I regretted opening my eyes, because I was instantly hit by a massive headache and a wave of nausea washed over me, I felt like screaming and vomiting

"She's awake" a guard said in a thick voice

He must have said it normally but it felt like he had picked up two megaphones and screamed the words into my ears

"Shut up" I managed to croak before I threw up all over the place

"Yuck!" The guard said as he wiped the vomit off his face "I've gotta go clean this up and you'll tell Ludgerwick he has ten minutes before she is presented to the council"

Guard number two shuffled away and number remained for a while glaring daggers at me before silently stalking off.

Then all was silent, at one point I tried to run away but I found that my feet were shackled fimly to the wall, it was hopeless, I was stuck in this rotting hellhole, sadly I curled up into a ball in a desperate attempt to comfort myself.