Chapter 11: Blood Moon

The last four years seemed to travel slowly for Chase, more so when his torture increased. It saddened him that he had grown used to it and that he developed a high pain tolerance. He barely made a sound as the whip descended on his back, arching with the force of it for the umpteenth time. His muscles strained against the ropes holding him up, hardly noticing how they tightened around his wrists as his will to live was slowly fading.

‘That’s enough,’ Kara said. Chase shivered at the sound of her voice, wincing as her heels clicked against the concrete. He cried out when she stuck a claw into an open wound. He tried pulling away, but she merely dug it deeper. Kara laughed as she walked around to crouch in front of him. She lifted his head with the clawed finger, the point piercing and drawing blood. He barely twitched as he gazed at her bleary-eyed, recognising her signature smirk anywhere.

‘You know, this wouldn’t be necessary if you just submit,’ Kara said. Levi growled, prowling inside his haven with vehemence intent. Chase couldn’t bare his teeth; his punishment would continue until the White Warrior alpha, and his trainers arrive, but he did narrow his eyes. Kara’s top lip twisted in distaste. She nodded to the thrasher behind him, and Chase groaned at another hit. She was cruel as she forced her mouth on his, biting and swallowing any sounds Chase made. Kara crawled over his lap, reaching for his belt buckle with a wicked smile. Chase leaned back, Kara twisting her fist in his hair as the whip struck him again. It forced Chase to arch into Kara involuntarily.

‘Now?’ Levi asked, itching to run.

‘Now,’ Chase replied, and Levi left his haven.

‘Just submit to me, Chasey. I promise to treat you better,’ Kara said as she rolled her hips, mistaking his shiver of disgust for one of lust. She continued with eager intent but growled when one of her henchmen entered the room.

‘I’m sorry to interrupt your dictation, Luna, but Justin is looking for this Muppet,’ he said. Chase swallowed a sigh of relief as she leaned back; Levi growled on his return, noting his host situation instantly.

‘Nice timing,’ Chase said.

‘Justin is making a lovely racket upstairs; we should be fine now,’ Levi replied.

‘Then keep him busy for an hour; I need to release some frustration on my plaything,’ Kara ordered.

‘Plaything?!’ Levi growled.

‘We can’t, Luna. He’s raving about preparing for the arrival of the White Warrior trainers; they’re due in half an hour,’ the henchmen said. Kara growled, standing and adjusting her skirt.

‘Damn. We’ve been here for five hours,’ a goon said.

‘And he still hasn’t cracked?’ another said.

‘Enough,’ Kara yelled. ‘Hand me the cream. We’ll continue this later.’ Chase cringed at the mention of the cream, gagging as its scent filled the room. It always reminded him of rotting flesh and black mould. Kara and his parents always used this whenever he needed to heal from his ‘punishment’. Chase hated the smell, but he loathed how it felt like salt when applied to his wounds. He moaned when Kara lathered to his back, his back itching as his skin stitched itself together. Chase shouted when a bucket of ice water was thrown over him, shivering as they untied him. He barely managed to catch himself before he faceplanted.

‘You’re lucky they’ll be here soon. Otherwise, I would have you awake until morning,’ Kara said, caressing the back of his head. Chase stayed still and watched her polished pink pumps if she decided to use the heel to harm him. He stifled his sob when she moved away, heading towards the door.

‘Hose him down again. Maybe then he’ll learn his transgression was not his choice to make,’ Kara said as she left. Chase could practically hear them smirk as they turned on the hoses. They sprayed him from all angles, barely letting him breathe as they laughed.

‘Come on, let’s leave the runt to crawl his way out of here. We need to put on a good show to those White Warrior bastards,’ one goon said. They laughed again and exited the basement, leaving Chase gasping on the floor. He stayed there for a moment, working up the strength to stumble over to the wall. Opening the hidden compartment, Chase removed a towel and spare clothes. He undressed from his soaked clothing, drying himself as best as he could and dressing again. Chase leaned against the wall for a moment, composing himself before he left as well. He went straight to his room, ignoring the hateful and disgusted glares long enough to close his door and collapse against it.

‘Don’t give up, Chase,’ Levi said, whining as Chase dropped to his knees.

‘I-I can’t do this anymore.’

‘It’ll get better, Chase. We just—’

‘When, Levi? Tonight, tomorrow? When?’

‘I wish I could answer that, my human; we just need to be patient a little longer. The White Warriors are nearly here; they’ll help us.’

‘The rogues killed most of the members who were loyal to us; we’ve lost. It was a waste of time calling them,’ Chase said.

‘I don’t think it was, and I am not submitting to the likes them and neither will you. I will not allow it.’

‘We’re lost, Levi.’

‘Not yet, Chase. You defied Kara earlier.’


‘But you still did. Just onto hold that feeling and we’ll be okay. Besides, you forget about Justin,’ Levi said. Chase lifted his head as someone knocked, relieved at Justin’s vetiver and lemongrass scent.

‘Alpha, may I come in?’ Justin asked. Chase frowned as he stood, feeling trapped instantly. Justin’s never formal unless the pack was around. Chase composed his voice long enough to allow him entry, staying out of sight of the entrance when Justin opened the door. Justin paused at the sight of Chase: hair damp, skin pale and clothes rumbled. Slumped against his dresser, Chase's hands trembled as he held on the counter with a white-knuckle grip. Justin quickly shut and locked the door, pulling Chase into a hug. The alpha broke down in his brother’s arms, hanging into him for dear life.

‘I can’t handle this any longer,’ he muttered once he calmed down.

‘I know, but we knew it would be a risk call the White Warriors,’ Justin replied.

‘No, not that. Just…in general,’ Chase said, waving his hand in a random gesture. Justin sighed as he caught on, Levi catching Nari and Justin up of their previous conversation.

‘Everything will work out, Chase, you’ll see,’ Nari said.

‘I want to believe that—trust me, I do—but I just don’t have any faith right now,’ Chase replied.

‘Don’t give up, brother,’ Justin repeated Levi’s words. Chase gave him a weak smile, offering one of Justin’s wrist a reassuring squeeze.

‘I’m not giving up, but I…just can’t right now,’ he replied. Justin sighed, gently knocking heads together. He nuzzled his brother, reassuring Chase physically as best he could.

‘…I wasn’t kidding that the White Warriors would be here soon,’ he hesitantly said when he pulled away. Chase groaned, head resting back on his shoulders.

‘I don’t have the energy for this.’

‘Then borrow from me.’

‘What? No.’


‘No, Justin. I can’t.’

‘You can, and you will. You have to get through their arrival and dinner before you can properly rest. You need it.’

Chase was flabbergasted. Justin had offered this many times, but Chase always managed to pull through. Though, he knew this time was different. Chase could feel his body begging him to rest; he won’t be able to receive his guests much less survive dinner. He needed a boost.

‘You should save your energy. We’ll never know when you might need it,’ Chase said. Justin shook his head, determined in his decision.

‘Stop stalling, take the energy and have a shower.’


‘Thank you,’ Justin said. Chase placed a hand over Justin’s heart, and Justin placed a hand over his. Through that physical connection, Levi travelled deep into his heart and soul and transferred what he needed. Justin visibly deflated as the energy left him, shaking his head clear. Chase shivered at the odd sensation, grabbing hold of Justin’s shoulders and steering him to his bed.

‘Are you alright?’ he asked as he grabbed a muesli bar from his bedside table.

‘Yeah, just a little dizzy,’ Justin replied, taking the snack gratefully. ‘Thanks.’

‘Alright, sit and don’t move. I’ll have a quick shower.’

‘Trust me, not going anywhere,’ he mumbled around the bar, and Chase laughed. He grabbed his decent clothes and left them on the bathroom sink. Chase made quick work of warming himself up and removing any lingering scent of the cream. When he returned to Justin, he felt a bit more himself than before.

‘There, better?’

‘You look more human, at least,’ Justin replied, and Chase gave him the finger.

‘Are you ready? The White Warriors just left the border patrol.’

‘I’ll be as ready as I’ll ever be.’

‘Then let’s greet our guests, shall we?’

‘Why you so chipper?’

‘Trying to lighten the air; you are downright depressed.’

‘Gee, thanks,’ Chase grumbled and turned to leave. Justin caught his shoulder before he reached the door, feeling ashamed and regretful.

‘I’m sorry, Chase.’

Chase waved his apology away and said, ‘It’s fine. I know you mean nothing by it.’

‘But it hits a little close to home.’


‘I miss them too,’ Justin whispered. Chase glanced at him and placed a hand over his, patting it in agreement. As they agreed four years ago, they tried looking for the twins. Aria’s death was a blow to the chest for both of them; they were greatly relieved when they felt her revival. Chase was even more grateful that the bond renewed entirely; it meant Aria wouldn’t feel what was happening to him. Yet, it was because of his abuse that made it was difficult to keep their search under the radar, and despite their best efforts, they couldn’t find them. They didn’t give up, though. They only stopped when they heard of a prodigy with a golden mark quickly rising in the warrior ranks. They were relieved to hear Andrew was alright: if he was safe, so was Aria.

‘Shall we?’ Chase asked, and Justin nodded. They headed to the front yard in silence, both silently groaning when Kara and her posy were already waiting.

‘Oh, how I wish I could kill the bitch,’ Nari snarled, hackles bristling and tail curling over his back.

‘Easy, boy,’ Justin soothed as Kara flounced over with a beaming smile.

‘There you are, Chasey,’ she said with a high-pitched tone. She wrapped her armed around Chase’s neck, forcing a slow kiss on him. Chase stiffened in her arms, compelling himself to accept the show of ‘affection’.

‘You sure I can’t kill this bitch?’ Nari asked as Justin clenched his hands.

‘Please, don’t tempt me,’ he replied when the whore finally pulled away.

‘Where were you, baby?’ Kara asked. Justin wanted to smack off her knowing smirk and preferably to break her perfect features.

‘Scouting,’ Chase replied dully, and Kara’s smirked widened. She stroked his cheek approvingly as her followers snickered. Kara went to whisper in his ear when two cars pulled up. Kara hissed under her breath as Chase internally sighed, but cringed as she tucked herself under his arm.

Declan watched the display from the car, frowning at the alpha’s stiff posture and his beta’s tensed shoulders.

‘Something is clearly wrong,’ he muttered.

‘You can tell they’re trying to hide it,’ Winter said.

‘And failing miserably,’ Michael added from the back seat. He leaned forward to get a better look, frowning as beautiful caressed Chase. ‘How long were Aria and Andrew going to be?’

‘Five, ten minutes max,’ Declan replied. ‘Let’s greet them before they get suspicious.’ The three of them hopped out, displaying their air of authority and confidence as they did. They managed to pull it off—the group that greeted them shuffled nervously—but a shout from the other car broke the moment.

‘…it, that is it! Michael, next time we travel for long distances, you ride with the Satan spawns,’ Ian shouted, and Declan rubbed his brow.

‘Oh, come on, Sugar Daddy,’ Amy whined.

‘You can’t leave us yet,’ Max said. Ian threw up his hands, muttering how someone cursed him to be friends with the couple.

‘First off, Alpha Evans, I sincerely apologise for their behaviour now and any future behaviour you will experience,’ Declan said. ‘The two hooligans are Amy and Max Gilmour, and the man currently planning their demise is my delta, Ian Davis. Amy and Max are my second best trainers. With me is Michael Faulkner, another one of my gammas, and my lovely mate, Winter.’ Chase smiled at the squabbling, waving away the visiting alpha’s apologies.

‘It is alright, Alpha Reed. Thank you for coming all this way,’ he replied.

‘It was of no trouble. I couldn’t leave a fellow alpha in trouble, especially one so close to the rogue line.’

‘Still, thank you. All of you, but if I may ask…?’

‘Ah, my best trainers will arrive shortly. They have friends in the Thunderstorm pack, and they dropped in for a brief visit; they should be here shortly,’ Declan replied. A heavy ache settled over Chase and Justin, their thoughts travelling to Caiden.

‘I suppose they haven’t seen them in a while? Considering distance?’ Justin asked.


‘Oh, it’s my turn to apologise, Alpha Reed; this is my beta, Justin Knight,’ Chase said. He barely hid the wince when Kara dug her claws into his back. ‘And this is my girlfriend, Kara.’ His voice wobbled over the word ‘girlfriend’, and it didn’t escape the White Warrior group’s notice. Neither did the fact he didn’t mention the names of the other people present or how annoyed and angry they were by it.

‘Strange,’ Ian said. Amy and Max mentally nodded in agreement.

‘No mate yet, Alpha Evans?’ Winter asked innocently, observing his reaction.

‘…no, not yet,’ he replied. The hesitation didn’t escape Kara’s notice either, tilting to glare at him. She went to reprimand him but froze as a white Ford Mustang drove up. Jealously swelled within her, more so as a gorgeous woman stepped out. Everyone but the White Warriors marvelled at her beauty. Chase nearly swallowed his tongue as the woman pulled her hair loose, her raven locks swaying in tune with the shake of her head. Her olive skin seemed to glow under the artificial lights, and her vivid sapphire and emerald eyes sparkled with crushing intensity. The clothes she wore exposed every natural curve she had; her black high waisted skinny jeans hugged her legs and rear beautifully, showing off her toned muscles. Her elegant yellow lace blouse was tucked in at the hem, overlapping slightly but showing how much her waist dips before curving out her chest. Chase and Levi believed the Moon Goddess herself personally handcrafted this woman.

Kara was immensely envious of her, hating how cheap clothing made the woman more beautiful than her. The only expansive thing the woman was wearing was her black anklet sandals, and Kara still considered those to be cheap.

‘There you two are, I was beginning to think you turned tail and headed off home,’ Declan said. The woman laughed as Chase finally acknowledged the man with her. His features were much the same as hers, but he was a fraction taller and broader than his female counterpart. His white shirt was practically a second skin, envy swelling in Chase and Justin. They didn’t appreciate the ripped jeans he wore, but they coveted the leather jacket he had on.

‘Har, har, very funny,’ the man said as he sat on the hood of the mustang.

‘That would make us cowards, Declan, and you know very well that we are not cowards,’ the woman added, pointing between herself and the man. Justin winced at the word ‘coward’, memories of his past mistakes running wild.

The twins didn’t miss the action.

‘Alpha Evans, these are my best trainers, Evelyn Nutter and her twin brother, Seth,’ Declan said. Aria smiled at Chase while Andrew glared secretively at Declan. The alpha shrugged innocently, briefly smirking in triumph over the ‘accurate’ name. Amy, Max and Michael stifled their laughter, biting the inside of their cheeks to do it.

‘Lovely to meet you, Alpha Evans,’ Aria said, bowing her head respectfully. Chase instinctively mirrored her action, surprising her and Andrew. Kara was also shocked. Hatred quickly joined her intensifying jealousy, not liking that her plaything submits to a mere wench.

‘Likewise, Evelyn,’ Chase replied, his voice a little husky.

‘He’s in awe of you,’ Andrew said.

‘I can see that thank you,’ Aria replied.

‘How does it feel? Outshining the great and powerful Kara?’ he asked, sarcasm dripping off every word. Aria glanced at the blue-eyed blonde in question, relishing that Chase was more attracted to a ‘stranger’ than herself.

‘Fucking great,’ she replied, and Andrew smirked.

‘Shall we head in?’ Justin said suddenly, clapping his hands to grab everyone’s attention.

‘Of course, let’s get out of this night’s air and into the house,’ Chase agreed. He turned to Kara’s posy, trembling as he asked, ‘Could you bring in their bags, please? And take them to their room?’

Andrew raised his brow at the questions, wondering why he didn’t order them to do it instead. His eyes narrowed next when Chase jumped, Kara’s hand disappearing under his shirt moments before. Andrew’s protective instincts hit him full force, his tensed in preparation to pounce. He only stopped when Aria placed a hand on his shoulder, smiling sweetly at Chase.

‘That is alright, Alpha Evans. We can bring in our bags,’ she said.

‘You should’ve been an actor, Aria,’ Winter said. Aria walked to the boot of the car with an unnecessary sway to her hips. Andrew glanced at the Blood Moon members; all but Justin were ogling after her.

‘When you got it, you got it,’ she replied, and Andrew rolled his eyes.

‘My trainer is right, Alpha Evans. Just show us to our rooms first then we’ll join you for dinner,’ Declan said. Chase winced as Kara’s claws dug in further, nodding to the alpha’s words.

‘Of course. If you would follow me, please,’ Chase said, deliberately moving away from Kara and waving them into the house. Justin ducked in behind Chase, forcing Kara off to one side as Declan’s company followed after him. As Aria passed a furious Kara, not liking the aggressive appearance she had. What she didn’t like further was the comforting hand Justin placed on Chase’s shoulder. Aria peeked at Andrew, and he nodded, spotting the move as well.

Chase led them to his floor, showing them to their rooms personally after he said, ‘Dinner isn’t quite ready yet. Why don’t you start unpacking and someone will come and get you in a short while?’

‘A splendid idea, Alpha Evans,’ Declan replied.

‘Chase is fine, Alpha Reed.’

‘…then it’s Declan for you, Chase.’

Aria watched the exchanged with growing confusion. She hadn’t there for more than half an hour and already noticing discrepancies in his behaviour. Apart from Declan, every alpha she met preferred to be spoken to with their title, even by their packmates. Even Justin was surprised by the causal exchange.

‘Either Justin or I will retrieve you when dinner is ready,’ Chase said. He turned on his heel and entered his room, Justin following behind him.

‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’ Justin yelled as soon as the door closed behind them.

‘I don’t know! It just came out,’ Chase replied. He sat on his bed and hung his head in his hands, mentally berating himself.

‘Chase, you have to be more careful. If they find out you’re not the alpha, they’ll—’

‘They’ll tell the warriors, I know.’

‘And we don’t know what the commander, their council or the elders will do to you if they’re made aware of this.’

‘I know, Justin, I know,’ Chase yelled. ‘It’s just…I don’t know. I felt so at ease with them; it just came out.’ Justin stared at him for a moment, his gaze softening a little at a sudden realisation.


‘She reminds me of Aria,’ Chase whispered. Justin sighed and sat beside him, wrapping an arm behind Chase’s back.

‘I know, I thought the same,’ he said. ‘But we need to careful from now on.’ Chase merely nodded, daydreaming of a perfect world where neither he nor Aria were abused, they accepted each other and had a life with no trouble. He desperately wished that was real.