One o’ clock in the morning, at the National Museum, the security guards suddenly fell asleep. The CCTV cameras become inactive. Three armored demons barge through the door. The demons are about seven feet tall. One demon looks like a green giant lizard with wings of a Pterodactyl. The second demon looks like a red komodo dragon with wings of a giant bat. And the third demon looks like a golden crocodile with wings of a dragon.
The three demons walk inside. Separately, they search for something. After a few minutes, the three demons walk back to the door where they came. The red armored demon speaks. “It is not in here. Hisss…” The green armored demon replies. “Let us search the other museum.”
The other two demons agree. They go out the museum, and then, they fly away. They left the museum totally messed up.
After a few minutes, the security guards wake up and they discover what has happened. They call the police to inform about the incident.