The Arrival 2


Father rises from his throne and walks up to the King of the Sylphs.

"King Aragon, Welcome to Yavanna." He says in his usual loud voice.

Mother and Kalon follow suit.

"We're so happy you're finally here."

Mother gives them a charming smile.

After an exchange of pleasantries between both parties involved father speaks up again.

"I know Yavanna and Siofra haven't been on the best of terms but I'm hoping this visit will change that. Who knows we could be allies in the nearest future."

"I would want nothing more than peace and a healthy relationship between our great nations." The King of the Sylphs replies while accepting father's firm handshake.

"I believe this is your son King Aragon," Father directs his gaze on Prince Iston.

"Yes, this is Iston". He motions for the well built young prince to move forward and introduce himself.

"He looks so much like you. I see a striking resemblance." Says father.

That's a huge lie.

Personally I don't think the prince looks anything like his father with his golden blonde hair and bright emerald green eyes while his father has a kind of dirty blonde hair colour with amber eyes.

"Well some people will disagree with you, your majesty." King Aragon chuckles.

"And this is Kalon." Father places Kalon's hand in his as he moves her in the king's direction. "My third child after the twins."

Kalon greets him.

"Ahh I guessed as much. Since I got here I've noticed a lot of similarities between the lovely Princess Karina and her brother." Says Prince Iston's .

"Clearly. I'm sure those similarities are captivating." Kaedan moves closer to me putting a hand on the small of my back.

What is Kaedan's problem?

"Anyway, if your majesty and prince are ready we have an amazing feast prepared in your honour." Mother says warmly.

I wriggle out of my brother's grip while shooting him deathly glares.

If eyes could kill.

"Lead the way, my lady." King Aragon smiles.

At least he's not the only one looking forward to this meal. I haven't put anything in my stomach all day... Let's eat.

Mother leads the king and his entire retinue to the dining area. After everyone is seated, I take my place on father's left side. As if on queue the kitchen staff all waltz in and start bringing in all the various meals they've worked so hard on, too bad there'll be nothing left on my plate in a few minutes time.

"Everything looks delicious your majesties." King Aragon praises.

Indeed it does, just wait till you taste it.

My mouth literally waters as a waiter sets a dish of beef kebab amongst other things before me.

Father scrunches up his nose as he sights meals made with beef flowing freely in his kingdom but to prove he's a very hospitable host and a perfect king, he doesn't protest like he does every single time Kaedan and I have our meals. I'm sure what he must be thinking is that this must be the end of the monarchy.

Even mother and Kalon attempt to eat the some of the Sylphs delicacies. Sure it's not something they are used to but they're being tolerable and polite. Kaedan and I on the other hand have no problem with the foreign dishes, the spices are a bit different but between me and you I'm sure my brother and I would eat anything that is made out of meat.

Father picks at his meal obviously disturbed with the whole setting but he still tries to retain that poised kingly persona. He even asks King Aragon and his son if they're enjoying their meal.

Now I try really hard not to burst out in a deep belly laugh. This is unbelievable and totally entertaining. I think this is one of the rare times father and I have had a dinner together without having a bone to pick with each other.

"I really enjoyed the Yavannian delicacies you've given to us Queen Kassandra and I'm sure my people would say the same." Prince Iston says to mother and nods in father's direction as he takes a sip of his wine.

Telling from his empty plate I can tell he's being genuine.

See, even the prince from another kingdom ate and enjoyed a foreign meal.

"And might I add that you have a lovely home, absolutely breathtaking. I'm sure it is this way because it has a charming and enchanting queen such as yourself to grace this place with her presence each day." He smiles and his green eyes lights up.

Kaedan rolls his eyes. He doesn't even try to hide it.

I think we might have a sweet talker on our hands. By The Light, he's so smooth.

"Oh my, bless your soul Iston. Such a charming young lad." Mother smiles deeply.

If mother wasn't dark skinned I'm sure she'd have turned a deep shade of red already.

Father clears his throat.

"I'm sure you all must be exhausted from your trip. The palace staff and workers would take all your luggage and show you to your respective rooms. We've made special preparations and we hope it'll suit each of your tastes. Karina can you kindly escort the king to his living quarters?"

"I'd actually prefer Prince Kaedan if you don't mind." King Aragon interjects.

"Whatever is the matter? Did she offend you or something?" Father's already thinking the worst of me.

"No no not that, she's been wonderfully polite. I'd just prefer if your male child do it." The King says.

"Male child?" I grimace, spitting the word from my mouth like poison.

Just as I'm about to cut him down to size and give him a lecture on gender equality. Kaedan subtly pulls me aside and gives me a look I'm very much familiar with as a result of our twin bond, telling me to calm down and that he'll handle it. I finally let it go saying to myself that I'll definitely take care of the king later.

"Very well then." Father says.

Mother doesn't look pleased.

"Karina dear will you kindly escort the prince to his quarters then?" He adds.

"It'll be my pleasure." I carefully eye the king and give him one last sour look before saying,

"Prince Iston, will you please come with me."

The prince and I leave the dining area with his guard and walk down the hall toward a stationed teleporter.

He looks incredibly nervous, as expected because of the stupid stunt his father just pulled.

"Umm this is Lara by the way." He gestures to his fierce looking female guard walking behind us.

"So your father would let you have a female guard but won't let a princess escort him." I cock a brow as we rematerialize on the opposite side of my floor where his room is located.

"Please pardon my father, a thousand apologies. I'm sure he didn't mean to offend you, it's just that on Siofra things are done a bit differently." He nervously runs his hand through his golden blonde hair.

"Gender equality is one of the things I wish to establish when I become king." He adds. "As you can see I chose a woman to protect me. I have no problem putting a lady in charge of my protection and entrusting my life in her hands."

I study him carefully.

"It's nice to meet you Lara." I greet his guard and she nods in response.

"I do apologise for my father's behaviour. I hope Her Royal Highness wasn't terribly offended?" He gives me a cautious look like he's threading on thin ice.

"Well to be very honest with you I was. I didn't like the fact that your father was trying to make me or any female for that matter feel lesser as if you're more of an elf than I am. The Light made us as one. We have the same colour of blood flowing through our elven veins. We shouldn't be segregated by gender or race, but since you've apologised and as long as he doesn't bring it up again we'll speak no more on this matter." I try to give him a polite smile so as to make him feel better and not to make things more awkward than they already are.

"Anyway here we are." We stop at his living quarters. "Lara, you can stay in the room next to your prince and your highness, if you need anything I'm just right across the floor opposite this one. Infact my room's the one we're looking at." I point in the opposite direction.

"I'll leave you to get some rest now and The Light be gracious to us to see another day."

Goodnight your

grace." I say to the young prince.

"Iston, please call me Iston."