The Arrival 1

Prince Iston

We've been on this aircraft for hours now and I'm starting to feel a bit stiff.

You're surprised we're on an aircraft yeah? Well just because we have wings doesn't mean we have to use them all the time.

"Don't worry son we're almost at our destination, just a few more minutes and we'll be crossing the Dark Elves border." My dad says sipping his tea.

I'm tempted to roll my eyes because he's been saying that for the past hour now. To be honest I for one don't see the reason and need for this whole trip. So what if we've not had a Yavannian High King visit Siofra in many centuries.

Whoop de doo.

I'd rather stay at home than embark on a journey to a place I know little or almost nothing about. Do you know why Yavannian elves are called the Dark elves? Because they're creepy that's why. What type of nation is exceptionally good in almost every sector you can think of.

Their science, technology and power sector alone have reached feats and broken boundaries that some people on other planets can only dream of. And what's worse and shrouded in mystery is that no one knows the source of their energy other than them. Hence the reason they're called The Dark Elves because we don't know the true source of their energy and that has a lot to do with their great exploits.

I mean Siofra has had many technological achievements and were not drastically lagging behind but something just seem off about them. The fact that they seem perfect in almost every way.

The only reason I came along is because I have a duty to my people to try and fix the strained ties between Yavanna and Siofra.

"Look at that son we're here." Dad says.

A huge electromagnetic portal which I assume protects the citizens of this nation stands before us as we approach the border. Or is it to mark their territory?

After thorough security checks our fleet of aircrafts are granted entry and we go through the portal.

I look out the windows of our aircraft and notice how the topography of their land is so different from ours, of course I haven't been to other cities and states yet but from what I've seen so far the site is breathtaking.

We're led to the terminal and we finally land.

Dad walks out of our aircraft.

I'm the last to descend the aircraft with my guard by my side as our retinue on other aircrafts have already alighted.

I feel a slight discomfort and stiffness on my back and wings. I would have stretched them if dad didn't say everyone should "tuck their wings" away in their coats so as not to scare or intimidate normal people. Whatever that means.

"Welcome to Yavanna."

I immediately snap out of my thoughts as a beautiful Yavannian young elven woman in a stunning attire smiles at us warmly as she greets us in what I assume is a typical Yavannian greeting.

"It's lovely to be here my dear." Father kisses both of her cheeks in greeting.

"I'm Crown Princess Karina and this is my brother Prince Kaedan and we're delighted you're finally here." She smiles.

He doesn't look too delighted. If anything he looks bored like someone dragged him here.

"Crown Princess?" Dad looks puzzled as he shakes his hand in greeting.

"Of course, is

anything the matter your majesty." She has a worried look on her face.

"I'm just surprised Yavanna will want to have a High Queen instead of King." Dad says.

"Well I believe we're not so narrow minded as to cling to something so wrong as gender inequality and segregation." She doesn't even bat an eyelash as she

throws subtle jabs at him.

Oh I like her already.

"Hi I'm Prince Iston." I quickly slide between them before bullets start flying in the air.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you." She gives me another warm smile.

"The pleasure is all mine." I take her hand and place a chaste kiss on it.

Oh my gosh her skin is so soft.

"Now that the formalities are out of the way, if your excellencies wouldn't mind, please come with me. We have vehicles that will take you the palace." Her brother speaks up as he takes the princess's hand, slightly pulling her to his direction and away from me.

Dude you just interrupted us.

We all file up and fill each automobile provided. The princess and her brother both ride with my father, our bodyguards and I in the very spacious and luxurious back seats. While the driver and her guard ride in the front seats.

She tries to engage us in small talk as we head to the palace just to lighten the mood and I'm grateful for that, I wouldn't want the atmosphere to be tense or awkward. But I noticed

the prince doesn't seem too pleased with me sitting so close to his sister. On our way to the palace there's a festive feeling in the air as we see so many people putting up signs and decorations.

My my, these people are really looking forward to our arrival.

After what felt like an eternity of glares from the young prince we finally arrive at the palace and by the Light we're in for a treat.

An impressive display of drummers stand before us, next with people playing different types of musical instruments, singers aren't excluded in this marvelous display as well as talented professional dancers whose performance is also outstanding.

Did I just see someone do a split?

The Princess ushers us into the palace, giving us a mini tour. I'm amazed at how beautiful it gets with each step I take. At the end of it, I find myself in front of the throne room that is guarded by two well built and intimidating looking guards but as the princess comes to view they part, opening the huge marble doors for us.

The king, queen, and another young lady sit on three impressive and expensive looking thrones looking fancy and all. I see a resemblance in the princess and the young royal seated so I can only assume that they are sisters or at least related in some way. She has long dark brown hair and eyes like the Queen, only that the Queen's eyes are softer and look more motherly and inviting. The King on the other hand has a regal, intimidating and a very kingly look, with his jet black hair, grey eyes, and broad shoulders with an abundance of muscles on both of his large arms. Now that I think about it the Princess and Prince also share an uncanny resemblance with the King, both have jet black hair and gunmetal grey eyes. Before I can study his features further he rises and walks towards us.

He says to my father in a voice reverberating off the thick walls. "King Aragon, Welcome to Yavanna."