The Day of Reckoning

Dear Jesus,

It's today, it's today, it's today!

Oh my dear, Lord! The much-dreaded and much-awaited day had finally arrived, dragging with it its uncanny herald.

The harmattan chill lingered till this morning. Its hair-spiking haze floated in through the crevices of the window and creeped through the openings in my blanket.

I curled up further into my blanket, shivering involuntarily.

I woke up, finally, after a dazed ceremony of stretching like a lazy dog (No offense to Jerry, Ha ha!), hair-scratching, auto-chewing, and eye-rubbing.

My brain was still foggy and it took a while for me to remember that I'm headed for school today.

School, not a quaint restaurant where I work part time and get to stare into grey for as long as I work.

School, where our judgement awaits. School! Gosh, I can't wait for Heaven, where there's nothing like school.

I sat up and stretched. Hirena was still asleep.