
Dear Jesus,

I knelt in the warm, golden sand and bowed my head, my heart pounding as I willed it to calm down.

I could feel my friends' eyes fixed on me. Seven pairs of expectant, fascinated eyes.

"Holy Spirit, come. Just as you promised," I whispered, concentrating my spirit on you.

I could feel the build up in the spiritual atmosphere, like tingling sensation all over me. I focused more and prayed softly in tongues.

I heard gasps escaping from my friends' throats.

The cross seals had lighted up blue. I knew; the tingling was concentrated there.

"He is here," I said and I opened my eyes.

John, who was staring at my face exclaimed, "Radiance! Your eyes!"

I didn't know why he said that.

More gasps poured out from the mouths of my friends.

But I wasn't seeing them alone. We were surrounded. By the Host.

I didn't see their complete forms, but I saw the lighted outlines of angelic spirits behind each of my friends. Most probably their guardians.