-Mother, why hasn't father returned?
-Son, your-your father is buying you a very nice gift my dear Sam, and that is why he has not returned for a long time- Sam's mother replied hiding her sadness.
-But I want to see father today, on my birthday. I don't care about the gift, I just want him- Sam kept insisting without knowing what was happening.
4 years old, I was only 4 years old that day, my father abandoned my mother and me, when I was only 1 year old, I didn't know anything about anything, I was just a 4-year-old boy whose innocence was undeniable. My mother, so that I won't find out, was lying, telling me that my father just went to buy me a very nice gift.
Of course I believed it, I was only 4 years old, my mother on the outside was happy, cheerful and very kind to me, but inside she was devastated, devastated, she couldn't take it anymore, she didn't know why she had abandoned us, two years passed and my mother could not hold.
My mother loved my father too much, she had been unable to overcome my father's abandonment and she had no choice but to commit suicide. She committed suicide when I was 6 years old, I had been left alone, with no one, I had no siblings, I had no relatives, my grandparents had died. I was orphaned ...
Since then I began to steal, to sleep in the streets, I was a vagabond child, who only begged where he stopped, I was the worst of the worst. He was until a 54-year-old man saw me and asked if he wanted to be part of his family. Like me, he was alone, maybe he saw me and he felt a deep pity and wanted to help me.
He fed me, gave me a place to call home, over the years we became very close, so much so that I even started calling him Dad, we were both happy, but at the age of 62 he died for a heart disease.
I did not know why, because misfortune haunted me, I lasted a year depressed, when I turned 14, I decided to forget everything and change completely, I started looking for work, I did not steal again, I slept where I could, I did from cleaning a yard, running errands to cleaning cars, they didn't pay me much but it was enough to eat and pay for a room in the cheapest inn in a city.
I spent 4 years doing any job, every time I demanded more to work, I helped build houses, and things like that. I was doing well, very well in fact, now I lived in a hotel, not so luxurious but something is something, I fed well and could even go to parties from time to time. One specific night.
I was 18 years old, it was 9:20 p.m. I decided to go out to buy some things for the next day, everything was normal, I just had to cross a street to get to the supermarket, when I went through an alley I felt a somewhat suspicious presence, but I did not I paid attention, when I returned to weigh down that alley I saw a subject.
I looked at him since he called me by my name, the subject was a little hunchback, he had a black cloth tunic that covered his entire body, not even his face could be seen, I only saw a long gray beard, it was an old man and also had a wooden cane.
"Sam Borzon, I've been waiting for you," said the hooded old man.
-That? Who are you and what do you want? - I said somewhat intrigued.
-I will only tell you that you have been chosen to wield a power out of the ordinary in this world, but mattering in due course- the hooded old man told me.
-That? what are you talking about? You're crazy, I'm leaving you just make me lose my crazy old time- I confused without understanding what he was saying I decided to leave.
I turned around and left walking a little fast, I didn't look back, how the hell did that old man know my name if I've never seen him? Also a power that is not of this world ha, what a joke, poor old fool. When I was a little far away I looked back and saw that the crazy old man leaned out and looked at me.
-Sam Borzon, you cannot escape from this fate, sooner or later you will accept it so get ready ...
What-what the hell? That old man despite being far from me, I heard him loud and clear in my mind, I seriously better run. I ran out and got to the hotel where he was staying quickly, I locked myself in my room and processed what happened, I couldn't believe it. I lay down on my bed and decided to forget about it and go to sleep.
3 days have passed since that night, I had already forgotten, I was going to the bus stop to go to work on a construction of a large house. They may wonder, but how do you work if you stopped studying? Simple, the contractor was short-staffed and because he hired me without knowing anything at all, I just do the mix, help things happen, run errands and sometimes help build.
It was already 7:00 p.m. and I went to the hotel, I was crossing the street when ... Puumm a truck came at full speed. I went flying through the air, I fell to the ground abruptly, my pain was so great that I fainted. I had woken up but it was not in a familiar place, I did not know where I was.
-You are in your subconscious Sam Borzon.
-You again? Tell me what do you want? - I I was a little upset, I didn't know what was happening, I just wanted to wake up and that's it.
"I warned you Sam Borzon, I told you that sooner or later you would accept your fate," said the hooded old man.
What fate is this crazy old man talking about? Of the misfortune? Or the one that I have to die? He didn't know, he was totally confused.
"What fate are you talking about ?!" I couldn't hide my frustration.
-I told you, you have been chosen to carry a power out of the ordinary, immortality has chosen you Sam Borzon.
I seriously don't understand this crazy old man, puff power of immortality, please, as if that's true. Also, if it existed, everyone knows that immortality has its pros as well as its cons, it is a double-edged sword so to speak, this is not taken lightly.
Maybe that crazy old man is lying, this is the real world not a fantasy story. But what if it's true? Hah, what do I say, I'm already going crazy too.
"I still don't believe you, crazy old man, besides why did he choose me?" I asked confused.
-Believe it or not, this power knows your entire past and because of what you have suffered, he knows you perfectly Sam Borzon.
If of course, he knows me well, pure bullshit-I still don't believe you-
-Then it will be time to show you what Sam Borzon- the old man put his right hand inside his robe, from there he took out a very bright blue sphere, it was beautiful to see it, my mind went blank, I did not know what to say, what to think, what to do . He was confused.
-You are on the verge of death Sam Borzon, the car that came to you made you break both ribs, one foot, your left arm is dislocated and you have a severe blow to the head. The only thing that keeps you alive is waiting for your answer to fate, tell me, do you accept it?
-What did he do to me? But I don't understand which destination? What do you want me to do?
-You will know in time Sam Borzon, but for now you just have to accept it, this power of immortality will heal your whole body, it has an impressive regeneration power, it will also give you strength, speed and agility. But be careful, not everything comes on a silver platter, you have to perfect those attributes ...
I don't know what to do, if I accept it, I will live and be powerful, but at what cost? I will see everyone that I held dear die, I will be alone. But if I do not accept it, I will die and everything will end, I will not leave anything for the future. What I do? Do I accept or not?
-Decide quickly Sam Borzon, your time is running out ...
"I, I ... I accept my destiny!" I shouted in anger, confusion, sadness and joy. My mind was scrambled.
-Well done Sam Borzon, now with the permission of fate I Abelin zorius. He granted you the power of immortality.
He extended his right hand towards me and the celestial sphere began to float in my direction, it was as if I was drawing him. I felt how the sphere pierced my chest and how my whole body began to feel a pleasant warmth and how this power flowed throughout my body. It was incredible, in the end my whole being began to glow blue and when I least expected it, I woke up.
From that moment my life changed completely, I saw the world differently. In order not to fill you with so much boredom with my story, I will tell you that, I trained until I improved my strength, speed and agility, I traveled to several temples to train and meditate, the years passed and everything was changing, what if I still did not understand was what? is my destiny? I still didn't know.
Anyway, the years went by, everything changed, I tried not to interact with many people. 100 years had already passed counting the day I was born, the world was futuristic, it was incredible. One day I felt a different power, it did not come from me, it came from another place, I decided to look to see what it was and well, it lasted several weeks and finally I found it, it was someone like me in a way.
Heroz, a 19-year-old boy with power that was out of the ordinary. He was a dragon, well he could transform into one, he transformed into a dragon three meters high and three and a half meters long, in his average human form 1.80 and his skin is pale white, his hair was of black in color and fit.
When he returned in human form he could use the dragon's powers but limited, we met and he told me how he obtained that power, apparently the old madman gave it to him, I told him how I obtained mine and he was surprised. He was also the same person who gave it to me.
Two years later, Heroz and I felt another power, we decided to look to see what it was and that was where we met Oriun, he was strange in a way, for him elegance was everything, eye does not pull that way, he is pure male since he had his girlfriends, uhum uhum. Returning to the subject, he has the power of eternal youth, he is basically never getting old, if he can die but it is not easy to kill him, he is 22 years old and the one who gave him that power was nothing more and nothing less than the crazy old man. .
He is strong, very strong and very agile, he is 1.84 white skin, blond hair, a little thin, and he comes from a wealthy family. We became friends with him, sometimes he argues with us because according to him we are not at all "elegant" but we do not take care of him, anyway.
We became great friends, sometimes we fought among ourselves to see who was the strongest and well, the three of us are hahahahaha, everything was boring, Heroz spent most of it in his human form since it should not attract attention, although it was weird sometimes we helped the army in wars and that, obviously without Heroz showing his dragon form.
100 more years passed, Heroz was still alive, dragons can last hundreds of years alive, and like him he has the power of a dragon. Anyway, 200 years had already passed counting the day I was born and well, you already know the rest, I stole the Holy Grail, I killed a president bla bla bla bla, all that I did for the simple fact of a whim of my own, and because Heroz Hahahahaha challenge.
But putting myself in jail was not part of the challenge, I got carried away by the moment and ended up locked in a dungeon for 300 years. And when I got out everything had changed.
"Wow, it must have been too hard for you," Mailux said.
-The truth was, especially the loss of my mother and the old man who became a father to me.
We were sitting, Mailux, five guards that apparently my story touched their hearts because some cry and others have a face of respect and hurt at the same time, we were sitting in the middle of an open field around a campfire, it was incredible everything I went through .
-Well, it's time to sleep, tomorrow we have to continue our journey, about 6 hours from here is a town where we can recharge supplies- Mailux spoke.
-Yes, I'm really tired and well, I want to arrive as soon as possible to be able to see my sweet Liliana ...
"As you order sir!" The five guards got up and went to their tents.
Mailux went to his store, and I stayed a while watching the fire, after a while I got up, grabbed a sheet and a pillow and got on top of the float. Today the sky is beautiful, the stars shine more than ever and the moon embraces the earth with its beauty.
He watched the stars and occasionally saw shooting stars. With that this is the destination that I expected so much eh, I really went through a lot to get to meet him, that crazy old man if he was crazy hahahaha. He changed the entire course of all reality. He gave me immortality, and formed a new era.
The mere fact of meeting again the crazy Heroz and the strange Oriun fills me with emotion. I want to know what they have done in these 300 years. Fate, what a destiny, I have to protect a continent, I have to fight in a war and also I have to change the course of this era again and keep the human standing.
My dear Liliana, now that I think about it I have not told you who I really am, when I see you and hug you again I will tell you everything, maybe I will send you a letter when the town stops. It's been 3 days since we left the Jons kingdom and I haven't been in action.
Hopefully something happens soon, I want to fight, I want action, I did not agree to protect this continent for nothing, fate has to teach me that it was worth so much waiting. That this new era is full of adventures and amazing things, like that giant that I faced the first day I left that dungeon.
Tomorrow when I get to town I will train for a while and then I will send the letter to Liliana. Well, I have to go to sleep, I hope and tomorrow is an exciting day. Sweet dreams my dear and beloved Liliana.
Sam, Sam ... Heroz? .... How about Sam how long? How have you been old friend? I want you to know that I am waiting for you, come and find me like back then ...