Chapter 10: New Nightmares

Travelling by car was something Aria always hated. She was a werewolf, a creature born to run and hunt. She wasn’t meant to sit in a tin can with four wheels for nine hours. Short trips, Aria could handle. She will gladly drive her beauty to the supermarket and back, but nine hours was way over her limit.

‘Should’ve thought this through,’ she muttered. She paused in packing, a headache already forming behind her eyes.

‘The nightmare didn’t help either,’ Sapphire grumbled, and Aria growled in agreement. Her nightmares were few and far between, but they manage to sneak up on her when she least expects it. Sometimes they’re about her abuse, others about her rape but recently, it’s about a dark void filled with screams. Aria couldn’t make heads or tails of it, but it was disturbing to experience.

‘Why did it have to be that one last night?’ Aria rhetorically asked.

‘I hate that one. I don’t like how our body is alive one moment and dead the next. Not to mention the torture we feel but cannot see.’

‘You’re not helping, Saph,’ Aria said. Goosebumps appeared on her exposed arms, her limbs turning cold as fear swam in her chest.

‘Sorry,’ she said. Aria sighed and sat on her bed, dropping her head in her hands. She wove her fingers into her hair as Andrew peeked her room. He sighed himself before knocking and entering her room. He moved her suitcase and sat beside her, gently stroking her arm.

‘Penny for your thoughts?’ he asked. Aria snorted softly, a brief smile gracing her lips.

‘I had another nightmare.’

‘Which one?’

‘The void,’ she whispered. Andrew froze with understanding.

‘Any different?’ he hesitantly asked, and Aria nodded.

‘Still the same, but this one was different: when my body felt alive, I could feel a knife or dagger cutting into my skin. It burned like the blade was poisoned; my body reacted like it was. I would thrash, but something held me down. Bones broke and shattered under pressure; the flesh was torn away, fire licking at opened wounds—’

‘Aria,’ Andrew shouted, kneeling in front of her and forcing her to look at him. He stilled at her trembling form, dread filling him at what he saw. Her fear reflected his, but that wasn’t what had them scared; her rage did. Unadulterated fury coursed through her being. Aria removed her fingers as her claws burst forth, her eyes crimson gold and saliva dripped from her extended canines. She wanted to kill. Hunt. But she didn’t know who or what.

This rage was not unknown to Andrew, but he rarely saw it. The few times he had seen it, it took a lot more transgression to work her up to this level.

‘Alpha, breathe,’ he whispered. He removed his hands from her, shuffling back until he was kneeling a metre away, neck bared and eyes lowered. He repeated his whisper like a mantra, not stopping until she stopped trembling, her canines retracted, and her eyes returned to their brilliant hue. Aria gasped as she flopped back, throwing an arm over her eyes.

‘You know what I hate most?’ she muttered. ‘The familiarity of it all.’ That was what worried Andrew the most.

‘Have you talked to Serenity about this?’

‘No, and I’m not going to.’

‘Aria, she might be able to figure out where these nightmares are coming from.’


‘Then maybe you should stay here, I—’

‘No,’ Aria said as she sat up, levelling her twin with a firm expression. ‘I’ve avoided this for the last four years, Andrew. Enough is enough.’ She stood and returning to her packing. Andrew sighed, taking hold of her shoulders and dropping his head to the back of her neck. Aria paused again, crossing her arms to cover Andrew’s hands.

‘Say it,’ he said.

‘I hate how venerable it makes me.’

‘You need to be in control, but is bossing Blood Moon around the way?’

Aria looked at him over her shoulders, raising a brow as she said, ‘Is there a better way you’re not telling me?’ Andrew pursed his lips in thought, canting his head.

‘There’s always killing them.’

‘Don’t tempt me,’ she drawled.

‘You packed everything?’ Andrew asked as she zipped up her bag.

‘Yep. Underwear, clothes, training gear, shoes, guns, knives, torture equipment,’ Aria listed. Andrew laughed and gave her shoulder a slight shove.

‘At least I know the last one is a joke,’ he said as he grabbed her suitcase.

‘You sure about that, brother?’ Aria said, throwing a smirk over her shoulder as she waltzed out.

‘I was only kidding about killing them,’ he yelled, and Aria laughed. Andrew shook his head, catching up to her with a ruthless smile. Aria mirrored it, but it turned soft once she saw a familiar face.

‘Angie,’ she yelled, holding up her arms for a hug. Angela ran straight into them, burying her head into the crook of her neck. ‘What’s wrong, darling?’

‘You can’t go,’ she cried.

‘Darling, we’ll be fine.’

‘But I can’t lose you too.’

‘Oh, sweetie,’ Andrew said, hugging her from behind. ‘You know nothing can harm us now, right?’

‘I know,’ Angela whispered, ‘but my brother, my pack…’ The girl broke down, her arms tightening around Aria. Andrew sighed and hugged her tighter. Four years ago, the rogue problem was nothing more than a mild nuisance to packs. Now, their anarchist. Packs are having a hard time fighting against them; those that lost vanished. Angela’s pack was one of them. It was another new form of nightmares for the twins. Moonshine alpha’s, Angela’s parents, were family friends, and the twins were disheartened when she escaped alone. They were alive at her information, and Aria tried her best, but Angela was the only one she found.

‘Angie, when I said I didn’t find anyone else, I didn’t mean I was giving up indefinitely,’ Aria said, and Angela sniffed.

‘R-Really?’ she asked, pulling away from Aria when she nodded.

‘Blood Moon is south, isn’t it? Moonshine another five hours south of there.’

‘I thought you couldn’t investigate?’

‘We can’t,’ Andrew said, raising a brow at Aria.

‘We were ordered not to, yes, but when did that ever stop me,’ she added, and Angela’s demeanour changed dramatically. She jumped up and down, clapping her hands before first hugging Aria then Andrew. She disappeared outside with a bounce in her step.

‘Are you mad? We—’

‘Yes, and I know,’ Aria interrupted Andrew.

‘Hart has gone mad, and Elder Marshall has it out for us. Both of whom have forbidden us from doing anything. Much less travelling to the affected packs.’

‘At least until the end of our vacation,’ Aria said.

‘You know that’s BS, Aria. They’ll tell us the same claptrap when we go back.’

‘True, but Andrew, when have you ever known me to obey rules made by sexist men?’

‘Never, but Hart and Marshall are too powerful and too well supported. All we have are—’

‘Are three royals of the nine supernatural races. Don’t be such a worrywart. We’ll be discreet,’ Aria said. Andrew gave her a 'really' expression.

‘Us? Discreet? We may as well announce what we’re doing now, save us the trouble of getting reprimanded later,’ he said as he turned on his heel and exiting the house.

‘That’s the spirit,’ Aria cheered, and Andrew groaned.

‘What is she doing to you now, Drew?’ Declan asked.

‘Planning my funeral.’

‘Oh, har, har,’ Aria said. She gave Amy an expression that purely said ‘men’. Amy nodded in agreement.

‘If you were planning to kill anyone, Aria, I would have thought it’ll be Blood Moon?’ Matthew said as he leaned against her white mustang.

A smirk graced his lips when Andrew said, ‘Oh, so no thought or concern for my safety?’

‘No,’ some said while others replied, ‘Not really.’

‘Bastards, every single one of you,’ Andrew said as he slammed the boot shut. Everyone laughed at him. Aria looked down as her hand was tugged on, smiling widely at Jackson’s beaming grin.

‘Jacky,’ she exclaimed, lifting the boy and spinning him around. A soundless laugh escaped him, grabbing onto her wrists for dear life. Aria placed him down, and the boy started signing, his movements quick and fast but Aria could read him fluently.

‘Yes, I’m going to help another pack for a while. I don’t know when I’ll be back,’ Aria replied.

‘I won’t get to see you?’ he asked, and Aria shook her head.

‘No, buddy, but you can use Momma’s or Daddy’s phone to call me anytime.’

‘Who will look after me while you’re gone?’

‘Aiden will take over your training, Jack.’

‘I will?’ Aiden said as he approached.

‘Ah, my apologies, Aiden. I meant to inform you last night of that, but someone distracted me,’ Declan said meaningfully, glancing at Winter. She blushed and punched his arm. ‘Ouch, woman!’

‘Aria, as much I am honoured, but I’ve only been on a couple of sessions,’ Aiden said.

‘And that’s one of the reasons why. Plus, you’re Jackson’s brother, and you know what he likes and dislikes. Just make everything appear like a game, and you'll be right as rain. You may need to repeat the game several times for it to sink in, though. But if you have any problems, call me,’ Aria replied as Jackson signed encouragingly.

‘Alright, buddy, alright,’ Aiden laughed and patted Jackson’s head.

‘Where are your parents, Aiden?’ Declan asked.

‘Oh, they say farewell and safe travels, but they were, um…busy.’

Aria bit her lip at the furious blush on his cheeks. Neither Amy nor Max were that dignified. Declan rolled his eyes and patted Jackson back, soothing his confusion a little.

‘Ari,’ someone said. Aria smiled and turned to face Jasper and his brother, Aaron.

‘Hey, boys.’

‘Alpha, I feel like my brother should go with you,’ Aaron said, and Aria sighed. Jasper and Aaron were one of the few wolves she saved over the years, and somehow, she started creating a pack. Shared havens, mind link and everything. From what she researched, for a retired warrior or a lone alpha to create a pack, only a royal could create the pack or approve on their legitimacy before havens could be connected. It was one of the many things Aria was going to ask the royals when she found them. It was forbidden for a warrior to be apart or create a pack while attached to a team by the warrior code. Yet, she enjoyed feeling of her packmates safe and happy under Declan’s protection. Plus, hiding them from the warrior commander and the elders gave her an addictive thrill.

‘Aaron, we’ve been over this. Aria is more than capable of taking care of herself,’ Jasper said.

Aria laughed at their bickering before asking Jasper, ‘You’ll look after the others? Like usual?’

‘Of course, Alpha, all eleven of them. It’s a pity Colton isn’t here. He’ll be upset when he returns from England,’ Jasper replied.

‘You’ll pick him up at the airport in six weeks if I’m not back?’

‘Of course. I’ll even drive him down to you so you can see each other.’

‘Thanks, Jasper. I miss my boy,’ Aria said.

‘Aria, we should get going if we wanted to get to Blood Moon by six,’ Declan said, and she nodded.

‘Aria, we should get going if we wanted to get to Blood Moon by six,’ Declan said, and she nodded.

‘We’ll call if we have any trouble,’ Jasper said before Aria could, and she smirked.

‘And listen to Matthew,’ she added. Jasper rolled his eyes.

‘And set the house on fire, yes, yes,’ Aaron added.

‘I bloody hope not,’ Matthew said. Aria laughed as she hugged the three men goodbye.

‘Give ‘em hell,’ Matthew added.

‘You expect me to do anything less?’

‘Of course not, and do you think you can just leave without saying goodbye to me?’ Zena, Declan’s sister and Matthew’s mate said.

Aria raised a brow Matthew and said, ‘Do you hear something? Could’ve sworn I heard a banshee.’ Matthew laughed as Zena punched Aria’s shoulder, the two women hugging in farewell. Aria walked around the yard, saying goodbye to the few people staying before opening the passenger door. She paused there as an idea slowly formed. She turned to gaze at her travel companions, fixing them with a determined expression.

‘I know that look,’ Declan said.

‘All too well,’ Andrew added. ‘Lay it on us.’ Aria worried her bottom lip as she leaned on the roof of the car, her mind figuring out the details.

‘…we want to be sure that Chase and Justin regret abusing us, don’t we?’

‘Yes,’ Andrew drawled.

‘What better way to see that than by playing Persona,’ she said with a smirk. A callous grin mirrored on Andrew’s lips as he realised her plan.

‘Persona?’ Max asked.

‘It’s a game with our team and us. Every once and a while, we had to create facades to attract our targets better,’ Andrew explained.

‘Oh,’ Max and Amy drawled.

‘So, who will you be?’ Jasper asked.

‘The best trick of all; ourselves. Chase and Justin knew us as a delta and shiftless omega, not as a warrior alpha and beta. Only our names will be changed. I’ll be Evelyn,’ Aria said.

‘And I’ll be Seth,’ Andrew added.

‘But your scent? Your features? Surely they’ll recognise you by those?’

‘We still have some on Serenity’s Scent Changer, and our rings will impede their comprehension on our features,’ Aria replied. ‘Now, shall we go?’ She smirked as she hopped into the passenger seat, saluting to Matthew and the others.

‘Guess that means I’m driving,’ Andrew muttered.

‘Just follow behind us, Airhead,’ Amy yelled. Andrew picked up a stick and threw it at her, Amy ducking and laughing as she raced to her car.

‘Just get in, Airhead,’ Aria said after she opened the driver’s door.

‘You started that.’

‘Yes, I did. Now, can we go?’ Aria said, and Andrew grumbled. He started the car and honked the horn as they pulled away. Aria sighed and pulled out a travel pillow, reclining her chair a little.

‘Thought so,’ Andrew muttered.

‘Just wake me when we reach the first stop, I’ll take over then,’ Aria said as she closed her eyes. Andrew waited until she was deep asleep before calling a friend. He picked up on the third ring.

‘Hey, Drew. What do I owe the pleasure of your call?’ Drake sounded as cheerful as ever, and Andrew hated to do this, but he was worried about Aria.

‘I need you to come to Blood Moon.’

‘…I’m sorry, come again?’

‘You heard me.’

‘What the hell are you doing there? Of all places?’

‘Chase called for aid yesterday, and its founding’s are very suspicious, but that’s not what I’m worried about,’ Andrew said.

‘If not Blood Moon, then what? And where are you now?’

‘Just left White Warriors, and Aria had another nightmare.’

Silence came from the other end before Drake whispered, ‘The void?’

‘This one was worse.’

‘Fuck. How did she react?’


‘Did she…?’




‘Alright. I have to tie up some loose ends, but I’ll get to you by tomorrow at the latest,’ Drake said.

‘You can’t do today?’

‘No, unfortunately. I wish I could drop everything and run to you, but I can’t.’

‘May I ask why?’

‘I’ll tell you when I get there; it’s too dangerous over an unsecured line.’

‘Does this involve the big secret you have?’

‘Yes. I’ll try to be there as soon as I can.’

Andrew frowned, but didn’t question him.

‘Thank you, brother.’

‘See you soon.’

‘See you soon,’ Andrew said and hung up. Andrew sighed when he glanced at Aria, upset that he went behind her back, but he had to do something. He couldn’t let her kill the entire pack in one of her episodes.