

What was dad thinking? I mentally smack myself as I shut the door.

I'd just prefer your male child to escort me instead? Who says that in front of a royal family or a normal family for that matter when the person you're rejecting is just a few feet away from you!!!

Does he want to start a world war? We came here to foster peace not to step on anyone's toes.

Wait, why am I defending the Royal family?

I didn't even want to come here in the first place. Yeah, but I'm not in support of some of the things that happen in Siofra, that being said gender based segregation and inequality is one of them.

I'm still thinking and berating my dad in my head when I finally remember where I am. I look around the spacious living quarters and move further into the white marbled main room which is beautifully furnished with a mix of white, beige and navy blue coloured furniture. It looks luxurious yet simple, grand but minimalistic.

My finger tips briefly touch the huge vase of red flowers on each side of the bedroom door. Hmmm, I've never seen these species of flowers before.

Anyway it's pretty and it smells nice.

I reach for the bedroom door and open it slightly, unsure of what is on the other side. Once I'm sure nothing is going to jump at me I open the door widely and enter.

All my belongings and luggage seem to be in order.

A hum of satisfaction leaves my throat as I spot a huge sanguine coloured bean bag that is exactly the same shade as the curtains. Three sets of couches are also in the room. They are navy blue in colour, overrun with grey fluffy pillows just like the king sized bed.

My eyes light up when I see a huge thin screen that covers a sizeable amount of the right side of the wall. In addition to that, there's a whole litter of gadgets hung up and neatly arranged.

I smother a yawn, the many activities of the day have finally caught up with me.

Oh man I'm exhausted.

That feeling of stiffness in my back and wings comes up again so I take off my long coat and give my wings a good stretch.

Looks like I need a shower then off to bed I go.


My eyelids flutter just at the break of dawn, sunlight gradually spilling into the room.

My pupils try to adjust to the light.

I slept chest down my face to the side which is the most comfortable position for someone with a pair of large wings and because of that I have to carefully turn and slide out of bed so I don't hurt myself.

Thank The Light that the Sylph are such graceful creatures.

As I get up something catches my eye out the balcony.

There's an almost ethereal looking show of flames on one of the branches of a tree nearby.

I take long strides out of the room to the balcony. I don't need to squint due to the good vision The Light has blessed elf kind with but I still don't understand what is happening.

A large grand bird, at least I think it's a bird, that is covered in scales with reddish-orange and golden yellow coloured feathers is borne out of the flames.


I continue to gaze at it, utterly amazed and dumbfounded at the wonderful sight before me as it leaves the tree branch and lands on the railing of the balcony just a few feet away from me.

It stares at me with its sapphire beady eyes probably wondering what I am.

I stretch and spread my wings in all it's full glory, flapping them ever so lightly.

The giant bird stares at me a little while longer and repeats my action, before fully taking off in the opposite direction, its long feathery tail trailing behind in an ethereal glow.

I stand, watching it fly in the distance until I see it no more.

Folding my arms over my bare chest in amusement at the event that just occurred a few minutes ago.

A knock on the door snaps me back to reality.

Who could that be?

I take a quick stroll from the bedroom to the main room to see who it is.

My eyes are greeted with a rather chubby looking elf in a pristine and immaculately clean attire. "Good morning, your grace. I am Gildor, I've been assigned by the Crown Princess Karina to attend to your every need."

"Right..." I look down at him, He's a tall elf but he's short compared to others.

"Well please by all means do come in."

"Thank you, your grace." Gildor walks through the door I extend for him, then he pauses abruptly, staring at something.

Out of confusion, my neck turns to look behind me. "Is something wrong?"

"Nnn- no, your grace." Gildor stutters a bit, his earlier composed demeanor slightly falling.

Oh I see what's going on here.

"It's my wings isn't it?" I give them a good stretch.

Gildor flinches a bit trying his best to remain calm and composed.

"Oh I'm sorry. I forgot that you aren't used to seeing something like this around here but you shouldn't be scared of me, we're all Elves. I may look a bit different but I don't have a dangerous bone in my body." I say smoothly and give him a reassuring smile.

Well in battle I do but I can't tell him that.

Gildor seems to believe me and calms down. I see him exhale deeply before he regains his composed demeanor.

Clearing his throat, Gildor finally speaks up. "Now your highness, let's get you ready for the day."

He gets a bath ready for me, there happens to be an abundance of scented candles in the bath house that it looks like it's a scented candles producing factory. They smell nice and all, I appreciate the effort but it's something I can do without.

When I'm done I see that my clothes are carefully laid on the bed devoid of a single wrinkle. I'm impressed.

"Thank you Gildor, that'll be all for now I think I can take it from here." I tuck in my towel firmly, the last thing I want is for it to fall or come undone and I'd be stark naked in front of the valet.

"You're sure, your grace?" Gildor asks.

I brush that embarrassing image from my mind before replying. "Absolutely."

"If his grace needs me I'll be right across the hall or you can simply press this button and I'll be here in a bat of an eyelash."

The valet says to me as he shows me the right button to press on one of the fancy gadgets hung up on the wall.

I nod my head and take note of the button. "Alright I will. Thank you Gildor."

"I'll show myself out, your grace." He bows formally.

Once he's out the door I proceed to dress myself.

I know what you're thinking, just because I'm a prince and born into the major primary house in the east and have swarms of attendants waiting on me doesn't mean I don't know to dress myself.

I wear a simple but stylish Siofran tailored black long turtle neck shirt with pants and a long coat. I think the whole black ensemble really makes my golden blonde hair and emerald coloured eyes pop. After that i put on some gold coloured accessories.

I don't really do much to my hair, never really do because when flying your perfectly gelled hair becomes a mess.

Well I'm done so what now? I think to myself.

I'm pleased with my appearance so I decide to go out of my room and look around.

"I'd like to speak with His Royal Highness if you don't mind miss."

The sound of a familiar voice fills my ears. "What's going on?"

"Ahhh, your grace." The valet says looking relieved that I stepped out the time I did.

"I was just trying to tell your guard here that I would like to speak with you but she refused to let me in." He scowls at Lara, my body guard.

She doesn't even flinch rather looking more intimidating than ever. "I'm sorry, she doesn't talk much."

He eyes her again." I noticed."

Lara remains stoic staring straight ahead, her arms are crossed over her chest.

"Anyway what can I do for you?"

"Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Karina Abraxas would like me to invite and escort you to the private breakfast she set up just for you." He says as he stands upright with one hand behind his back.

My eyes are fixed on the dark eyes of the valet. "Is that so? By all means, please lead the way."

Gildor takes us to a very lovely sunroom where the even lovelier princess Karina in a floor length azure blue anarkarli dress sits waiting.

Once she spots us she smiles and it reaches her eyes. "Iston, thank you for accepting my invitation."