"Caroline?!" I heard Ivy's voice barely above a whisper

She almost ran to me with tears brimming in her eyes. She kneeled next to my bed,

"Oh my god Caroline. I'm so so sorry" she said sobbing

"Woah, woah there. What happened? Why are you sorry?" I asked her

"This.... this is all my fault.... if you.... if you weren't angry with me.... none of this would've happened... this...this is all my fault" she cried

"Ivy, Ivy. Calm down!" I said to her

"It was an accident. No one's at fault" I said glancing towards Leo.

"No! None of this-"

"IVY! Relax" I said rubbing her arm with my usable left hand.

Eventually, she relaxed.

"Caroline, you're mom is gonna come back" Damian said

"What?" I asked shocked

"Yeah, she's gonna heading back on the next flight" he said

I sighed.

"Give me your phone" I said

I called my mom,

"Hello, Damian, the first flight back to Alabama, is only tommorrow" she said nervously

"Mom, its me"