The Surprise Attack

I'm drawn away from the crowd of reporters by my father and our group makes its way into the hall.

We pass the secret passage that is made available for only members of the royal family. We are granted entry only when father's palm is scanned as well as his retina.

I'm introduced to the stage, walking out of the huge crimson curtains after father addresses the crowd and a huge applause erupts once the sole of my black heels hit the podium.

With a smile plastered on my face I wave gracefully, that smile and wave is something I've practiced over the years.

My eyes move through the crowd, I try to suppress how nervous and uncomfortable I am standing in front of a large crowd of people. You'd think I'd have gotten used to this life a long time ago, being born into royalty and in the lime light.

I'm led down the stairs, by my father and we make our way through the crowd. Elva slowly follows.

Father introduces me from one foreign dignitary to another. Some from different parts of our world and others from neighbouring planets in our solar system.

"This is Chancellor Ai from planet Io." Father motions to me. I shake one of his six hands.

Knowing this might take a while Elva takes that as her queue to ditch us... to ditch me.

"It's nice to meet you." My translator behind my ear translates his foreign language to the elven tongue.

We're involved in a deep conversation that I don't even think I'll remember in the morning. I hardly have time to enjoy my own party, not even spend time with my friends.

Finally I manage to slip away, looking around for any sign of my siblings or friends.

Once I spot them I make my way over to the table that sits Arlene, Cyryl, Kaedan, Kalon and Elva.

"Oh hey guys." I say excitedly.

"There she is... the birthday girl!" Kaedan says.

"Happy birthday Karina, you look absolutely stunning darling." Cyryl gets up and leans in for a hug and kisses me on my cheek.

Kaedan and Kalon do the same.

"Well I had a little something to do with it." Elva says proudly.

With a couple of hoots and hands flailing in the air they all praise Elva. "Well go Elva go."

"Why thank you, thank you, you're too kind." She bows dramatically.

"You're such a tease." I laugh so hard at their display.

"But seriously you look absolutely gorgeous." Arlene says as she pulls me in for a hug. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you Arlene. Funny thing is that I didn't even know I had this dress." I give a light chuckle.

Elva deadpans. "I could be in your closet for months and you won't even know I'm there."

"Hey, that's not true."

Okay maybe it is.

"Well I must say, you've outdone yourself with the decorations brother."

While seated I look around the hall, the lights slightly dimmed for effect, beautiful chandeliers dangling from the ceiling. The white, grey and silver colour scheme matching perfectly from the chairs to the table and decorations.

I also see the bows and arrows Kaedan replaced with the ceremonial swords in transparent glass crystal encrusted cases which are placed on beautiful white columns.

"See... Cyryl I told you that Kaedan can plan a party." I smirk proudly, at Kaedan's good effort.

"Thank The Light he's not a total burst after all. Your birthday party's tomorrow let's see what you'll come up with." Cyryl scoffed at his best friend.

Kaedan's jaw hangs low in disbelief. "Hey! I'm literally sitting right here."

Before he can tackle his best friend to the ground, Kalon intervenes. "I'm sorry to interrupt your "bromance" but Kaedan isn't there someone you'd like Karina to meet?"

He looks at her like he doesn't have a clue about what she's talking about, like she's grown two heads.

She shakes her head in disbelief. "Unbelievable."

She takes her words slowly as if talking to a two year old. "Remember the special guest you wanted Karina to meet?"

What is going on?

Just as if a light bulb turns on in his head he says "Oh yes, I remember. I remember now."

He quickly gets up from his seat debating whether to take me to meet this mystery person or if he should bring the person here.

He scurries off as fast as he can.

"What's going on Kalon?" I ask very confusing.

"You'll see."

After some time Kaedan returns and I feel as if someone is behind me.

When I turn around I'm shocked at who I just laid my eyes on. "Grandmother!"

"Is it really you?"

I can't believe my eyes.

She wraps her arms around me and draws me in for a long hug.

Oh The Light she feels so warm and smells so good too.

"Yes sweetheart, it is me."

"But how?" I say when we both part, her hands still in mine. "Kaedan said you weren't going to make it."

"Did he now?" Her soft warm laughter that I haven't heard in so long rings in my ears.

"I was so heartbroken when he told me that."

Kalon and Keadan say "Surprise!"

"All that matters is that I'm here now. Happy Birthday Kari." She kisses my forehead and I look at my two cheeky siblings before gesturing for them to come closer.

"Alright bring it in." I hug them tightly. "Now my birthday feels complete."

Grandma says hi to Arlene, Cyryl and Elva, especially Elva commending her for transforming her already beautiful granddaughter into a stunning young lady.

"Have you seen your cousins?" Grandma asks.

"Umm no actually, Father has spent most of the night introducing me to some leaders, I just found Kalon, Kaedan and my friends a few minutes ago."

"Oh then we must go meet them. I know where they are." Grandma rises to her feet pulling me along with her.

"Is Kamila with them?" I struggle with the train of my gown, Elva notices and moves to assist me.

"Of course, both of you really need to get along." She says still pulling me along with her.

She moves quite fast for someone her age... but then that's grandma for you.

We are already half way across the hall, moving in between people with such speed and agility when I crash into someone causing their drink to spill on them and on my gown.

Elva gasps, a hand gripping her chest and her face contorted in horror because someone just ruined all her hard work.

"I'm so sorry." I start, not looking at the person but at my gown. "I didn't mean to hit you, I just wasn't looking where I was goi-

"I'm the one that should be sorry, I've ruined your dress, which looks stunning on you by the way."

I look up and I'm now face to face with a very familiar winged creature.

"Iston... it's you."

"I've been looking everywhere for you and what are the chances you'd just bump right into me." He smiles despite the fact that the upper part of his body is wet from the drink.

Such a charming fellow.

Grandma clears her throat.

I quickly introduce her. "Oh and this is my grandmother, Iston... grandma, grandma... Iston."

"Your majesty, it's an honor." He bows in respect.

"Please call me Grandma Estella."

"Both of you need to get dried up. I'll be right over there when you're done" Grandma says and points to where the rest of my extended family is.

"I'll get you something to wipe that off." Elva rushes in the opposite direction.

I take a good look at his appearance, my eyes still lingering "So I see, you finally took my advice and ditched the huge coats."

"Ah yes. If I hide my wings then I hide who I am. Besides I think my wings are my most striking feature." He winks. "I was able to convince all my people present at your party not to wear any coats."

"Really? Is that so?"

We both walk to the balcony where it's more quiet. The doors are wide open. "Yeah."

I lean on the railing "Well I'm glad."

"Enough about me, we should be talking about the birthday girl." Iston pokes me playfully on the arm. "How old are we today?"

"Nineteen." I try not to grin like an idiot.

His question made me realize something. "I don't even know your age?"

"Well I'm 21." He tells me as we both look at the starry sky. "It's beautiful isn't it? All of Elanor's moons are full tonight and are shining ever so brightly."

"The Light did create all things beautiful."

We're both gazing at the night sky in complete awe when we hear the speakers boom.

"Please we would like everyone to come in and witness the signing of the peace treaty between Yavanna and Siofra."

"Oh we have to go in." I say to Iston and we both make our way inside.

As we do that I see Elva's head above the crowd looking around, possibly searching for me.

Our eyes click once she spots us.

"I've been looking everywhere for you... why weren't you answering your coms?"

"Oh I'm sorry it was on translation, I forgot to put it on default setting."

She begins to wipe my dress and hands Iston a cloth who goes to get another drink, while my eyes look up to the stage.

Father and King Aragon are both on the podium with pens in their hands and documents on the table, camera clicks and lights flashes in the air as the media tries to capture this historic moment.

King Aragon signs his and shows it to the audience, this erupts a loud applause from the audience.

Father is about to do the same when one of the huge chandeliers mysteriously snaps and crashes and completely destroying the table. If he was any inches closer it would have seriously hurt him.

Guards quickly rush to him and the Siofran King but before we can all make sense of what's going on, three loud explosions in sequence are heard in the hall.

Pandemonium strikes as everyone is thrown into a state of discombobulation and smoke is fills the air.

"We've got to get you out of here." Uncle Balin is immediately found by my side, pulling me to him.

Where did he come from?

"What is going on?" Elva looks terrified.

"The palace is under attack, and it is my duty to get you to safety now come with me Karina." Uncle Balin explains as people run helter skelter.

"But what about my family and friends, I can't just leave." I wriggle out of his grip.

"Karina you have to come with...

Two plasma bolts are fired into Uncle Balin's chest and he falls back immediately loosing all consciousness.

My eyes are wide in horror as masked elfs with huge black coats make their way towards us.

Desperately looking for something to defend Elva and me with my eyes quickly find my bow and arrows knocked off from its column surrounded by shattered pieces of glass.

I pull her down with me as I grab my bow and hide under an overturned table.

Loading my weapon and seeing a blueish hue radiate from it. I raise my head and spin around in their direction and with a flick of the wrist, I fire. A satisfying thunk sounds when it hits the shoulders of one of the elves sending high electric volts to course through out his entire body and he falls to the ground.

I'm about to load another when one of them knocks out the weapons in my hands and grabs Elva behind me, holding a cloth to her nose and mouth, she struggles for a while and then eventually falls limp.

Then another with a deep husky voice says. "Leave the maid, we're not here for her."

He turns to look at me, his dark eyes boring into my soul. "You my dear is who we came for."

Immediately he brings out a similar cloth from his pocket and holds it up my nose and mouth, caging me in his strong deathly grip.

I struggle and squirm in his arms in attempts for him to loosen his grip.

I don't want to breathe in that toxic poisonous air but my lungs feel like they're going to burst because of lack of oxygen.

Eventually I cave, breathing it in as I feel my body go limp but before the black hole of the abyss is able to sweep me into its arms, I hear the twelfth stroke of the clock... midnight.

Happy birthday Kaedan.

And that is the last thing I think about before my eyelids close and I fall into this never ending void of darkness.