This is a work of Fiction. Names,Characters, Businesses,Song, Places, Events and Incidents are either products of the Author's Imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental. Plagarism is crime do not publish, Transmit , Modify, Display ,Create Derivative work from or exploit the contents of the story.

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Enjoy Reading ♡


(Sorry for the wrong spellings and wrong grammar)


(these are the profiles)

(Male)Eros Relish - Aphrodite& Hephaestus✓

(16)(Birthday: February 14, 2004)

(Male&Female) Jinx Sallow & Beatrix Sallow - Hades and Persephone✓(Twins)(15)(Birthday:January 4 ,2005) )

(Male)Aiden Horne- Ares✓(16 turning 17)(Birthday:September 13, 2003)

(Male)Clyd Wolf- Dionysus✓(16)(Birthday: April 19, 2004)

(Female &Male)Blythe Choi&Joey Choi- Athena✓(NOT TWINS)(15)(Birthday: May 21, 2005)(13)(Birthday: January 12, 2007)

(Female)Erin Findlay - Demeter✓(13 turning 14)(Birthday:October 9, 2006)

(Male)Axe Dayholt- Zeus & Hera✓(17 turning 18)(Birthday: June 29, 2002)'Dad of the team'

(Male&Female)Justin Genesis & Max Genesis -Poseidon✓(NOT TWINS)(16)(Birthday March1,2004)(13 turning 14)(Birthday: November 18,2006)

(Male&Female)Justin Genesis & Max Genesis -Poseidon✓(NOT TWINS)(16)(Birthday March1,2004)(13 turning 14)(Birthday: November 18,2006)

(Male) Walker Wright - Artemis✓(16 turning 17)(Birthday:December 10,2003)'Mom' of the Team

(Male) Teo Coldwell - Hestia✓(15 turning 16)(Birthday: July 24,2004)

(Male) Raze Black - Hermes✓

(15)(Birthday: August 27,2005)

(Male) Brennan Fernsby- Apollo✓(13)(Birthday: May 6,2007)


When suddenly,



I checked the cctv cameras and saw what his purpose was.

I quickly went out my room and checked if everyone was outside well I'm not wrong everyone is awake.

"WTF IS THAT?!WHO HAS A GUN ?! WHO DARES TO DISTURB MY SLEEP?!"jinx yelled while going out of his room,come on people are in the house yet he's still shouting like and also in the middle of the night.

"I think it's an intruder and i think they shot something" i said

"Well he can't kill us why would he go in our house?and how can he come in? No alarms went off " Brennan said "that's weird" he continued to say

"He's looking for something and i know what it is" I said while running down the stairs the others followed me aswell to see what the intruder was looking for.

" Heyyyy!!! Who are you to get in our house?!" Walter yelled

" I'm no one" sabi niya as we confirmed it was a guy.

"Hi no one what are you doing in our house? Were all sleepy " Max asked bored

"Well i guess I'm someone but you don't need to know who i am.How about you? Who are you?" He asked max

"A while ago you said no one now your someone??" max intimidately said "you should have known us before you came in our house." She continued to say "and for the other question ,

"You'll beg for your life if i tell you"

she smirked as she moved fast and what i mean by fast is REALLY fast but what I'm really shocked about is how the intruder moved fast but not as fast as max I'm guessing i know this guy and what i mean is that i really really know him.

"How'd he do that?"Brennan asked

"No clue" i said pretending not knowing who it was i mean I'm good at acting.

I went up our house to guard what he's looking for , he's looking for my gem i knew what he was looking for cause i watched the cctv footage, as i was talking to myself ,every one of us has it but i guess they didn't check it like i did . He shot the jewelry rooms lock and went in that's why we heard a loud bang he didn't actually hurt any of us cause we didn't hear screams or something, i really need to put it somewhere or should i bring it with me?

I got a gun because we still can't control our powers I mean i can but not all of can do it perfectly.

"BEA!!!!" They screamed

I knew he was coming for me i thought of it and smirked

"hey stupid I'm here!!!! HELLOOOOOOWWWW!!!!" I screamed hahaha I'm just tripping with my team and the guy

"What the heck bea?!"jinx yelled back HAHAHHAA I KNOW I'M CRAZY

"YOU! come here!" Sabi nung lalaki hahahaha he's also mad

"Eh no way I'm hard to get bleee" I stupidly stick my tounge out to him

"Tf your in the middle of this fight and you'll just stick out your tounge at me!?" I know he's angry as if I don't know this guy, he isn't the type to be mad at me.

" Eh if I get mad at you maybe you died already hihi" i said and held a peace sign hihi emgheee I'm so crazy (just a joke okey) and if it's him I don't care don't ruin my trip haha.

"COME HERE!!!" He yelled ble take care of it yourself , let's chase each other for a while

"I'm hard to get let's chase each other we're heading to forever already hihi" I said and hahahaha I know this guys is already mad at me and for the gem it's not really with me it's in the jewelry room hahaha i have a fake one with me but almost identical to that one

"Give me the fucking gem or I'll shoot you!" he threatened ooh I'm scared like I'm immortal duhh let's try to act like the way you act.

I was acting like i was shocked and scared almost crying and raised my hands up as sign of surrender.

"O-o-oh p-p-please n-n-no t-t-this i-is what i-i h-have l-left p-p-please n-n-no"I stutterly said damn I'm like a stupid girl here hahaha just awhile ago I was sml=iling now I'm scared hahaha

"Come here I'm gonna be gentle"

(A/n: Trust me it's not what you think)

He said and went near me as he stepped closer and closer

"N-noooo" pag mamakaawa ko but he held my shoulders and pulled me close to him


"Your acting skills is way up high than i expected baby" he smiled and turned into his demon form

"HI UNCLE!" Raze said

"Hello kid how are you?" He smiled

"I'm fi--" he was cut off by jinx


"Yeah son what's wrong with that? Hahaha i just needed a break a bit in hell lucifer is there guarding it now " He said going near jinx and ruffled his hair

"Tss bea expected all of it" he said while looking at me bored

"She's that smart that's why"Axe said and smiled

"Really you had good acting skills before but it's much and way better now" he said

"Thanks dad"i said

The other boys were the first one to go up here that's why.


" Hahaha but really the main reason is your parents wanted me to fetch you here, it was kind of a test for you guys, they said and I quote ' let's try if they can actually do it as a team' i mean Zeus is the one who actually planned this and your mom also said and I also quote 'Hades just try it nothings gonna be gone if your gonna do it ' and just agreed to it i can't win against your mother you see"he smiled and ruffled my hair.

"We were actually doing that because we are gonna send you the the human wor--" he didn't get to finish the sentence cause joey cut him off

"Ehhh?! How we can't eve--" joey also couldn't finish what he was saying because dad also cut him off

"Hijo let me finish, we were gonna send you to that world if you've mastered your powers,and if there are missions, from outside our enchanted school " papa explained and i looked at kuya axe for some agreements

"Well we'll try uncle like what you said we'll try our best ,we also need to master our abilities faster tho " kuya axe said he's our leader we can't disobey him

"And baby were going to olympus right now i opened a portal going there" he said

"That explains why no alarms went on" brennan said while putting his hands on his chin

"Yes hijo, i mean who's a dumb person to go in your house, which is super secured. " dad laughed "and for my question dear bea?"

"Whyyyyyy? Twinnie isn't going with us?" I asked too

"no ,zeus and the other God's and Goddesses including me has something to say to you and it's really really really really really really important" he said seriously

(A/n: neol joh-ah ae

Really really really really

Really really really really

*insert Really Really song by Winner*)

"Oh okey I'll just change my out--" i was cut off by justin,clyd, erin ,teo , and eros

"You don't need to change!!" Sabi nila at tumawa lang naman kami ni papa

" I need to it's olympus" i smiled

"You're beautiful "erin said

"You don't need to change what you look"teo said

"You're perfect" dagdag ni eros

"You look good on whatever you wear" clyd said

"They are right" dagdag rin ni justin

"Look at that hahaha your team thinks you're still beautiful being in a pajama"dad said

"It's like you never went to olympus dati na nakapajama lang" jinx said

"That was like 6 years ago, i was just a kid jinx" i laughed

"Atleast you went there not wearing a formal attire like we did" walter laughed

"Because she's special" dad whispered

"In what way dad?"i said

"You heard me?"he asked

"Like yeah? I'm the one who's near you" i said

"That's the reason why we're going to olympus" he said

"What are you guys talking about?"aiden asked

"Ah nothing " i smiled and looked at dad

"We should get going your father is gonna be mad at me if we don't go early , ha might zap me with a thunderbolt... The audacity of of my brother" dad said as he looked at axe and we all laughed because of that

"Yeah let's go" i said "Bye guysssss!!! I'll be back tomorrow morning" i said and they all smiled waving goodbye to me as we went to the portal

At Olympus...

"Uhm dad?"i asked hades

"yes?"zeus replied

"Wait what?!"i asked

"I thought you told her already hades?" Zeus said

"The kids were awake.. i kinda woke them up"hades hid his face

" Hades i told you!"he was angry

"I THOUGHT IT HAS A SILENCER!" They were literally screaming at each other

"GUYS COME ON!!!"athena yelled


"Stop being childish"aunt hera included

"And I'm sleepy" i pouted

"I'm sorry I don't know why zeus made me go at night"reklamo ni dad hades

"I told you this morning and you did nothing because you were busy, I just reminded you awhile ago and that's where you moved" uncle zeus said

"Yeah fine it's my fault" hades replied

"Now let's talk why your here" uncle zeus said



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Hope you enjoyed the chapter nyters♡

-love author SallowNyt