Cap 4: Last training

I woke up and felt a little dizzy, and I didn't drink almost at night. After I told Mailux and the others that I am possibly going to be the user of elemental lightning magic, they had been a bit surprised but after a while they got over it and accepted it, Mailux was the first to speak and said that the He had already imagined it because it was almost impossible for someone to use the same element as another. Well after that a girl approached me and invited me to dance, I refused but she insisted.

"Come on man, are you going to reject the offer of this beautiful lady?" Zedrick said touching his man

"I don't know how to dance, and even less what the nobles and royalty dance," I whispered.

"Accept, it's not that difficult to dance a waltz. In addition, she is the daughter of a Sir, Sir Alberth and is the daughter of the head of a noble family, Mrs. Ines, rejecting her offer would bring you a little trouble" insisted Zedrick.

I let out a sigh "for the record, I can't dance".

"It doesn't matter, I taught you," she finished with a pleasant and tender smile.

A waiter was passing by and I grabbed a cup of alcoholic drink and drank it thoroughly, I went with the girl to dance and as we talked all night, she told me that her family was the second most powerful family in the kingdom and the 3 in the continent, her father has fought in 3 wars with the beasts and one with dwarfs, giants and beasts united, and that her mother belongs to the nobility, and they will soon name her the leader, on the other hand, she told me that her name was Liliana and that a month ago he turned 19 years old.

I only listened to her speak and from time to time I spoke to her, I told her that my name was Sam Borzon and that I was 20 years old, she told me that she had never seen me in this city and I told her it was because I lived in a town far from here, I doubt a little but in the end he believed me, and it was like that all night. We also had a few drinks and when I started to feel dizzy I stopped drinking and left the party, I arrived at the inn at 2:30 a.m.

The dizziness is passing but aha, I got up to brush and take a shower, I got dressed and as always I went to the same cafeteria for breakfast, although it was already 11:20 am hahahahahaha, already the training to degrease my body finished, my superhuman strength has returned, I just need my last training which is to learn and master elemental magic in order to start my journey in search of my two friends; and of course, visit the other two kingdoms.

I finished breakfast and went to the training ground where Mailux will be waiting for me, I arrived and there I was sitting in the shade waiting for the poor hahahahaha.

"Where were you? You're late!" Mailux said as he adjusted his glasses and a little irritated.

"Sorry is that I woke up a bit late and well ... But it doesn't matter, I'm already here so tell me what I have to do to master lightning elemental magic?"

"In order for you to learn elemental lightning magic, you must learn to master your energy, the energy of your body," Mailux said.

"Well, I already know that so what else?" I asked hoping he would say something riskier.

"You must have full concentration and good control, elemental lightning magic is difficult to master since it is a free and very powerful element, and by the way, you must have a large amount of energy since it is also exhausting to use it a lot."

"No problem, is that all? Can I practice it in my room?"

"Sure, as long as it doesn't get out of control" Mailux withdrew while he adjusted his glasses.

Bueeno, I left and went straight to my room in the inn, first I thought about what I should do first, in the end I chose to release part of my energy (which is a lot) and then clear my mind, which I will do meditating . I stood in front of my bed and sat on the floor, I got into the meditation pose, first I relaxed my mind, I left my mind blank and then I went on to release a part of my energy, when I did the room shook a bit but I didn't pay attention to it, once I had already released much of my energy, I sealed the rest.

Then the energy that I released, I controlled it and positioned it throughout my body creating a fine barrier of energy, I already had my mind relaxed and blank and I had already controlled my energy, so I decided to think about the elemental magic of lightning. First I thought of its shape, second I thought of its power and third, I thought of relaxing my body and channeling that power throughout my body, I felt a tingling run through my entire being, I had already channeled it the first time, the second step was a so difficult.

It consists of creating small electrical sparks in the fingers of my hands, at first it cost me a bit, my fingers suffered not so deep cuts, after a while I was able to create it, I was able to create sparks in my fingers. When I opened my eyes and got up I felt a little tired and dizzy, it was from the effort, I left the room and went to the infirmary of the inn so that my hands would heal, I arrived and saw that there was some patients, some for fighting each other at the bar, and others for being sick.

I saw a nurse who was not busy and I approached her and said if she could heal me, to which she kindly said yes, it took a few minutes to heal me completely, when she finished I went to my room and saw that it was already 4 o'clock : 40 pm, I remembered that Liliana yesterday before leaving the party had invited me to eat today at 5:00 in the afternoon, I as best I could I took off my clothes and bathed as fast as I could, I opened the closet and saw one somewhat elegant clothes and I put them on. A black dress pants, a white walker and a black jacket, I had dress shoes that I bought two days ago and put them on.

It was already 5:00 pm, I remember she told me to meet in the city park, which was about 7 minutes from the inn, I ran and as fast as I could I arrived a minute before her, I dried the sweat on her forehead, after a while she approached me and I grabbed her right hand and kissed it, what? Now can't I be polite to the ladies ??

"Oh but how polite" Liliana said with a smile.

"So you can see that I do have manners instilled from my childhood" I returned the smile.

"Hahahahaha, good that you have come, come I will take you to a restaurant that is near here, you will love it, they have the richest meals in the kingdom" Liliana said as she arched her arm.

"Okay, as you say Miss Liliana" I crossed my right arm with her left arm and we walked to that restaurant that she mentioned, we walked for 4 minutes and finally we had arrived. I spent the whole tour talking to her about funny things, for some reason I like her, the restaurant is a bit big and very elegant, luckily I brought a few silver coins, we sat at a table that was almost in In the middle of the restaurant, we asked what we were going to eat and we chatted all night, we lasted there until 8:30 pm, I decided to accompany her home but she kindly refused, she said it was not necessary, that her father was going to send a carriage to collect it.

I told her it's okay and I said goodbye to her with a kiss on the cheek, she was a little surprised and blushed, I had forgotten that they no longer did that in this era hahahahaha, I explained why I sent her away with a kiss in The cheek and understood, the carriage had already arrived and she got on it and left, I was walking towards the inn when out of nowhere two hooded guys appeared; a guy alone on the street at 9 o'clock at night with some silver coins in his pockets, it was obvious that they were thieves, but not only that, they wanted to murder me since the two of them took out knives of about 20 cm, I on the other hand I was not surprised, it is obvious that I was going to beat them up.

The first guy jumped at me and I dodged him, making way for him to the right, he lost his balance a little and I took advantage of it to kick him in the back causing him to fall to the floor and hit his face on him, the second boy was more aggressive and intense to stab me in the front, when he stabbed, I grabbed him by the wrist twisting it and causing the knife to fall to the floor, I pushed the boy towards me to knee him in the stomach, he fell breathlessly writhing from the In pain, the first boy got up and I quickly knocked him unconscious with a kick to the back of the neck, while the second boy took off the hood that covered his face and grabbed him by the hair.

"Who are you and why did you try to kill me?" I said with a somewhat irritated voice.

"No-we are thieves sir, a guy told us that if we murdered him he would pay us 30 silver coins- the boy stammered a little and it seemed that he was afraid.2

"Who was the guy? RESPOND!" I said with an annoyed voice.

"I don't know, I don't know, I just know that it belongs to the Raider family, that family belongs to the nobility and is very strong, which is why we don't reject it" the boy said while crying.

Ts, what was missing, I don't know who the Raider family is so tomorrow I'll ask Mailux, I knocked the boy unconscious with an electric shock, I didn't give him a strong shock, just enough to knock him unconscious, I saw two guards I stopped by and I called them, I explained the situation, omitting who hired them and took them away, I on the other hand I went to rest, tomorrow I have a long day. I arrived at the inn and went up to my room, I threw myself fully into bed and fell asleep instantly, when I woke up I heard someone knock on the door, I got up and opened it, it was a maid who came to collect the dirty clothes To wash her, I gave her all the dirty clothes and she left, it was 8:30 am, I brushed myself and decided to train all morning to finally master the elemental magic of lightning.

This time I was only wearing pants, I didn't have a shirt, I sat down and opted for the meditation pose, I did the same procedure as yesterday but this time I was going to control the element completely, for which I released more energy and controlled it, I was like that for 3 hours until finally I felt that my whole being shuddered, the element of the lightning went through my veins, I felt that my whole body was temple. I got up and my body returned to normal, my whole body tempered and I saw how some sparks came out of it. He had already mastered the elemental magic of lightning.

I took a bath and headed to the training ground, where I told Mailux to show up there to show him that I had already mastered elemental lightning magic. I arrived and Mailux appeared a few minutes later,

"What's wrong, why did you call me?"

"I can already control elemental lightning magic and wanted to teach you."

Mailux was surprised as it only took me 2 days to master the elemental lightning magic, he told me that his friend the former user of this element took a month to master it, it was clear that he lacked control and a large amount of energy, I I just had to meditate and hahahahaha, but anyway, Mailux said that if it was true that he had mastered it that he would fight one last time with him, in order to finish my last training session. I accepted and we both got into fighting positions.

I was the first to attack, I launched myself towards Mailux and he dodged me, he tried to kick me hard in the stomach but I turned in the air to the right avoiding him, I fell with my left foot outstretched and the other foot under me and my right arm stretching it towards the ground (spider man type). I took a strong jump up and turned in the air with my left foot, I thought to give it a strong kick, I concentrated a little energy on the heel and made a type of electric field appear in it, it was small so I controlled it perfectly . Mailux saw this and was a bit surprised.

My foot was about to hit him, but he barely dodged it, my foot hit the ground creating a small crater and lightning bolts shot out of the ground. I did a cartwheel backwards and threw myself towards him again, but this time I was going faster, he couldn't avoid me, I stood just below him and gave him a strong kick on the chin lifting him off the ground, he was about 3 meters away in the air, I jumped and passed him by little, in my right hand I created some electrical sparks and I put it on his chest, I gave him an electric shock causing him to fall sharply to the ground and he was paralyzed 1 minute, after 1 min, he He got up with a bit of difficulty already sore.

"Wow, you surprised me with that last attack, it shows that you are strong and that you mastered elemental lightning magic, I think this training is over" Mailux said as he got up from the ground.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you would fall so abruptly on the ground hahahahahahaha, but yes, as I told you I just needed to get used to my body again, now I'm ready to fight with anyone. By the way, yesterday some guys wanted to kill me, obviously I beat them up, but I asked one why and he told me that someone from the Raider family was the one who hired them."

"From the Raider family? Hmm, the only one who could do that is Frederick Raider, son of the leader of the Raider family, the boy is in love with Miss Liliana but she does not want him, Miss Liliana rejected him several times but he is still behind her, at the Better as he saw that I dance with you on the day of the princess's party and you went out with her yesterday, he felt jealous and tried to eliminate you."

"I see, but if he rejected it several times, why is he still insisting? How stubborn he is, but the next time I see him I will give him a beating so that he does not send others to fight with me. If he's very cocky, why doesn't he come in person?" I said while wrinkling my face.

"Okay, forgotten, by the way, since you've finished all your training, are you going to go to the king to warn him?" Mailux said as he adjusted his glasses.

"That's right we go" I went with Mailux to the royal castle to start my journey and learn more about this new era, dear friend, he waited and you have not become extinct.