A very busy day

"I need a room prepared for the prince."

"What room would you like, your grace."

"The room facing mine on the opposite side of my floor... It has a cool vibe and a lovely scenery of the palace, also I'll be closer to him and make sure everything is to his liking."

I count with my fingers as I walk briskly. The workers behind me struggle to keep up. "Make sure the bed is comfortable, that he has enough blankets, the pillows properly fluffed... Scented candles!" I stop abruptly causing the workers to stumble into each other. "His bath house should have enough crystals and scented candles."

"Yes, your grace." One of them quickly tries to scribble it down.

Two days pass in a blur. Today's the big day and because of that there's been hustling and bustling all around the palace. The house of Abraxas has over two thousand staff in the palace and not one of them is idle, everyone is working extra hard to get everything ready for the arrival of our guests.

"Infact where's Madam Lola?" I call for the head of staff.

"I last saw her with the Queen, your grace, making final preparations." Another speaks up.

"Urrgh." I groan in frustration.

"Anyway I want that room clean and spotless to the point I should be able to eat off the floor."

Speaking of eating, I teleport to the kitchen area. There I find mother and Kalon talking with the chef.

"How is the chef and entire kitchen staff faring?" I ask my mother.

"Oh it's going well." Mother replies. "Kalon gave me some additional recipes which I handed to the chef."

Chef Idril, the head of the chefs gives us a break down of the various meals they've prepared for our guests.

"I've tried to incorporate dishes associated with the Sylph or Sylphvian elves with ours. We've also used their spices along with ours in the meals we've prepared so that they can feel at home, be familiar with the food yet gaining a new culinary experience." Chef Idril explains.

"Well I'm sure everything tastes delicious." Mother gives him one of her charming signature smiles." I'll leave everything in your very capable hands Chef Idril. Our guests should be here by noon and I trust everything should be ready by then."

He bows. "Yes, your majesty."

"Come on children we have to get dressed." She gestures for us to leave.

"By the way I haven't seen your brother anywhere. Where is he?"

"Oh Kaedan's with Father. They're doubling up on security and all." I answer as the three of us walk down the hall.

"Oh that's fine. Now girls I don't have to remind you how important this visit is. Please please please be on your best behaviour. You are royals of the great House of Abraxas so act like it."

Kalon and I both nod our heads knowing the severity of the situation.

"And Karina darling, please try to get along with your father, I'll have no arguments, fighting or bickering during their stay here. You can do that when they're gone." She gives me a serious look that she means business.

"Also on the issue of punctuality..."

Dang it! I was secretly hoping she wouldn't bring that up.

"Please don't be late when you go to escort his majesty and his entourage to the palace. It won't speak well of you and can damage our reputation. Have I made myself clear?" The authority and seriousness in her voice is intimidating.

This is one of the times she talks to me as queen. I have to put extra effort to try not to cross or make her upset. It's bad enough father and I fight all the time. I really don't need both parents to go tag team on my case.

"Crystal." I say.

"Good. Now both of you, go get dressed and look presentable. I'll come check on you later."

Mother walks in the opposite direction while Kalon and I take teleporters to our respective floors.

"Finally she's returned." A chorus of voices emerge from my room as I step inside. Not sure of what is going on.

I see eight young elven women all set and ready to help me get dressed.

"KARIS when I said get me a suitable replacement I didn't mean eight."

"The more the merrier I always say." My virtual assistant replies.

"We have roughly about 3 hours to transform you to your royal regal self." One of the women who I assume to be the leader of the group speaks up.

"Let's get started then."


I take a bath in a pool of bath salts made with essential oils and sweetly fragrant flowers. When I'm done I put on a dress robe and my hair is wrapped up in a towel.

I'm led to my vanity, I take a seat and that's where the real magic begins.

My hair is air dried, combed, curled and styled into what I think should be considered the most complicated hairdo I've done in my entire life and trust me I've done some pretty complicated and amazing hairstyles. To add finishing touches, my hair is adorned with silver jeweled coloured hair pins and other accessories.

Another member of the group sits in front of me and takes her time to cover my hands with the traditional white henna designs. Her designs cover my lower arms, nails and feet which are a beautiful contrast to my lovely dark skin. She also gives me a simple, modest yet elegant make up.

"My lady."

I look up to the brown haired elf holding my bejeweled high necked royal blue multilayered silk dress. The dress is embroidered with silver coloured threads which makes beautiful intricate designs around the foot of the dress and the long sleeves where my wrist should be.

My mother walks in when some of the handmaidens help me with my dress.

The girls are all giggling and gushing over how pretty I look.

Get a grip girls. Pull yourselves together.

"By The Light, you look stunning darling." Mother says as she moves forward never taking her eyes off me not even for a second.

"Ladies I must say you've done an impressive work." She puts a hand on my shoulder.

They all beam with joy at the fact that the queen just gave them a compliment.

Did one of them just swoon?

"You look stunning dear." Mother says again.

"How many times are you going to say that." I laugh and pick up the silver coloured lace shawl that comes with the dress.

"As many times as possible." Mother smiles.

"Balin is already waiting for you outside so whenever you're ready to go let him know." She collects the shawl from me and fixes it with some more hair pins on my hair to complete the look.

"As your royal body guard, wherever you go, he goes. Your father also handpicked some trusted guards to escort you to pick up our guests." She fiddles with the end of the shawl trying to straighten it out.

He handpicked them huh? Is that supposed to make me feel safer.

"I believe Kaedan will go with you as well." Says mother.

"Yes, yes he will. We've talked about it." I say as I bob my head in reply.

"Good. I'll leave you to finish up then." Mother places a kiss on my cheek then takes her leave.

As soon as she closes the door I speak up.

"So, where were we ladies?"