To Be Or Not To Be

Dear Jesus,

'Wings' fluttered... I mean, zoomed in to the church's premises within five minutes. I was waiting for him by the parking lot.

"Hi!" I mouthed as I smiled and waved at John.

He removed his helmet and shook his head.

Rewind that and then play in slow motion and you'd have all the girls in church drooling their hearts out.

"Radiance," he just said. He patted the backseat of the Powerbike and wriggled his eyebrows at me. "Come on, let's go."

I laughed and collected the helmet he stretched to me.

Hirena left the kids and jogged over to my side.

"Where are you going?" she asked in her accent. I could almost feel curiosity oozing out of her as her eyes scanned me and John over.

"I have to get somewhere real quick– An orphanage. It's urgent. I left a message for my parents already. Tell them not to worry. I'll be back as soon as possible."

She shrugged and said okay.