3 years later
"What are you doing huh?" Nazreen's head had been poked before.
"Nazreen has done everything you told me to do" said Nazreen in a slow tone. Afraid to make eye contact with the devil's descendants.
'astarfirulallah my mother'
"What have you done to make me look the same because all this!" Nazreen sighed softly.
"Makk!" Nazreen continued to turn towards the owner of the voice. Damia is the child of the mother, cum stepbrother.
"Didn't you see your new mother coming back?" Said mom to damia gently.
"Hungry! Mom wants money to buy maggie" said Damia grinning like a rotten shell. A kind of rusty nail because the face is eiii right.
"Rice is in the kitchen, eat it" replied Nazreen in a rather loud voice.
"I'm sorry" he whispered slowly making Nazreen's blood swell
Nazreen entered the room after finishing MEETING with my mother earlier. After I was told the things I did not do. What is my fate this time.
"Huh, that's how you entered the room facing the phone for 24 hours" Nazreen slammed my phone onto the pillow. The pillow dared to break and my rage would rage.
"As long as I play the phone, it looks like jer" I said slowly.
"Nazreen ooo nazreen !!" nazreen woke up with eyes wide open ² and it was painful to open at that time.
"What!" Snapped Nazreen who was still hoarse, making my voice rough.
"Amboii, you have fun, you make eye contact, you went to dry the clothes" his finger pointed at the 3 baskets that are well located there.
"Mother nazreen was washing tired" nazreen who washed everything tu.emak glared at me.
"Do you think you're tired? I'm tired of your helpless life" Nazreen was offended by what he said but what power. Her sister is already working, her brother is married.
Nazreen came down with a weak step approaching the basket and was lifted to dry.
Nazreen's phone rang indicating an incoming call.
"Assalamualaikum naz" a cheerful voice at the end of the line can nazreen catch.
"Wa'alaikumussalam sis, huh what is this call" nazreen is not allowed to call time people he is not in the mood.
"I want to say that ....." Aliya's voice was deliberately paused.
"What do you want to say?" Nazreen began to chat with aliya what is that thing.
"Faizul wants to see me back later" yeah he was happy but I? I have a face.
"Hurm tu jer ok bye" nazreen just wanted to press the red button.
"Send greetings to the father and mother" Nazreen continued to turn off the line.
Not that Nazreen doesn't like it, but because it feels awkward when my mother is there once.
"Who called you? Complained?" Nazreen shook his head.
"Aliya" nazreen answered in a word.
"Hurm if you complain that you are not ready" nazreen made a disgusted face when his involvement was no longer visible in the room.
Nazreen went into the room and took a book and I wrote down all my pain and suffering without me putting any question marks on anyone who read.
The real story
My life story is very painful
To be detained at a young age
My life is not like a novel
Which begins with suffering
In the midst of conflict and
End with a happy ending
This is the reality of my life
That I have to swallow
All the vows that come out
From the mouth of 'HE' who is very noisy
I just want a piece of happiness
When will my suffering end?
This is the end of my tormented life
I'm really stunned
Who is the best listener other than MU
3 years of enduring this pain alone
Just made me crazy myself
How much he hates "HE" to me
What's wrong with me?
I just want the truth
It's not my ugliness that you are
I really feel humiliated
You treat me like soil
You easily step on it
Remember the soil will be soft
If you step on it straight away
The ground can swallow your feet
So is the story
Lama² everyone knows how much he hates it
"HE" to me.
Nazreen continued to close the book with tears in my eyes. The sadness of my life. Nazreen was jealous to see my friend who was happy with his family. But not me.
Happy is he for hypocrisy.
That night was beautified by the rays of the stars and the moon for me. Only the moon and stars always accompanied my cries without melody.
Nazreen approached the tired harness. Check out as well as follow my steps. Then sit in front of the harness.
"Please take my brother" said the mother who was busy with the phone in her hand. My mother glanced at me.
"Naz take water jap emak tak larat la" nazreen smiled forcibly then walked to the kitchen to get water.
"Nah abah" abah sipped the tea water slowly while looking at me. Nazreen smiled as sweetly as possible.
"Dah lah main telefon abang lapar ni" emak continued to throw a smile on the harness.
"It's ready. Brother, go take a bath first, it's rotten!" He shouted. Happily, Nazreen saw Abah laughing. But Nazreen was not allowed to feel that happiness.
"Nazreen put rice for the harness" shouted her mother from inside the room. Nazreen rushed out of her room.
It looks like abah is sitting at the dining table. The rice that I put on it. Nazreen put it on the table. Nazreen continues to lift the serving lid and the one who snaps his eyes is just dried fish used as abah side dish. Sadly I see abah eating slowly.
"Abah want fried fish?" nazreen continued to turn on the fire and 2 fish were put in the pan.
"Wait" nazreen continued to lift the fish and placed it in front of abah.
"Abah is okay because I eat dried fish" said abah. Although nazreen saw abah's eyes were stagnant with tears. Nazreen also felt tears with the fate of our lives.
"I've eaten naz, I don't want to see abah crying" said nazreen giving encouragement to the abah I love.
After eating, Nazreen continued to enter the room without me realizing that Abah was serving his feelings while tying the unfinished net.
It is said that sometimes the harness scolds Damia for her very stubborn attitude.
"Heyy don't play with the harness stuff later it will disappear" said the harness with a voice rising senoktaf.emak also came out.
"What is this noise?" Said the mother to the harness. The world was silent without a word.
"What is this noise?" Hasnah said to me. She was silent without a word.
"Damia? Brother?" I just deafened my lazy ears wanting to fight with him.
"I played with the net thread because my mother was angry but" harness began to bounce. A cynical smile was given to me.
"Huh if damia touches my brother's stuff quickly because it bounces, right?" Provoked hasnah on me.
"It's not bouncy but my brother is afraid of disappearing, he deserves to be thrown here and there" I said while holding back my strong anger.
'I've been patient with you for a long time'
"Huh if nazreen isn't playing back up anymore yer?" I was startled what has to do with nazreen.
"What has that got to do with nazreen" I asked dizzy.
"Huh nazreen's brother's son didn't do any homework at all on the phone because he worked" said hasnah managed to arouse my anger.
"You as a wife, what is your responsibility to be my wife? Is it to have fun?" I let go of my anger a little.
"I'm working bang! I'm tired instead of going to have fun rocking my legs" Hasnah's voice scolded me.
"What do you see nazreen trying to say?" I said my patience began to thin. Hasnah smiled wryly.
"As long as I married my brother, I never saw nazreen for homework. Tired do you know? Going back to work to rest but going back to work is more dusty jer" ouh understand me. Apparently nazreen did things with hasnah.
"Nazreen !!!" I shouted. I saw nazreen rushing out of the room.
"What the hell?" Nazreen asked as if he did not know what ².
"Is it true that you did not clean the house when your mother went out to work?" Nodded the pound not shaking the pound no.
"Answer the question !!" I snapped when I saw his blank face.
"Who wants to admit bang if it's wrong" said Hasnah began to incite me.
Nazreen's head slumped when she was hit by a harness slap that never landed on my cheek.
"I don't want to confess anymore!" Snapped abah. Nazreen must be mother or damia is no longer afraid of possible.
Without answering nazreen ran into the room.feels like a stranger in his own family.feels the existence of nazreen is not cared for except as a slave.
The dead soul. That is Nazreen.