Christmas is over and many people return to their homes after a long week vacation. Joed, Ken and Glenn meet each other at Mc Donalds, Paco. Glenn speaks. “How was your Christmas, guys?” Joed replies. “It’s fine. But I wished I were a child so many people would give me Christmas gifts.”
Ken responds. “You know I don’t celebrate Christmas Glenn.” Glenn apologizes to Ken. “Oh, I’m sorry Ken. I forgot.” Ken replies. “It’s okay. So, how do you do now?” Glenn answers. “I’m fine, but I guess I don’t want to see Minnie for a while.”
Joed responds. “Why not? I thought you said you were getting over her.” Glenn replies. “I thought that it would be easy. But I realized that the more I tried to forget her, the more I miss her.” Joed responds. “You are so mellow dramatic Glenn. By the way, she has invited us on her birthday. Are you coming?” Glenn answers. “Like I said, I don’t want to see her for a while.”