Chapter 9: Call for aid

A low growl echoed through the forest; footsteps crunched the dry foliage. Aria glanced left and right, the evening sun shrouding the woods in a harsh light. She launched herself into a tree, crouching on the thickest branch. She wasn’t concerned at her pursuer or the setting sun; all she felt was the thrill of the hunt. She smirked as the grey wolf walked under her. He sniffed at the ground and around the roots of her tree. Her smirk widened at its whine, deciding to play with him a little. Carefully, she broke a significantly sized twig and threw it to her right. The pup stood at attention, ears perked in an alert. He took a step toward the sound and paused, sniffing. Seeing an opening, Aria lowered herself to the ground. The leaves were silent as her weight settled over them, barely making a sound as she walked up behind him.

‘Rah!’ she yelled. The wolf yelped, dashing forward with its tail between its legs. Aria stifled her laughter, smiling softly at the pour pup.

‘Torak,’ she lightly scolded, ‘you keep forgetting to look up. Just because we’re werewolves, doesn’t mean an enemy will attack from the ground as we do. You have to anticipate everything.’ Torak whined, ears flat and head lowered. Aria sighed, gesturing the pup to come closer as she crouched. Cautiously, he placed his head in her hands.

‘It’s okay, Torak, you’ll get there. You’ve actually improved, last time you walked right passed me,’ Aria said, and Torak’s ears perked up. ‘Yes, you’re improving. Now, let’s get you home. I’m sure your momma has dinner ready by now. Wasn’t she making your favourite?’ Torak yapped, bouncing around Aria as she stood and falling into a play arch. Aria laughed and scuffed up his fur.

‘Not tonight, pup. Your momma would have my head if I’m late bringing you home again,’ Aria said. Torak huffed annoyed but waited as she shifted. Sapphire shook out her fur, sighing as Torak ran between her legs.

‘Come, Torak. Let’s get you home,’ Sapphire said. She nudged his behind and started at a trot. Torak panted, running at full speed to keep up with her long strides. Sapphire made sure to keep her eye on him, never losing him as they weaved between the trees. Aria chuckled at his attempts to race Sapphire, only to get winded and back off before he could pass her front legs. Sapphire barked in encouragement, and he tried again, and he kept trying until he collapsed at his mother’s doorstep. Sapphire licked his cheek before she scratched at the door, barking in greeting when Lily opened the door.

‘Hello, Sapphire,’ she said, smiling warmly. ‘How did it go?’ Sapphire stepped back, and Lily’s smile softened at the sight of her son.

‘Sorry, I tired him out again,’ Sapphire said.

‘But as to your question, Lily, he has improved. This time he stopped to sniff around the tree I was in,’ Aria added as Lily picked up her drowsy son.

‘But he still has room to improve?’

‘He will get there, Lily,’ Sapphire said as she handed Torak off to her eldest, Aiden.

‘I know, but I worry. Being born an omega and a mute wasn’t easy on Jackson, and now that he has Torak, neither he nor his wolf will speak in the mind link. On top of that, their learning disability slows him down, I just—’

‘Lily,’ Aria said gently, ‘you don’t have to explain again; I know it all too well. You were lucky you escaped when you did, but you have to remember the boy is only thirteen. Give him time to find a balance between himself, his wolf and the pack. Once he grows comfortable, he will adjust.’ Lily sniffed, rubbing at her eyes as she nodded.

‘When is your mate off patrol?’ Sapphire asked.


‘Do you want us to stay until he returns?’ Aria said.

‘No, no. Thank you, but I’ll be fine. It’s just—it’s still fresh, you know.’

‘We know,’ they replied, remembering their first few weeks here.

‘Thank you so much for training him. I’ll sleep better knowing he can at least defend himself.’

‘We’re glad to do it, Lily,’ Aria said, grief heavy in her tone. ‘He has a fire in his heart, and once he realises that, nothing will stop him.’

‘…your omega?’ Lily hesitantly asked, and Sapphire nodded.

‘She had the same fire,’ Aria whispered.

‘I know it’s been a year since it happened, but I am sorry you lost her like that.’

‘So are we,’ they said.

‘We should go, Lily. For whatever reason, Declan suddenly called a dinner party to celebrate our brother, and I joined White Warriors tonight,’ Aria added.

‘Still trying to figure out why; the official date is still fifteen week’s away,’ Sapphire grumbled.

‘Of course, don’t let me keep you,’ Lily said.

‘Same time Tuesday?’ Aria asked.

‘He’ll be ready. Could Aiden join?’

‘Of course, he’s always welcome,’ Aria said.

‘Oh, good. He’ll be glad to hear it.’

‘Have a good evening, Lily,’ Sapphire said before taking off, howling lowly when the woman shouted ‘bye’ behind her. She ran at full speed, enjoying the wind in her fur and the earth beneath her paws. She moved fleetingly between houses, trees and bushes, barking to those who greeted her as she passed.

Sapphire slowed as she reached the packhouse, shifting as she walked towards the door. Aria adjusted her bra and fixed her tights. She paused outside of the door, inhaling the sweet scent dinner. She travelled straight to the alpha’s private dining room, forgoing the shower entirely.

‘Here she is,’ Ian yelled, and the others cheered her name.

‘How did the omega do?’ Ethan asked. Ellie smiled in greeting briefly before returning her attention to Sandra.

‘Surprisingly well. Torak managed to sniff out where I was hiding, but he forgot to look up,’ Aria replied as she sat next to Andrew. Declan sighed, rubbing his brow with worry.

‘I worry about the boy, Aria. He’s not Alice,’ he said. Cutlery clanked against the plates, and the room went silent. Andrew began to growl, but it died his throat as Aria placed a hand on his arm.

‘Aria, I’m sorry, I didn’t—’

‘You’re right, Jackson isn’t Alessandra, but who said I was training him as she learnt?’ Aria interrupted. Everyone was holding their breath, shrinking away in anticipation of a fight—especially those in between the two alphas.

‘Aria, I—’

‘She trained to be a warrior, Jackson is nothing but a boy, why would I train him to a warrior status at a tender age?’

‘I didn’t mean to insult your methods, Aria, but I was the one to accept them into my pack. I have the right to be worried, don’t I?’

‘Of course, and I am not insulted about you questioning my methods, I freely welcome that. What I am insulted by is that you had the gall to think I was training Jackson with methods solely for the warriors,’ Aria yelled. ‘The boy is thirteen and without a mark. If you were worried about it, why didn’t you ask me rather than stating it?’

‘…you are right, I apologise,’ he whispered, and Aria calmed down.

‘How are you training him?’ Matthew asked.

‘I’m making it seem more like playing than training. Thankfully, Jackson's a kinaesthetic learner,’ Aria replied.

‘At least he’ll outgrow the ADHA, but verbal disability is unfortunate,’ Ethan muttered.

‘Any idea why Jackson was born mute and Torak wasn’t?’ Andrew asked.

‘Physically, no, and that’s the problem. I have a theory that the cause might be magical, but I’ll have to talk to a magician for that.’

‘Magicians are hard to find, Ethan. Unless you can inveigle Aria into a meeting with their queen,’ Declan said, and Aria rolled her eyes.

‘I’ll talk to Serenity, see if she can spare a someone,’ she said.

‘Thank you, Aria. I’m really at a dead end with Jackson,’ Ethan sighed, and Aria frowned. She saw the procedures and scans herself; clinically, there was nothing wrong with Jackson’s vocal cords. His larynx, all his ligaments and folds, developed naturally but the boy couldn’t speak no matter how much he tried.

‘I’ll give her a call in morning,’ Aria said, and Ethan tipped his glass to her. Amy steered the conversation to a merrier note. Aria listened and laughed along with everyone, but her grief never left. She managed to hide it from everyone, all apart from Andrew. He gripped Aria’s hand under the table, offering as much comfort as he could. She responded with a sad smile. They turned their attention to Declan when he tapped his wine glass, Aria rolling her eyes at the formality of it.

‘Yes, yes, Aria, it’s a little old school but let me have my moments,’ Declan said.

‘That’s one phrase for it,’ Andrew murmured, and everyone laughed. Declan laughed dryly.

‘Har, har, we’re all very amused, but—’

‘Oh, we are, dear Alpha, do not doubt that,’ Max interrupted, finishing his glass with his usual dramatic flair.

‘Can I finish?’

‘Sure, just finish in one word or less,’ Amy said. Declan gave her the finger, Matthew shook his head and Ian bit into his hand. Everyone else burst into laughter.

‘You all are truly hilarious,’ Declan muttered before clearing his throat. ‘I know this isn’t the date you joined us, but you two have been with us for almost four years—’

‘—Except for staying at the academy in Washington—’

‘—Between holidays and semester breaks. Will you ever shut up, Max?’ Declan said, never missing a beat.

‘You’ll have to tie me up, Daddy.’

‘…see what you have created.’

‘Hey, don’t look at me. Andrew found the lifestyle, I merely followed,’ Aria said, and Andrew looked at her betrayed.

‘Anyway,’ Declan brought the attention back to him. ‘You’ve been with us for almost four years. I can’t say I regret it, but there are times—’

Declan was cut off by Max snoring, loudly.

‘For the love of the Goddess, Max.’

‘Then get on with it.’

‘I would if you’d let me.’

‘Fine, fine.’

‘About time,’ Declan muttered. ‘You’re the best there is, both in and outside of my pack—despite you haven’t had any luck finding the royals—the two of you do well to protect in their stead.’

‘Where are you going with this, Declan?’ Michael asked as he straightened in his chair. Everyone was alert too; Declan had gone from bright and cheerful to weary and worried in a matter of seconds.

‘I’m sorry to spoil the mood, but this problem is urgent. I had a call for aid this afternoon, and the alpha asked for my best and second-best for a prolonged period. I argued as best I could, but the alpha was adamant.’

‘Adamant about what?’ Ethan asked.

‘He didn’t want to go through warrior channels, the man was pleading with me to send my best,’ he replied.

‘Odd,’ Ian said.

‘He’s hiding something,’ Andrew said, and everyone nodded in agreement.

‘What was so urgent? Maybe that had something to do with it?’ Max said.

‘Rogue attack: they lost nearly lost fifty members two weeks ago.’

‘Holy fu—fudge,’ Amy cursed, catching herself at the last minute. Ellie glared at her as Sandra coloured, unaware.

‘Where were the patrols?’

‘He wouldn’t say.’

‘Brilliant,’ Matthew muttered.

‘What pack was it?’ Aria asked.

‘Now, Aria, you don’t have too to do anything. I said I would send aid, not necessarily my best but—’

‘What pack was it, Declan?’ she repeated in a firmer tone.

Declan swallowed, glancing around the table before replying, ‘Blood Moon.’ Everyone was in an uproar in a matter of milliseconds. Michael knocked over his chair, Amy lost her grip on her glass, Ethan ushered Ellie and Sandra out of the room, and the rest were yelling over each other. All Aria did was lean back into her chair, stunned.

‘Chase needs help, but won’t go to the warriors. He calls the nearest warrior producing pack for aid, gives the reason why but won’t say how it happened? That gives off all sorts of vibes,’ Aria said.

‘Agreed, especially about the pleading. No alpha pleads with anyone no matter how urgent the situation is,’ Sapphire replied.

‘Something is definitely off.’

‘…do you think it has something to do with our previous situation?’

‘There’s only one way to be for sure.’

‘Do you think it’s the right time to go back?’ Sapphire asked. Aria rubbed a hand over her mouth, practically deaf to the argument taking place.

‘Yes,’ she said unconsciously, her mind wandered the day she died.

‘Rose did say there were reasonable explanations,’ Sapphire said, and Aria snorted.

‘After the last four years, reasonable is biased.’

‘True, but we can’t skip this, right? We should at least find out what is going on if it’s not for us.’

‘You know, I hate it when you’re practical.’

‘You love me.’

‘You’re lucky I do,’ Aria said as a wine glass flew passed her head. ‘…can’t say the same for these idiots.’ Sapphire snorted, getting comfortable in front of the viewscreen. Aria shook her head and slowly stood, whistling sharply to gain their attention.

‘When does Chase expect us?’ she asked. Everyone stared at her like she’s gone mad, but then again, that wasn’t new.

‘Are you sure, Ari? I know Rose said to return when the time was right, but you don’t have to face them yet,’ Andrew said.

‘Yeah, we can hide you here until we’re old and frail,’ Max added. Michael slapped the back of his head. ‘Hey! What was that for?’

‘For being an idiot,’ Michael replied.

‘But that’s my specialty.’

‘Why do I bother?’

‘Why do you bother?’ Ian asked, and Aria cleared her throat.

‘…Tomorrow. I was planning to leave at 8am sharp, and we’ll be there around six. The drive is about nine hours, so I estimated for at least two stops along the way,’ Declan said.

‘Good. It is time for us to go back and not only because the situation demands it, Sapphire and I can feel it.’

‘I am still curious about how you have an intuition for these sort of things,’ Ethan said.

‘No more tests, Ethan. I’ve been poked and prodded enough, thank you.’

‘Fair enough.’

‘You’re sure about this? Feeling or no?’ Andrew asked.

‘I’m sure.’

‘Okay. Who will be going with us, then?’

‘I will accompany you there, but I will return after a week. Ian, you’ll stay with them until they’ve completed their training slash investigation,’ Declan said.

‘Yes, Alpha.’

‘Now, for my second best trainers…’ Declan trailed off, eyeing Amy and Max meaningfully.

‘No,’ Amy immediately said.


‘Over our dead bodies, Matt,’ Max interrupted.

‘Guys,’ Aria interrupted the growing argument, ‘you’ll be there for Andrew and me, and I’ll even allow you to punish them in whatever way you see fit.’ Everyone paled as cruel smirks pulled at their lips; jaws dropped when they saw Aria was mirroring them twice as mercilessly.

‘You do realise what door you’ve opened, right?’ Ian asked.

‘Too late, no take backs,’ Max said as Amy reclined with satisfaction.

‘Alright, then we—’

‘Alpha, can I come along as well?’ Michael asked. ‘As much as I trust our friends, I want to there be for them too.’

‘…it might be a good idea. That way, Ian isn’t fighting against the two-harlequin-army alone,’ Declan said. Amy and Max gave him dirty looks.

‘Glad he knows we won’t help reel in their “punishments”,’ Sapphire said, and Aria bit into her lip to stop herself from smiling.

‘Than I suggest we sleep; we’ve got a long day tomorrow,’ Declan said.

‘Aiden will have to take over Jackson’s training,’ Aria said.

‘I’ll let him know. I’ll let him have his morning patrol off as well so you can give him a few pointers.’

‘Thanks, Dee.’

‘Now, everyone to bed. It’s already nine-thirty,’ Declan said, and everyone dispersed. Andrew guided Aria to her room, pressed her against the door once it was closed.

‘You’re sure? Rose didn’t necessarily say when did she?’ he asked again, and Aria nodded.

‘But she did say I would know and I know,’ Aria paused, watching as her twin sighed and sat on her bed. ‘Would you rather look for your mate? You don’t have to return if you’re not ready.’

‘Hell, no. I might not like the idea of going back, but I’m not letting you face that pack alone.’

‘Andrew,’ Aria whispered, coming to sit beside him. She hooked her arm around his and laid her head on his shoulder. Andrew sighed again and leaned against her.

‘We’ve come a long way, haven’t we?’ he asked.

‘We have,’ she replied. ‘Nothing has stopped us in years.’

‘Well, apart from the lack of information concerning the royals.’

‘Ugh, don’t remind me,’ Aria groaned. ‘But my point is, we will make them hurt tenfold of what they did to us, and we’ll do it with a fucking smile.’

‘So, calling in the team would be a step too far?’

‘An intriguing idea, but not yet. Let’s evaluate Blood Moon first, and then we can call them if we need them.’

‘Not even Drake?’

‘Especially Drake. I love the man, but his hybrid personality can be a bit much to newbies,’ Aria said. Andrew released short laughed, remembering the first day he met him.

‘He does make a great first impression,’ he said.

‘Go to bed, Drew. I’ll see you in the morning.’

‘You’re not going to pack?’

‘In the morning. All I want right now is sleep.’

‘Goodnight then, sis.’

‘Goodnight, brother,’ Aria pecked his cheek before he left and she collapsed on the bed.

‘You know, I’m not even going to bother with a shower.’

‘Agreed. Change and straight to bed,’ Sapphire yawned. Bleary-eyed, she changed and got under the covers. Aria was asleep the moment her head hit the pillow.