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(Sorry for the wrong spellings and wrong grammars)


Beatrix Sallow POV.

"So.. your here because we wanted to tell you the truth.." uncle Zeus said

"What is it uncle go straight to the point" i said cause i was so sleepy and hungry

"We wanted to tell you that you are the most powerful one in that team" he said

"What?! Isn’t your son the most powerful on?" I asked.

"Yeah but something happened" he said

" And how or what happend???" I asked

"Because when your mom was pregnant we gave her our power because we knew it was a girl but soon after we knew you were twins... But we only gave the power to you, your twin wasn't given any because you were the first one to be seen or to be known but he might’ve some powers we still can’t see them now" he explained

"So basically your telling me i have all your powers?" I asked to them and continued " but that's impossible right?right dad? Right aunt athena?" I asked them but they all shrugged

"Sorry but your basically our daughter not by birth but by powers" aunt hera said

"And by the word our does that mean all of you gave me a little bit of your powers?" I’m so confused

"Yes ,and what do you mean by little? We only gave you a little cause we have a lot of it, and that little is not the little your thinking about it's like 10 people having the power and that's each one of us" uncle Dionysus

"Well That's the most powerful thing I've heard" I said and couldn’t help but yawn

"Why? Have you heard more disturbing things today?" asked aunt demeter

"None at all auntie but like that's alot of powers in me and that power is like all 140 people in the school i mean they all have special abilities buttt--- WHAT~?! Ay kannat belib dis owemjiiii" i looked at my phone and saw that kuya axe’s birthday was already so near "uncl---" i was cut off by uncle zeus

"Just call me dad" he said

" But I don't want to call you dad or all of you mom or dad without your kids permission it would be rude if we come here together and I’ll suddenly call you all mom and dad" i explained

"Well your kid is smart"uncle poseidon said

"You mean our kid" daddy hades said

"Uhm okey so as i was saying Axe's birthday is coming and i want to surprise him here if it doesn't bother you?" I asked them permission

"Sure it's for your brother anyway" uncle zeus said as if he didn't care

"Uncle you should really be giving axe attention and not punishing him too much he's grown up and i mean he's been really wanting to make you proud out of all those years and like i mean it's gonna be a wish come true for him you shouldn’t really be cold to one of your sons" i said

" She's right Zeus you treat Beatrix so different from axe like he's nothing to you and we all see his efforts and like she said he wanted to make you super proud we all see it and your just blinded because he doesn't reach your expectations but remember he is your son and we treat him our son too" uncle apollo said and everyone agreed and nodded and looked at uncle zeus like I said uncle apollo has a kind heart

"Yeah maybe I'm not seeing his efforts, thank you for making me realize it daughter you’re a daughter of a demon but your heart is as pure as ours" he laughed all of them laughed except for daddy tat did a deadly glare at uncle zeus

"Atleast I appreciate my children" he said ← Daddy

"Here we go again" sabi ni uncle ares

"Why are you bickering like kids again huh?" Aunt artemis asked cause she just arrived right now

"Your super late you didn’t see the tear that fell zeus’s eyes" uncle Hephaestus said

"Uhhhh zeus you cried?why?" she asked him

"Shut up artemis and Hephaestus he might explode you all know what’s gonna happen to you " aunt hestia said

" Yeah right and look at the kid she's sleepy" kuya hermes said (he’s kuya axe’s brother but kuya axe is younger than him but he’s still handsome he looks like he’s still our age.

"And uncles , aunts and kuya i want to get a permission from all of you about the surprise i mean they’ll all be surprised for what I’m gonna do" i chuckled

"Wait did you guys say it already??" aunt artemis asked them

" yes just before you arrived , my head is hurting artemis stop asking " aunt Aphrodite said

"Your so suplada" she also asnweres her where did she know this? Kuya walker taught her well

"Shut up already!!!!!" aunt also answered I think the both of them is the one fighting

"Yeah ri---" they were cut off cause I can’t stop yawning so much

" Hehe I’m sorry" i said shy

"No it's okey baby your dad took you at 1 am and hey! Take our daughter back there she still have classes to take" mom said to dad and hit his head

"I'm sorry okey? he--" I stopped him

"Hep hep hep daddy I want to sleep and can you all stop fighting? Please? It's a bad image" i said to them

"And again she scores ting ting ting " sabi ni kuya hermes (and btw uncle hermes has a child and it’s raze so it means kuya axe is his uncle or something like that)

"Yeah I think i have to bring you back" daddy said but i said no

"No I'll just go alone you guys can take a rest" i said to them

"I should take care of my other son's birthday" sabi ni aunt hera

" Well i guess I'll see you all on june 12" i said "thank you all for telling me the truth you should tell your kids the truth too" I also continued

"Yeah tha day" my dad said

I went to the portal

and the light greeted me tsh it was almost afternoon i checked my phone and it was almost 12 of course they were there in the cafeteriai took a bath and looked at my clock again it was 12:20 ohmyghod i spent a lot of hours there I'm soooo sleeeeepppyyy i shouldn't go in the class because ei haven’t had any sleep yet i should make an excuse letter and stamp it with our logo i sent it to our principal by just putting it in mail

I’m hungry but I really want to sleep

I went to the living room and collapse on the sofa i was so sleepy so i slept


It was like 5 pm when i felt like someone was looking at me i mean it wasn't just someone but everyone

"Why are you guys looking at me?" I asked to the people around me

"What did you guys talk about there?" jinx asked

"It's just about my sweet sixteen as if it's like a year later" i rolled my eyes ghod i hate lying to them

"Oh hahahaha i guess you were tired" kuya walter said

"Of course daddy and uncle zeus were still fighting eh aunt artemis was like super duper late and you know the time there it's like so early and when I came back here to school it was noon " i said tired

"What’s wrong with dad and uncle hades their always like that"kuya axe said

"Since childhood that’s the thing that we know about them and as if it's something new to us" sabi ni blythe while headed to my feet part

"I mean i know mom stopped them right and kuya(older brother)?" Tanong ni kuya axe

"Like duh kuya they were guilty cause I was yawning everytime, cause I was supposed to be there yesterday morning but dad was always looking at his phone so he got here last night so mom scolded him and uncle zeus too cause he was the one who’s always on his phone than me” I explained

"eh so that’s why"joey said

"Yeah now I'm bored what do you wanna do? We could go shopping go to Jollibee or McDonalds right?" I aksed them

"I mean we should i have to buy my things i mean my birthday is near" kuya axe said

"Ah yes about that we should go out and eat. We should buy formal clothes and gifts guys how about that?" I said they all nodded

"okey I’ll get the car ready just go there if your done" sabi niya

"We should get ready" I said and went to my room


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