Cap 5: Let the journey begin!

Mailux and I arrived at the king's castle and we went straight to the royal room where he would be, when we arrived the king received us with a welcome, we bowed in thanks and Mailux spoke.

"Your Majesty, I have come to inform you that Sam Borzon has already completed his training and is now ready to visit the other two kingdoms."

"Oh how wonderful, then let me order you a suitable carriage so that you can leave as soon as possible, besides Mr. Sam Borzon, have you not contacted your friends yet?" King Frank spoke.

"Unfortunately, I have not yet established contact with them, Your Majesty, but I will take advantage of this trip to find them; and one more thing. I would like Mailux to accompany me on the journey as I do not know any kingdoms and possibly cause problems during the journey."

"Sure, no problem, Mailux entrusted you to be Mr. Sam Borzon's guide and guard," King Frank said.

"As you order your majesty," Mailux replied as he bowed slightly as he adjusted his glasses.

"Well, without more to say, I end this last minute meeting. Go do what you have to do before you go" King Frank

When the king finished speaking, we bowed and left, it was already 3:40 pm, therefore we will leave tomorrow Monday at 8:00 in the morning, Mailux agreed to meet outside the royal castle to leave, I I went to the inn and Mailux went to do whatever he was going to do.

When I got to the inn, Liliana was waiting for me there, the truth is that I liked her a little. I don't know if she feels the same way about me, maybe she does.

"Saaam!" Liliana threw herself at me with a beautiful smile and as if it were the first time we had seen each other after so long.

I hugged her and said, "Hi Liliana, what are you doing here?" She replied that she felt alone and wanted to see me, how could I deny that a beauty like her wanted to see me? She is a very nice, nice girl and above all very attentive and intelligent.

Her hair is a bright golden color, her skin is smooth and white, her eyes are a crystal blue color, she is about 1.70 and her other measurements are, uhum uhum. Well let's not deviate, she is beautiful and a nice girl so it is a compliment to me that she wants to see me.

"Hey Sam, what are you doing tomorrow?" Liliana asked me with a tender look.

"Well, at the moment I have to prepare everything because tomorrow I will leave with Mailux to visit the other two kingdoms and I will also take the opportunity to look for some old friends."

"Aaahhhh really? Too bad, and I wanted to spend it with you" her face became a little sad, that hit my heart.

"Don't be sad, when I got to do the whole trip, I'll go out with you and buy you something, do you think?" I replied with a smile.

"Mmmm well, if you say so. Hey, I have an idea, what do you think if I go with you? So we would both be together."

"What? No, no, no, how do you think, what will your parents say? We better avoid problems and let's calm down a bit, I already told you that when I come back I would go out with you and buy you something, do not rush cute."

Liliana blushed a little with the last thing I said, apparently if she liked me jijijijiji, in the end she had no choice but to accept, both she and I knew that if she accompanied me we would only cause problems for her family. She and I chatted for a while and just as a carriage was leaving it stopped in front of us, the carriage was luxurious so maybe it belonged to a wealthy family.

Liliana got a little upset when she saw that carriage and stood behind me, I just watched the carriage and saw how the door opened, a young man came out of it, he looked about 20 years old, he was wearing armor not so flashy but a little, His entire armor was golden in color and he carried a sword as well. On his chest there was a symbol of a more or less large sun.

"Ts is the one again" not even two seconds passed when I deduced what Liliana meant. He was the idiot who sent me to kill and he is the one who is after Liliana. Alf Raider, son of the Raider family, I clenched my fists and looked at him with revulsion, his face only reflected arrogance and hypocrisy.

"What do you want and what are you doing here?" Liliana said that to Alf with an irritated look.

"Oh my dear Liliana, that's not the way to talk to a lover of yours, what would your parents say?" On Alf's face you could see the arrogant and conceited face.

"Wait, don't even think about talking to Liliana, you idiot, besides, you owe me an explanation of why you sent me to kill. You tell me for good or I'll punch it out, which one do you choose?" My anger could be clearly seen on my face.

Alf turned his gaze towards me and his face changed to anger, revulsion and contempt. It was clear that he did not like it very well, his left hand grasped the handle of his sword and squeezed it.

"You are clearly a hindrance that crossed my Liliana's love and mine. It was obvious that You have to get rid of obstacles from the road, but I see that those two useless ones couldn't. A petty scum like you" Alf only drew his sword a little.

"First of all, what love? If Liliana really loves you, she would have already said yes, stupid, and second. If it's a fight you want, come on, here I am, whenever and wherever you want" this guy had me fed up with her ridiculousness.

"Ts, okay, here and now!" Alf drew his sword completely and got into a fighting stance. I reacted as such and I also put myself in a fighting position, Liliana on the other hand seemed a bit worried but it was more than clear that she supported me.

"I'm not responsible for breaking some of your bones," I said with a calm and confident voice, that made him angrier and he launched himself at me, it's fast I admit, but I am more. I dodged him easily and he just did the same again, I dodged him again without any difficulty, this time he did something different, he began to launch cuts with admirable precision and speed. I dodged them but still suffered a few polite milds.

"You are fast and accurate, I admit it but you are not enough to beat me" once I finished speaking I quickly launched myself towards him. He was barely able to dodge me, he was a few steps towards me, therefore I kicked him in the left arm causing him to release the sword, then quickly I balanced towards him and gave him four blows to the chest sending him away from me.

The two guards who were with him also attacked me, I dodged their attacks, I was in front of the two, I jumped and turned on my own axis, kicking him with my left foot on the head of the first guard, I destroyed his helmet that he had and he fell unconscious, the second tried to cut me with his sword but I dodged him and turned on the ground, knocking him down, jumped on top of him and with my right fist I stuck him in the face leaving him also unconscious.

Alf got up from the place where he had fallen and I noticed him very, very upset, he ran towards me. He wanted to stick his sword in my stomach, I jumped up and got behind him, I put my left hand on his back and gave him an electric shock, taking him a few meters away from me and also leaving him paralyzed for 1 minute, the guards woke up and tried attack me but when they saw Alf on the ground they ran towards him. Alf gave the order to withdraw and as he got into the carriage he told me —this is not going to stay that way, remember it!

I let out a sigh and went to Liliana, her face reflected happiness for having beaten her and she hugged me tightly, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and she left happy, I just felt calm and decided to go to my room, I got processed everything that had happened a while ago and I decided to bathe, when I left the bathroom I saw that it was already 6:20 pm, I got dressed and packed a few clothes and hygiene utensils, after I finished packing I looked at the clock and it was already 8:00 pm, I lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

The next day I woke up as I heard someone knocking on the door abruptly, I jumped up and opened it to see who it was.

"I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU FOR 2 HOURS, TELL ME WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? !!" Mailux yelled like crazy, very annoyed.

"AAHHH, why are you screaming?" If it is just the ... ¿¿10 ???? HAHAHAHAHAHA I fell asleep hahahahaha - I couldn't hold my laughter, Mailux was upset and it was funny to see him like that, plus I fell asleep hahahaha.

"STOP LAUGHING AND CHANGE WE'RE ALREADY HAVING TO GO !!" You could see a vein crossing his forehead, how funny.

"Yes, yes, I'm going and calm down, I'll give you something." I changed my clothes, I put on tight black pants, military boots, a dark gray shirt and I put on a long robe that reached my knee and was made of a resistant material that was black, this one too I had a hat that covered my face a bit, obviously I did not put the hat on, when I finished dressing I looked in the mirror and saw that everything fit me hahahaha, I grabbed my suitcase and I went with Mailux to the entrance of the inn where he was waiting for the carriage.

When we went down, outside there were two carriages apart from ours, and speaking 10 guards with large armor and they looked strong, also with them was Alf, God how irritating this boy is!

"Mr. Mailux, he regretted to inform you that that guy who is going with you attacked Mr. Alf and two guards who accompanied him yesterday afternoon, therefore he will have to accompany us to the Raider family house to exercise his judgment and punish him severely" the one who spoke was a guard.

"Oh god, you don't know what it is not to cause trouble?" Mailux was in case upset, he was even more upset.

"Well, I don't know what that idiot told you, but he started first, he was the one who offered me a fight besides that a few days ago he hired two thieves to assassinate me, and I didn't even know him until yesterday, and the lady Liliana was present when this individual suddenly appeared to form a show" I replied a bit annoyed.

"Shut up! All this happened because you are a hindrance in our relationship!" Alf was also upset.

"By God, what relationship? Remember that she has rejected you more than 4 times, also does not deny having done everything I said" I said with a serious face.

"Enough! He regretted telling you that Mr. Sam Borzon will not go anywhere, in fact I will press charges for the attempted murder by Mr. Alf therefore GUARDS!" 4 guards with golden armor appeared, although they were only 4 guards the 10 guards of the Raider family got a little worried.

"What is my lord offering you?" One of the 4 guards spoke.

"I want you to accompany Mr. Alf and his group to the royal castle and I informed the king that Mr. Alf tried to assassinate the young man he freed to fight for the continent and that he also delayed the trip to visit the 2 kings as he had ordered" Mailux.

Hearing this, everyone including Alf turned pale and looked at me with fear, the 4 guards paid attention to Mailux and took them all to the royal castle. Finally, that group of obstacles left and everything was calm.

"Is it okay for those 4 guards to take a group of 10 guards?" I said with a little doubt.

"Don't worry, those are my guards, I am their leader therefore they are strong, a single guard can handle 3 of them at the same time, I command an army of 1,500 guards, which he called elite guards. Each Elite guardian commands an army of guards, they are distinguished by their clothing, mine wear gold-colored armor" Mailux told me confidently as he adjusted his glasses.

"I see, I still have to learn about this world, but if you say they are your guards and they are strong, then there is no problem."

"And by the way, avoid problems next time, useless!" Mailux said annoyed.

"Hahahahaha yes, yes I understand."

Believe it or not Mailux is 30 years old, even if he looks 25. His body looks like that of a young man, well maybe it's an effect of this new era, everyone, even though they are old, looks young.

"Now get into the carriage, it's late and the trip will take us almost two weeks to reach the Ponte kingdom, and from the Ponte kingdom to the Galatians kingdom it will take us 5 days, therefore this trip will be long" Mailux.

"Whoa !! ??" I didn't think this trip will take so long!

"SAAM !!" In the distance I heard my name being shouted.

"Now what?" Mailux said, tired of so much questioning.

"Liliana, what are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"It is that you were going to leave and I know that the trip will take you a long time therefore I wanted to give you a gift so that you remember me, here."

Liliana gave me a gold-plated metal bracelet and I gladly received it and put it on, this would help me in a new attack with lightning, I looked at Liliana and saw that her face became a little sad, I took Liliana for her waist and I brought her closer to me, followed by that I gave her a long and passionate kiss goodbye, when I finished kissing her she returned another kiss but this one was short.

I got into the carriage and Mailux got on afterwards, the carriage started and I looked back, I saw how I was slowly moving away from Liliana, now I wanted to stay and be with her, but I could not now my trip had begun, I have to look for Heroz and Oriun, my only two friends who may still be alive.