Iston, The Phoenix and I


I told the staff to set up breakfast for the prince and me this morning. This is one of the activities I had planned out for the day while father, mother, some trusted generals and King Aragon are going over the the terms of the peace treaty between Yavanna and Siofra.

So here I am in my sunroom, waiting for the prince to show up. I had Gildor, the valet I assigned to wait on him bring him here.

Out of nervousness I try to smoothen some imaginary wrinkles I have on my anarkarli dress.

Oh The Light I am so shy and nervous about this whole encounter. Get a grip Karina. You can't afford to mess this up. The entire kingdom is counting on you. You have to prove yourself to everyone, to father.

Before I can have another mental breakdown, Gildor shows the prince and his guard in.

Right on queue, without overthinking my actions I spring up and smile. "Iston, thank you for accepting my invitation."

"The pleasure is all mine your highness." He takes my hand in his and places a chaste kiss on my hand.

Such a charming fellow.

"Karina will do just fine." I politely retract my hand when he's done.

He whispers something to his guard and she walks out of the room. He then turns to me his beautifully tousled golden hair swooshes slightly.

"Please," I gesture to the seat opposite mine. "Sit."

He opens the button of his long black coat as he sits.

"Thank you." I notice that he sits just at the edge of his chair and doesn't sink back into it.

This drives me to ask him a question.

"I hope you're comfortable?"

His beautiful green eyes meet mine. "Umm yes I'm fine."

"But are you comfortable?" I press further.

"Cause if you aren't I can take care of that." I signal to one of the staff.

Iston stops me. "No no I'm fine Karina, thank you."

I give him one last questioning look. "Alright then, tea?"

He adjusts his coat. "I'd love some."

I pour him some tea.

As much as he tries to hide it there's a distortion in his countenance as he takes a sip.

"Well, this is a very interesting tea."

"Umm yes it is. It's

very medicinal too, made from rare herbs and everything."

He hates it.

The prince studies the steaming purple liquid. "Yeah I see why it's rare."

That's it I can't hold it anymore. My mutter of amusement blossomed into an enormous belly laugh throwing all decorum out the door.

He looks at me clearly amused before joining me in laughter.

"Why are we laughing?" He says amidst laughs.

I'm still laughing hysterically. "You should have seen the look on your face when you sipped it."

"It was that obvious wasn't it?" The prince chuckles. "I really tried to hide it but in my defense the tea was horrible, I mean no disrespect."

"None taken." I finally regain my composure. "The tea is indeed medicinal and good for the health," My voice drops to a small whisper. "But between you and me I think it tastes horrible too."

"Oh really? Well if you do then why did you serve it?"

"Tradition." I say curtly.

"Some traditions are hard to break. It's one of the many ceremonial teas we serve our guests. Don't worry the others taste a lot better." I try to clear his doubts.

I wipe tears from my eyes as i reminisce at what happened just a few minutes ago. "Oh the Light, it's not everyday you get to laugh like this. I haven't laughed this hard in ages."

"Well I'm glad to meet a royal with so much emotion as you. Most royals always act so poised and proper, perfect almost. Walking around like perfect little robots devoid of any emotion."

"I think you're kind of cute."

"Cute?" I scoff. "My father wouldn't agree with you. He'll say my behaviour was improper and unladylike."

The prince looks deeply into my eyes and leans closer to me. "Well I disagree. Our emotions are what makes us who we are."

For a moment I'm lost in those twinkling green eyes.

"My lady would you like me to take these away and serve the main meal?" A female attendant asks me.

"Oh yes please." She clears the tea cups and brings in the breakfast trays.

We're having porridge, a common breakfast cereal dish.

Iston looks wary. "Everything looks and smells delicious. I hope you're not planning on pulling any tricks on me?" He smirks and cocks a brow.

I give him a knowing smile before saying. "Not at all. They're as delicious as they look."

"This simple Yavannian breakfast dish is made by boiling crushed, chopped, ground or crumpled starchy plants distinctively grain, in water or milk which can be gotten from a wide variety of mammalian creatures or it can be prepared with spices, vegetables, seafood, meat to make it a spicy savoury and piquant dish."


"But as you can see we've gone with the first option. So would you prefer your dish with a sweetener, fruits, syrup?"

"I'll have whatever you're having." He smiles.

"Alright then. Fruits and a sweetener it is."

We are both served our meals.

I look up to the prince while spreading a napkin on my lap."Is there anything in particular you'd like to do after breakfast?"

"Umm not really? I'm not sure." He takes a spoon full of hot porridge.

"If anything comes to mind just let me know, I'm all yours for the rest of your stay."

There's a twinkling in his eyes.

"Well not all yours like that, Urgh you know what i mean."

Urgh boys, I'm avoiding all eye contact completely because of an overwhelming shyness I'm trying so hard to overcome, I fix my eyes on what's left of my meal.

There's an uncomfortable silence in the room.

Iston finally speaks up as if he's been thinking of something and just finally remembered.

"Well I'd like to see the palace, look around if that'll be alright with you."

I wipe any trace of food from my lips. "Of course. We'll go as soon as you're done."

Iston holds up a finger and takes a huge gulp from his drink, downing it all at once till the glass is empty. Looks like he fancies this drink. "All done."

He rises from his seat and helps me out of mine.

Have I mentioned he's so charming?

We both walk out to the hall. "So we'll start the tour with this floor, We're on my floor. We have my bedroom, sunroom, training room, library, a mini kitchen while the floor opposite mine are majorly guest rooms. We'll use the teleporter now to go to the next floor which is my sister's."

We do and rematerialize on Kalon's floor. I explain to him that the structure and arrangement is pretty much the same since each of the royal children have a whole floor to ourselves. "So the palace has over 2000 rooms."


"This includes 298 royal and guest bedrooms, 502 staff bedrooms, 156 bathrooms, 33 State rooms, 11 ballrooms, 23 banquet halls, 17 sunrooms, 19 conference rooms, 203 training rooms, 7 war rooms,"

He interrupts me with a light chuckle "Well, that's a lot of rooms."

I giggle. "Indeed it is. We also have a large quadrangle, an extensive parkland and a beautiful royal garden which I'll be delighted to show you during your stay here."

We continue strolling around the palace. "Speaking of royal gardens, the strangest thing happened to me this morning."

What could have happened?

"Really? What was it?"

I try to pay close attention to everything he's going to say, worried that something might not be to his liking.

"I saw a bird, at least I think it was a bird."

"Okay?" I'm not sure where he's going with this.

"It had an almost ethereal glow to it.

Magnificent looking

creature. It had huge wings, colourful feathers of red, orange and yellow...a golden kind of yellow, like the colour of my hair. I think it's on your palace's crest or is it flag?" He tries to explain.

I think I know what he's referring to.

"You mean the Phoenix?"

"The Phoenix? Is that what it's called?

I saw it this morning around dawn, that's when I woke up and saw something fascinating out my balcony."

"Yes it's definitely the Phoenix. It appeared in a show of flames correct?"

"Yeah it did. I felt we had a sort of bond. What i'd give to see it again." He runs a through his hair whilst releasing a deep breath.

I say smiling. "What if I told you we have one here in the palace."

Iston gives me a boyish grin. "For real?"

"Yeah." I giggle.

"Come with me."

We scurry to the royal garden as quickly as we can.

"So we have to make sure that we don't make too much of a fuss." My voice is barely audible as we carefully approach the Phoenix's nest.

"Why are we whispering?" Iston follows my queue.

"Because the Phoenix are easily startled. One quick scare or potential threat and they disappear in a show of flames or can be very aggressive and light up in flames."

"Oh. That makes sense."

A mother Phoenix sits in the nest with her two hatchlings.

As soon as a branch snaps under Iston's feet, her head turns to our direction faster than lightning, ready to defend her chicks.

We both halt in our steps, under heavy scrutiny from the large bird not so far from us.

Iston crouches, taking his long coat off and gently laying on the floor so as not to startle her.

As soon as he does that he stands up and unfolds these beautiful set of black wings.

Shimmering golden feathers streak those wings like shooting stars in the night sky.

This beauteous sight that is unfolding in front of me makes my feet glued to the ground, unable to make a sound, unable to move.

He puts those wings on full display and eventually the Phoenix leaves her nest to take a good look at him. She studies him, flapping her wings gracefully. Iston is about to pet her but she disintegrates, then re-appears back into her nest.

I just stand there drinking everything in, just as I'm about to recover from the event that just occurred, Iston grabs his coat from the floor, swoops me into his arms and takes off in the air.

I scream till audible sounds come out off my throat no longer whilst holding him tightly like my life depended on it and squeezing my eyes shut.

My life did depend on it.

I can't feel the rushing wind anymore.

"You can open your eyes and let go now." The beautiful sound of his laughing voice fills my senses.

I carefully open my eyes one after the other and release my fingers that almost strangled the poor prince.

Well that's what you get for flying someone off without informing them first.

Once my feet reach the ground I discover that he flew us to my balcony.

Now that I think about it it's getting a bit dark now.

"You flew us to my room?"

"I thought it'd be a more fun way of transport." He says cheekily. "

"I'm sorry I didn't give you a heads up first. Forgive me if I scared you, it wasn't my intention."

"No no it's fine. It was just unexpected that's all. Now that I think of it it was quite thrilling." I give a short suppressed laugh.

"I haven't actually seen you with your wings out in the open before, come to think of it I don't think I've ever seen any of you with your wings on display before."

He leans on the railing. "Yeah."

"You're always bundled up in these huge coats and I'm guessing it's purpose is more than just a fashion statement." I smirk at the young prince.

"Fashion statement?" Iston laughs and it reaches his eyes. "I wish. Actually my dad thought it'd be a good idea to cover up our wings. Thought it might scare your people a bit and we'd do anything to make you feel comfortable."

I move closer to him and rest my arms on the railing. "Hmmm. At least you should have let us complain first don't you think?

Besides even if someone says you should cover up a part of you, who you are, cause they don't like it, should you?"

"I mean your wings are what make you "The Sylph" and gives you that identity. So remove that, then what are you?"

"You're right Karina, absolutely right, you know what?"


"You're so inspiring, Yavanna would be so blessed to have you as her queen."