1 month later

It's been a month since all the drama happened in my life. You know, with dad's brain tumour and all that. So now, I've decided to move on. Help my mom here and there, focus on my studies since its LITERALLY the beginning of school. I mean I'm not gonna like neglect my dad or anything, I'll visit him everyday and talk to him, but I'm not gonna cry about it. Its gonna be all positive vibes around here. YES. I'M DETERMINED!

Okay, coming back to THE TOPIC. Today is a very special day. Guess why?

Wait you can't.

Nevermind I'll explain. Today is Phoebe's BIRTHDAY!!!!!. Yes. And Elly, and I planned a surprise birthday party for her. IN HER HOUSE! Her parents have cooperated with us for the MASTERPLAN OF SURPRISING PHOEBE!!!......

*Que mission impossible music*

"You sound like a sick person" my conscience commented.


So...let me explain to you WHY this is such a big deal. Since we've known each other since....well, forever, you must be thinking we would've had like a THOUSAND surprise parties. But.....NO! WE'VE HAD NONE FOR PHOEBE. SHE CAN'T BE SURPRISED!!!

This is because:

1. She knows us too well

2. Her brother can't keep secrets

3. She somehow manages to find our phone password.

But THIS YEAR, all these main factors which are ruining my poor sister's surprise birthday party are eliminated. Firstly, we are gonna wish her and be really normal this year so that she doesn't sense anything, unlike what we did last which is pretending to forget her birthday.....I know. DUMB.

Secondly, her brother is out of town and doesn't know about this. And finally, we are not gonna discuss any of this over the phone. So I BELIEVE. Or at least I HOPE that this will be a success.

So, I headed to school, as usual with Elly and Phoebe. Wished her happy birthday and hugged and do all the normal things.( And by normal I mean being excited for her birthday. NOT QUIET. ). And continued walking.

"Hey guys" we heard a voice from behind us.

And that's Leo! My new guy bestie. I know what you're thinking.


I know, I know.... What I mean by a guy bestie is a guy friend which I've not had in a while. He has started to join our walks. Sometimes. And honestly I think he's only gonna do that until Elly and he become a couple.

By the way, those two lovebirds can't get any sweeter. They always blush when they talk to each other or when they get complemented by each other or when they SEE each other. Basically when they're around each other. Gosh this is frustrating. Why can't they just kiss and be a couple already. Phoebe and I are trying to be successful wingwomen over here.

"Happy birthday Phoebe!!" he says excitedly.....

"How did you know?" she asked...even I was confused.

How did HE know. Also reminding me to invite him for the party.

"Ummm...Elly told me last night" he said smiling sheepishly.

"Ooh" both Phoebe and I said in unison while she glared at us.

"You're having night talks now

huh" I whispered in her ears and she poked me in my ribs.

"OUCHH!!" she laughed so hard and I could see Leo admiring her.

Dude you know nothing about girls? This is the time they like to be complemented! Gosh, I think I would be a better flirt.

We walked to school making small talks and talking about presents for Phoebe. When I entered the school, a PARTICULAR COW STOOD IN FRONT OF ME. I assume that you should know who it is. Yup. NICHOLAS. That dude has been trying to apologize to me for the past two weeks. He was trying sososososososo hard. I mean I definitely loved him as a friend but it takes time to forgive EVERYTHING he did. And trust me. The list is long AF.


" I don't wanna hear it Nick" I said walking like he wasn't even there.

"Just hear me out okay. I realized my mistakes and I just wanna be your friend again. PLEASE?",

"Hey, leave her alone." Leo said, being protective over me.

"Who are YOU to say that?". I

sighed and tried to be as nice as possible since he had a break up.

Oh, reminding me about that, Jane broke up with him because he was trying to apologize to me. To my utter shock he didn't care about it. Man, what got into him?.

"Nick, forgiving takes time. And for everything YOU did. It'll take MORE time. Please, just wait okay?" I said as calmly as possible.

He gave me a sad smile,

"I will.....Also. Happy birthday Phoebe!" he said walking away.

"Man, he's really trying. He wouldn't even remember my birthday when we were FRIENDS. And he wished me NOW?" Phoebe said, amused.

"I know. But I don't care. Today, we are gonna celebrate your BIRTHDAAAAYYYYY!!!!" I shouted in party mode.

Is that even a thing.....Well, it is now.

We reached our lockers and Phoebe's locker was filled with gifts. I may have have never said this, but alot of boys - and girls - like Phoebe. But she didn't even give them a thought.

"Oh, SERIOUSLY?" Phoebe groaned.

"Mhm..SERIOUSLY" I replied sarcastically.

"You know so many people like you, so stop being so surprised about it" Elly said annoyed.

"OUH MY GOD!!" Phoebe screamed out of the blue.

"What?" I asked worried.


"WHAT. LET ME SEE IT!" Elly said pushing me.

I know what you're thinking.

"Say who now?".....

Michael Gilbert is Phoebe's crush since middle school and they're sorta friends now but she still freaks out. And that's why she doesn't give anyone else a thought. I one would've expected Phoebe to be this excited over a boy. But well, she likes him and I will support her. Tease her first though.

"Phoebe has a crush?" Leo asked, shocked.

"I know, SHOCKER." I answered.

"Never expected THAT to happen".

"Well, everyone has dreams".....

"So, what did he say in the card". Elly plucked the card out Phoebe's hand and started reading it,

"Ahem, Happy Birthday Phoebe! May god bless you and give you good health and wealth. I'm lucky to be the friend of the most beautiful girl in the world.



"Ooohhhhhh, look at him getting all lovey dovey with you." I said mockingly while she rolled her eyes.

"The most beautiful girl in the world huh?",

"Oh shut up. Let's just get to the class." Phoebe replied, blushing hard while we just laughed.

Leo and I went for math class while Phoebe and Elly headed for chemistry. Somehow, Leo doesn't feel awkward with Mr Salvatore teaching him.

"Leo, I have something to tell you. So, Elly and I have planned a surprise birthday party for Phoebe. Today, in her house. You wanna come?" I asked him.


"Okay. And dont talk to me anything about this in the phone okay. It'll ruin the plan.

"Got it".

After class Leo, Elly and I were waiting for Phoebe at the cafeteria. And that's when Mike came up to us.

"Hey guys!",

"Hey Mike" I replied and Leo gave him a nod.

"Phoebe's still in class" Elly said knowing that he wanted to talk to her,

"No! It's you guys that I was finding." he said sitting on the stool.

"I'm having a surprise birthday party for Phoebe at my place. I'm gonna invite her to my house and surprise her. The whole school is coming!!

....Aannnddd.....I'M GONNA CONFESS MY FEELINGS TO HER" he finished.

Our heads snapped towards him.

"WHAT!!!" we said in unison.

Ouh boy, now THIS is what you call an obstacle.