Leo, Elly and I looked at him with bulging eyes which probably.......No.... DEFINITELY LOOK LIKE A FOOTBALL.


"You mean....",

"NO!". I started blabbering.

"What do you mean NO?" he shouted and I was sure the WHOLE cafeteria could hear us.

I pulled him by his elbow and brought him to the side while Elly and Leo followed me.


"But why. Do you not like me being her boyfriend. OH MY GOD! She doesn't like me does she? I KNEW IT! Why would SUCH A BEAUTIFUL GIRL like ME! ME! I'M SO DUMB! She would have rejected me so badly and my reputation wo-",

"Dude, SHUT UP" Leo shouted cutting of Mike's rambling.

And to be honest....I WAS SHOCKED. If you didn't know, Leo was a very calm person. Almost like a MYSTERY person. He keeps things to himself and doesn't like cheesy stuff like hugging. Basically the opposite of me! And he just screamed out of frustration. He must be really frustrated. Poor guy.

"Mike, it's not that we don't like you or Phoebe doesn't like you...." Elly started,

"Its just that WE are having a surprise party for her. AT HER HOUSE.",

Mike had an "oh" look.

"But, I wanted to confess my feelings for her." he said with puppy dog eyes.

Aww, poor guy. He must've been waiting for the birthday. Suddenly an idea struck me.

"Maybe you can still do it" I suggested.


I whispered my idea in his ears and his eyes LITERALLY lit up like a THOUSAND WATT BULB.

"That's gonna be the BEST CONFESSION EVER!" he said happily.

"Mhm...Just be there on time.

"Got it." I asked


"Also...." I walked up to him,

"Listen here carefully boy. She LIKES you. And if you hurt her in any way. Hell, if just a single tear leaves her eyes because of YOU.....I will skin you alive and feed your bones to street dogs." I threatened him with a smile.

His eyes grew wide and he whispered a slow "mhm"....

"Good". I think I even saw LEO gulp.

"Gosh can you not scare him away before they even start dating?" Elly mocked.

"Well, gotta do my duty little sister." I replied slinging my arm on her shoulders, earning an eye roll from her.


"Hey, Phoebe. What are your parents planning to do for you. Going out anywhere?" I asked, actually knowing the WHOLE PLAN.


"We're going for dinner in the evening since they're both working. They say it would be a surprise." she replied.

"So why not we come over to your house. You know, just hang out. And Caroline and I have a gift for you at my place. So we can head there first and THEN go to your place." Elly suggested.

"Sounds like a plan. Le'go." means 'let's go btw'.

10 minutes later

*try saying it like spongebob*

We reached Elly's house and went straight to her room.

"So guess the gift!" I asked Phoebe.

"Caroline. I'm tired. Just give it to me and stop the guess what game will ya' ?" she said annoyed.

"Geez, fine. Elly?" Elly takes out the wrapped present and gives it to Phoebe.

She opens it to reveal a dress. A beautiful blue dress. It had floral designs on them and it was PERFECT for Phoebe.

"IT'S A DRESS?!!" Phoebe asked shocked.

"Mhm. And you're wearing it today." I said, knowing she hates dresses.


"Yes, now go change." Elly said taking responsibility.

Phoebe groaned but changes anyway since she knew we go to any extent to make her wear the dress. And I mean ANY extent.


I screamed slash squealed.

"Meeehhhhhh" she replied.

"You're not changing it back today, Phoebe. You're gonna wear it and go for dinner tonight with your parents. IN THIS. End of story." Elly said.

Man she can get really bossy sometimes. Poor Leo. *Ahem*. Anyway. She wore it as she was told and we headed to her house. We reached the front door and we saw her parents' car there. Seriously! Aunt Louisa is supposed to park the car behind. Before Phoebe got suspicious I asked the question that I knew she was thinking in her mind,

" I thought you said your parents were working?",

"That's what they said. Let me check it out." Phoebe replied and started walking towards her house.

She opened her door aannndd.....

"SURPRISE" everyone including Leo shouted. I know....typical. I gave them a literal speech but they said it was too hard and now LOOK. Basic, old...but at least we surprised "PHOEBE THE UNSURPRISABLE".

I'm pretty sure that's not a real word but it is in the dictionary of "THE LEGEND, THE SMARTEST AND THE MOST CHARISMATIC, MISS CAROLINE WILLIAMS". I mean not trying to boast,(totally boasting), but I am pretty awesome to be able to create a new word.

Coming back to the point, Phobe stood there with wide eyes because I am SURE she didn't know a single thing. Phoebe looked dumbfounded while Elly and I were doing our victory dance at the back. The look on Phoebe's face was priceless. She looked shocked and surprised and flattered and happy and- well you get what I mean. And guess what, this is not EVEN the biggest surprise of her birthday. Wait till Mike comes here. Actually where is he?......

*cricket sound*

Oh, right he's hiding. Gosh can I be more dumb. No wonder Elly and Phoebe are getting better results.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHOEBE!" Elly and I shouted while hugging her.

"Oh, thanks guys. You didn't have to" she said.

"Ummm, we TOTALLY HAD TO" Elly screamed.


"Okay, man relax." Phoebe said backing of.

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!" I screamed standing on top of a random table.

Man I sound like a drunk, wasted teenager. I'm sorta cringing.

"Why did you do that IDIOT" my conscience scolded me.

"Ouh shut up. We're literally the same person" , I said mind voicing to myself.


We were all singing and dancing and I PARTICULARLY was stuffing my face with food.

"Man, you really love chocolates huh? Last time I checked those were for Phoebe." Leo teased.


"Yes it is but she doesn't like chocolates so I'm eating from her behalf so that others don't find it RUDE. ALSO. The last time I checked you're MY FRIEND, and friends ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS SUPPORT EACH OTHER." I defended stuffing more chocolates in my face.

"Yeah yeah. Hey I was just fooling around." he said slipping his arm around my shoulder

"of course you were since you're a FOOL" I replied.

"Ouch!" he said dramatically.

"How are you such a drama queen around me? With others you're like #NEWMYSTERYGUY. And don't even get me STARTED on how you act around Elly",

"Well it just happens.".

I have to say the food is AMAZING. This was basically what was happening until.... suddenly the loud music and the lights goes off. A spotlight could be seen and Mike was standing there with a bouquet of lavenders.

AHHHHHHHHH. YES. ITS GONNA HAPPEN. ITS GONNA HAPEN. Elly and I looked at each other with a knowing smile. THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME.