve it.

Those memories.....

Getting up from my seat, I moved groggily to my bedroom.

Once I got hold of the first-aid box, I started applying first-aid to my injuries immediately.

As I applied it on my skin, my conscience started blaming me for the words I used on Chris.

Why did I even say the word "pretence" about him. Those words slipped out of my mouth out of anger, not that I meant it. I only wanted him to leave me that moment, I wanted to be alone.

I didn't want him to see me crying but I was being unfair. I wonder what's he's thinking now and how he's faring.

He most hate me now. Gosh, what have I done!?

Wait, why are my so bothered? I mean we've only known each other for close to two months now.

I closed the first-aid kit and returned it back to the drawer with my head hung low.

I dragged myself to the door, closing it behind me. My throat was dry so I walked groggily to the kitchen.

I opened the lower part of the refrigerator, taking out a bottle of chill Eva water.

With one hand around the bottle, I opened the kitchen cabinet, taking out a glass.

I placed the glass on the counter, pouring the chill water into the glass in front of me.

The body of the clean glass now turned translucent due to the chillness of the water.

That used to fascinate me when I was a kid, now chemistry has taught me better but it is still beautiful to me.

I took the glass and gulped the liquid down my dry throat but my shaky hand weakened, causing the glass to slip out of my hand like a fish onto the floor with a shattering sound.

Oh no!

Accidentally, my hand flipped the bottle on the counter to the floor as I tried stepping back so I won't get hit by the glass.

I sighed heavily, quickly picking the bottle that was already pouring out water as it rolled.

After covering the bottle with its cap, I put it back in the refrigerator. I then went back to the broken glass scattered on the ground.

Now I have to clean up a whole lot of mess. How am I going to differentiate the broken pieces of glass from the water it got mixed in?

I squatted close to the area, trying to pick up the pieces into the trash can.

A piece of glass pierced my finger which made me give a small yelp. A glance at my finger, I saw it dripping blood so I immediately rinsed it off.


I looked at my bandaged finger then at my clock. It was 9:49 pm already.

I digged my face into my pillow but I was unable to close an eyelid so I grabbed my phone from my nightstand.

I need to call him, I need to clear my head. I need to know how he's faring, if he's angry with me or if he's not. I just need to know.

After typing in my password, my phone unlocked. I scrolled down, searching for Chris' name.

Once I sighted his name, I tapped on it but before I proceeded to call, a call came in.

I looked at the caller ID, my heart beamed. Immediately without hesitation, I tapped on answer button.

Wow that was quick.

"Eddy? " his calm voice rang over the phone.

"Good evening Chris " I replied.

"Hey stop being formal " His voice sounded perky.

"Aren't you supposed to be upset with me? " I asked curiously.

"Why? I caused it. I knew you were upset so I didn't want to call too early, I thought you might burn more"

"Well, I'm sorry for everything... for calling you an imposter. You are actually the nicest guy I've ever met. I just said that because I was angry, I'm sorry " I apologized.

"It's okay. It hurt when you said that but now I'm totally fine, thanks. And you, what about you, how are you doing?"

I felt relieved.

"I'm fine, really."

"About what happen earlier, I'm sorry. Amarachi and I had a serious fight and I couldn't control her, if... "

"Chris I said I'm fine. Don't worry, it's perfectly normal for her to feel insecure, maybe next time you two won't have to fight agai- "

"There will be no next time... "

"Huh? I can't hear you properly " I said.

What the heck did he mean by what he just said. No next time? I don't understand. Let it not be what I'm thinking. Oh well it means two main things at least so I shouldn't fret.

"I'll speak to you tomorrow " With that he hung up.

"Don't hang up... yet... " My voice trailed off.

At least I know he's not mad at me, I'm seriously happy about it. Even the immense pain on my body seemed to hold immediately I heard his voice.

But all I want right now is to see him, to look into those perfect eyes. Cut! What am I thinking?!

I put my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes, drowning in sleep.
