Perfect Control

*Hushed voices*

"There will never be an alliance between Yavanna and Siofra, at least not in my life time. The king will sign the treaty and announce the alliance to the world at the princess's dinner party tonight. We cannot allow that to happen."

"We mustn't."

"So what do we do?"

"I'll tell you what we must do."

"We are going to do everything in our power to make sure that signing doesn't take place and that alliance doesn't see the light of day."

"So here's what we must do, here's the plan."


"Oh wake up Karina. Are you going to be in bed all day? It's almost noon."

Ughhh Kalon.

"I said wake uppp." She continues shaking me vigorously.

"I heard you the first time."

Kalon and Elva squeal. "Happy birthday."

I yawn and rub my sleep laden eyes. "Oh yeah it's today."

Elva pouts. "You don't even sound excited, not even in the slightest."

"What? What do you mean? I am excited, super excited." I sarcastically flail my hands in the air like I just don't care then I fall back into bed.

Both of them look at each other, with a knowing expression on their face. "What's wrong Karina?"

My eyes move from one brown haired girl to the other. "Nothing."

My sister shakes her head in disapproval. "Oh don't say nothing. You know you can talk to us."

While sighing I say, "It's just that father is going to make a big deal about today, showing me off to foreign dignitaries and all, don't even get me started on the media. I know we'll have the party in one of the great halls but with everyone and everything happening It's going to be dreadfully claustrophobic in there."

"I hate large crowds, you all know that. The formality of it all, that's why I specifically said I didn't want to have a party in the first place. But no "The King" insisted I'd have one."

They both look at me with understanding. "Awwwn come here." Elva says as she pulls me into a warm hug, Kalon joins in.

"I know you feel that way but try to be optimistic and enjoy yourself."

"I doubt I will." I mumble to myself.

Kalon tries to cheer me up by showing all her pearly whites. "Besides Kaedan said you'll see a lot of familiar faces, he invited Arlene, Cyryl and other friends from school. So all you have to do is to show up and look pretty. Speaking of looking pretty you need get dressed we'll be having lunch in Dad's private sunroom in thirty minutes, so go take a shower, you have morning breath."

She pats me, drags me up and into my bathhouse.

I don't take long to bath and get dressed cause the last thing I'd need today is a fight with father concerning punctuality.

I check myself out on one of the numerous screens in my room. "All done." I slip on my coms behind my ear.

Just as Kalon and I are about to step out, the door slides open.

It's Kaedan.

We've not really talked since he blew up and disrespected Iston. I'm still very upset.

"Umm can you guys give us a minute?" He asks Kalon and Elva.

"Sure, just be quick and don't be late for lunch." Kalon says not knowing what our discussion is about and honestly too uninterested to care.

They both walk out.

He looks nervous.

"Happy birthday Sis. I came earlier but you weren't up yet."

No response. I don't even look at him.

He runs a hand through his messy bun, working his way through that mass of dark hair.

"Alright I'm sorry."

Finally. He has the decency to apologise.

"I'm sorry if I hurt or upset you but I'm not sorry about every word I said to him."


"That doesn't make any sense?"

My brother crosses his large arms on his chest. "Well it does to me."

"You know what let's not drag this out any further, we have somewhere to be, I don't want it to happen again though." The seriousness in my voice shows that mean what I say.

He shrugs and says nonchalantly "No promises."

I give him one of those hard looks older siblings give their younger ones.

"Alright fine, I'll try my best."

Hmm at least that's better than nothing.

"So let's go."

Kaedan puts me to speed about everything he's put in place for the party as we walk.

"I even replaced the ceremonial swords with bows and arrows since I know you love archery." He tells me.

"Oh that's so cool, thank you Kaedan but what would father say." The thought alone makes me shiver.

"Don't worry about it."

"You can use my bow if you'd like, it's in my training room just behind the screen."

"Alright." Says Kaedan.

"Goodie good." I clap my hands excitedly like a three year old.

"I invited Arlene, Cyryl, some of your friends, some of my friends, local dignitaries as well as foreign ones from our planet and other worlds as well the whole extended family, Kamila inclusive.

Dang it.

"What about Grandma?" I look at him so intently that I'm sure my gaze bores holes in his soul.

His eyes downcast. "I'm sorry sis, she's not coming."

My heart breaks "Oh. Did she say why?"

He shakes his head as if to say no.

Why isn't she coming? At least she would have called to tell me she wasn't.

"Oh cheer up I'm sure she had her reasons." He says me we reach the door of father's private sunroom.

It slides open. Our meal already served.

Father's eyes light up as soon as we walk in.

"Ah there she is, my perfect princess."

"Happy birthday." They all chorus.

Did he just call me his perfect princess? Something's definitely up.

"Oh Karina darling." Mother rushes over to me smothering and almost suffocating me with her hugs and kisses.

"My baby's nineteen today." Just look at the wonderful woman you're becoming.

"And the wonderful queen she'll become." Father adds proudly.

"Want to open your presents? Look what we got you?" Kalon seems pretty excited.

"I'm afraid we're going to have to do that later."

He says that and the effect is like glass shattering all across the room.

Kalon protests. "Dad why not?"

And mum joins her. "Yes Khan, why not?"

"It's just that Karina has a busy day today." He answers mum and Kalon.

"Yeah but the party doesn't start till evening." Kaedan takes a sit and I follow.

"You'll be a having an interview with the press this evening and I want you to be ready for it." He takes a sip of his soup.

I move forward in my seat. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I think it will be a good idea for you to be more involved, the media will ask you important questions on how you intend to rule this nation and you'll get to tell them what you've learned and everything you've got planned out. Kaedan does them all the time". He says it like it's no big deal, like it's a walk in the park.

"Don't you think you should have told me before now? No I'm not doing it."

"If we cancel now it's going to make you look like you're incompetent."

He does know how to trap someone. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I don't want us to argue, not today. I don't have the energy for it.

"Alright I'll do it, but it's only because I have no choice. You've already made sure I'll look bad if I don't show up." I rub my temple.

Father wins again.

"Don't worry it'll be brief."

Brief or not he should have told me.

"Anyway darling what would you be wearing this evening?" It's up to mother to try to ease the tension once again.

Actually I haven't put much thought in that at all.

"Well I haven't actually."

"She'll be wearing a dress that's been passed down in the family for generations of course." Trust father to always interrupt. "The colours of the Phoenix in our family's crest, it's tradition, it should have been delivered to her room by now."

Okay now I'm about to blow a fuse.

I push my untouched plate forward in anger, the action causes my chair and I to move backwards.

"First it was the interview you didn't tell me about, now it's about what I'm going to wear to my own party?"

"You literally forced this party on me, now you want to do the same with what I'll be wearing? No father no, not this time. You already had your way in my last birthday party, that's one of the reasons I said I didn't want one this year."

I continue as everyone looks at me.

"Father I respect tradition, I really do but it's time to create my own. I'll choose my own colours and my own dress. Our ancestors won't wake up from their graves if I do."

With that I get up, the effect of my words making the hairs on everyone's neck stand upright. "I'll see you at the party."

Storming out in anger I make my way up to my room bumping into Erlan on my way.

"Whoaaa, Karina slow down!" He exclaims, his brows furrowing in confusion.

Not stopping, I hold out my hands to say now is not the right time.

Once I get to my room, I take breaths in an attempt to calm myself. Once I'm sure I'm perfectly calm or at least calm enough to remain stoic and not shoot anyone that comes through that door. I ignore the dress on the mannequin father sent up and tell KARIS to ring up Elva and any other lady's in waiting that will help me get dressed and ready for the party.

After about 10 minutes with a knock on the door they all enter and get started.

Elva walks with me to my huge closet already dressed and after staying in there deliberating on what to wear for what seemed like a lifetime, my eye suddenly catches an off shoulder floor length black velvet gown with a slit just slightly above the knee that I didn't even know I had.

My hair is brushed, combed, parted in the middle and straightened to perfection that it is glossy black and almost plastered to my head, not a strand out of place. Elva carefully puts my hair over my shoulders so it doesn't obstruct or get in the way.

Since I'm wearing a black gown I decide to have sleek black henna designs drawn on my hands and wrists instead of our typical white ones, much to my father's dismay.

Finally the girls finish me up with a light natural make up, a simple but elegant silver earrings, neckpiece and a crown, studded with diamonds which has been in the family for generations and is a beautiful contrast to my dark olive skin, black dress and hair besides it makes my grey eyes really stand out.

Elva hums in satisfaction as she takes in my appearance.

As she helps me into my black heels, there's a knock on the door.

"Oh, your majesty." Elva bows and all the girls follow.

I grin widely while seated on the chair of my vanity thinking it's my mother but I see a different figure approach me in the mirror.

"You should have gone for white henna." My father's voice rings across the room, looking at me then letting his eyes wander across the room.

He hasn't been in here in ages.

My smile falls.

He notices and says "Nevertheless you look stunning. I see you've gone for my mother's jewelery, at least something in the family." He uses his index finger to flick the necklace on my neck.

Oh why do you always have to be a killjoy.

He puts a hand on my shoulder, looking at me in the mirror then at the mannequin wearing the dress I'm supposed to be wearing tonight.

He opens his mouth to say something but at the last minute changes his mind instead he holds out his hand to me.

"Shall we, guests have already started to arrive."

I take my father's hand and Elva holds out the train of my dress.

"You did a good job Elva." He says as the three of us walk out of the room and into the teleporter down the hall.

When we step out, Uncle Balin, my bodyguard and about nine other guards meet us and stand protectively around and behind us.

We all move to the hall of the party and I see a lot of media personnel outside in a section allocated for them.

"Make sure you smile, stand tall and proud, answer their questions with utmost discretion and don't mess this up." Father whispers to me.

Once they see me coming they all rush and move forward with their cameras, screens and microphones and begin to drill me with questions.

Our guards try to push them back, not letting them get too close to us.

"Princess Karina."

There's lost of clicking sounds.

"Princess Karina."

Camera lights flashes in my eyes.

They all talk at once. "Why haven't you been on official visits with prince Kaedan since your coronation?"

Oh please.

"Why don't we see you often in the city?"

You have your King to thank for that.

"You always hide yourself behind the castle walls, Your highness some of your people are beginning to think you're not cut out for the role of heir to the throne and future Queen of this nation since you're hardly seen around."

My ears perked up at this question, my enhanced hearing kicking in as I turn and spot the elven woman who asked the question.

"I don't consider it as hiding, I actually see it as building oneself for the task ahead. I'm trying to learn everything it takes to be a proper Queen for this land and that takes time, I've been under intensive training as well. So to those who think that "I've been hiding" as you've eloquently put it, it's a pity really. Are you sure that's not your personal opinion?"

They all calm down.

My gaze leaves her as I ask. "Any other questions."

"Yes your grace." Another reporter raises his hand moving forward, the others make way for him once I acknowledge him.

"Your grace, rumors have it that the peace treaty between Yavanna and Siofra will be signed and announced at your party tonight. Some support it, others don't. What is your own take in the whole matter?"

I raise my voice slightly, trying to sound as confident as possible.

"I support the decision for our two nations to be allies, we are all elves after all, the same colour of dark blue blood flows through our veins, we shouldn't be fighting, division only weakens us, there is strength in unity. I advise everyone to put all grievances behind them and let us move forward together, Sylphvian Elves and Dark Elves alike."