Regret 9 (Admirer)

Reign's POV

We're now going down the stage to go back to the backstage. The crowd that was once curious and doubtful if we could perform well are now cheering for us.

"D-band! D-band!" they keep on repeating that even after we go down the stage.

The hosts start to talk and appreciate the crowd for being so alive and supportive, "Yes! That is Democratic Band or again, for short, D-band! Happy to see you alive and that you are liking our contenders. Thank you, guys for being supportive. But that's just the third band, and we have still more!"

The hosts add excitement to the crowd. As we go back to the backstage, the next band is already preparing to go upstage. They congratulate us before we have totally entered the backstage where more contenders are welcoming us back with 'congratulations'.

We know some of the contenders and I know how well they are on stage. Accepting their 'wow' reactions and congratulations is so much of a privilege.

After genuinely thanking them, we're back to our area. Everybody of us has smiles of contentment that are as far as I remember we haven't worn yet. This is the first time we're smiling like this.

We are used to our audience in the MINI Mini Bar cheering for us. But the cheer and the warmth from tonight are more than what we had there in our regular gig.

The next contenders are also professional. They have been playing for a long time now. But I don't care much in winning now. I feel like what we have experienced on the stage earlier is already enough.

"Hey, James!" a guy wearing a white t-shirt approaches James. I can tell he is one of the first contender.

The whole D-band looks at him.

"Leo!" James stands up to give the guy whom he calls as Leo a high five.

Leo automatically accepts it, saying, "You never said your band is that great!"

James shyly chuckles, then turns to introduce Leo to us as a former president of their music club in high school, and is the keyboardist in the first band, REM Band.

I am watching them, so I'm clearly seeing how Leo's eyes roam around to give each of my bandmates a nod. Until its gaze lands on me.

It seems like he's a pro in the band world. It's just that, I can't tell his role, whether he is an instrumentalist or a vocalist.

I smile politely. He then responds with the same kind of smile. Then he goes back to talk to James.

He lessens his voice as he asks, "Can I talk to you in private?"

That's when everyone of my bandmates, including me, gradually shifts our gazes away from them.

I look at Neil who is now busy with his phone. He seems so serious.

Then, I hear Leo and James' footsteps fading away.

Kyle and I sit on the sofa with Neil in between but as Leo and James walk away, he transfers beside me, making me in between them instead.

Jack and Owen are sitting on another sofa behind us, also busy with their phones.

"He seems to like you", Kyle whispers.

I think of what happened just a minute ago.

"I have never thought of that", I say my opinion.

"Well, for me, he is", he pushes.

"Stop it", I point a finger on him.

Sometimes, Kyle just loves teasing me. I have never been into a relationship. I am a proud NBSB (No Boyfriend Since Birth) member. What's there to be ashamed of?

Kyle laughs. Yes, that's him. But most of the time, he cares much about my feelings.

He knows I love Neil. And he respects that. I tell him almost everything. Now, it's him who knows about me more than Leila. Because my feelings towards Neil occupy a big part in my life now, and I can't tell Leila about it.

She knows nothing about my feelings. I never told her and will never tell her. My bandmates said I make it obvious, but I don't know why Leila's not getting it. But it's better that way.

It's no way possible that she knows and she never asked me about it. I know Leila. She immediately asks things she is curious about.

After a few minutes, James is already coming back alone, dragging me to sit beside him which is in front of where I am seated. He says he needs to apologize to me for something. So, I follow.

I can't stop looking at Kyle since he's just in front of me, and he is mouthing me 'I told you'.

I jokingly roll my eyes at him.

"I gave him your number", James whispers. Literally whispering to my ears and covering my ear and his mouth with his hand.

I think Kyle has his victory this time, but I still want to verify that.

"Why?" I look at James and ask him, acting as if I know nothing.

I pray to God that Kyle is not right. But just in a wink of an eye, James confirms Kyle's claim.

"He likes you", he is still whispering but not on my ears now.

James says a lot about what Leo said to him in private. But I am not listening much. I just get that Leo came to like me earlier from a far because of my voice. He then searched my name on facebook while we were performing. There, he came to know that I am his type in terms of physical appearance. And when he came near me earlier, he concluded I am much more beautiful in person. Now, he is asking for James' help to set us up in a date.

James us saying more information, but I can't seem to digest it now. I am face-palming. I hear Kyle laugh very hard that he is now holding his stomach.

James stops explaining about his friendship with. Leo. There's no way that Kyle heared what James has just said because I can't even hear it clearly from here due to he's whispering.

But knowing Kyle, he is getting what is happening now just by merely looking at my expressions.

He stops laughing as soon as I arch my brow at him, and sits formally. Other people are looking at him.

It's my turn to laugh at him, but not loud. He pouts seeing me contented that he's getting others' attention for weirdly laughing earlier.

"Sorry, Reign.." James is genuinely sorry.

I don't know why he is acting like this. Cause usually, he supports our other bandmates in shipping me to others. But when it comes to Leo, he is acting weird.

"It's not your fault. I can handle it", I tap his lap and then put my weight on it so I can stand up. He grimaces a little.

I clench my teeth secretly, and return between Neil and Kyle.