A week passed and Lucian was in his HQ office looking through some files when his P.A entered in the office.

'Sir, I have just received the file from the P.I I hired,' he said and put the file on the desk.

'Okay, you can leave now,' he said and took the file.

He began to read the information inside and it was confusing. According to the information he was reading Aurora wasn't Aurora but she used to be called Olivia until three years ago. She was adopted when she was just three years old from Mereen and lived in Queensland until a few months ago. Her family consisted of the mother and father only. She attended nice schools from kindergarten until high school. According to the report one day they all had food poisoning and both her parents died. She was in a comma for a month and when she woke up she inherited everything. There was no sign of any fowl play and she received the insurance. A year later she changed her name but kept her last name. She didn't continue with her studies but opened a small shop which she sold when she came to Mereen. Her address didn't seem to match with the place she showed him that night which meant that she lied.

He looked through her parents pictures and there was not even a single similarity to his family. There was no connection at all regarding Aurora and his deceased aunt. He couldn't ask his mother about it. He wanted to see where he will go before he includes any other people in it.

He called his P.A back in the room.

'Is this all?'

'Yes it is.'

'Okay. Do I still have any other meetings for today?'

'There is a meeting at three in the afternoon but after that you will be free.'

'Okay, I need you to find where that girl is. I need to know her every move, understand!'

'Yes sir.'

Victor his P.A left his office and he returned back to his work.

A few hours later he was on his way to his meeting. His father was still the chairman of the group but Lucian was the one running the company and he shoulders everything. He wouldn't want to make a mistake with anything. He arrived and was welcomed well.

'It's good to see you again Lucian,' Luke his old friend said as he sit down.

'Same here Luke. We should hang out sometimes.'

'Indeed we should. Let's get down to business and talk more later.'

'Let's do that.'

The meeting took an hour and half before they reached a consensus.

'I'm glad we came to an agreement,' Lucian said as he shook Luke's hand.

'I'm glad too. How about we go for some drinks after this?'

'I wish I could. I have something I should do today but I will have those drinks with you. I will clear my calendar and make sure we do that,' Lucian promised.

'I will wait for your call.'

'I will take my leave,' Lucian said and bided his colleague bye and left.

He was now in the car when Victor told him where Aurora was.

'You said she is where?'

'At Falcon club.'

He couldn't believe this girl. She had guts to go to a club so early in the day and to just think that his daughter kept talking about her, just made him crazy.

'Let's go there. I would love to exchange a few words with her,' he said.

'Yes sir.'

Lucian loosened his tie and took a deep breath. He needed to stay calm and investigate further. Being rough with her will only push her away.

For the past few months ever since she came to Mereen she had been busy looking and finally she found some clues concerning her mystery. Since all pieces were coming together she decided to have a rest and enjoy herself by going clubbing. She combed through her messy wardrobe and found one nice outfit. A pair of blue bum shorts and a nice black crop top. After dressing herself she found a taxi and went to one famous club in town; Falcon. She was planning on getting herself drunk and gets herself a guy to return home with and get herself laid.

She was having a nice time dancing to the loud music, drawing attention of this handsome guy. She knew he was hers and it was just a matter of time before he makes a move on her. She left the dance floor and made her way to one of the stools. She ordered a margarita and before she could drink it, the handsome guy was by her side.

'Hello beautiful,' he said and she looked at him with those eyes that says it all.

'Hello handsome,' she responded.

'Do you want to dance with me?' he asked.

'Sure, let me just finish my drink first,' she said and gulped it all down in one go.

She took his hand and followed him back to the dance floor. He was behind her, his hands around her waist as she danced to the music and seduced her prey at the same time. She could feel that she had won him and all of a sudden he dragged her off the dance floor and took her to a corridor; there wasn't anyone there so they started to kiss like hungry kids. Everything was just going so perfectly and she was about to ask him to go back home with her, when she saw him looking at her as if he was staring at his own daughter. She stopped the kiss and apologizes to the guy who left very angry and disappointed.

She took out a cigarette and began to smoke right there to ease her anger. She would end up making him stay in the hospital for a couple of weeks.

'I'm starting to wonder if you are stalking me,' she said glaring at him.

'I was just meeting someone here and I'm quite shocked to see you displaying such conduct in public,' he attacked her and she laughed.

'What do you care old man? You aren't my parent and even if you are, it's none of your business. Since you are here for some official matter, get down to it. I have places I need to be,' she said frustrated and began to leave the club.

She was no longer in the mood at all. She was going to a café shop to grab a cup of hot chocolate and return back to her apartment. She would find a guy another day. She left the club and began to walk looking for the nearest café when he called her name and she stopped. She smiled when she noticed that he was taking the bait.

'You should stop harassing me,' she said as he stopped right in front of her.

'Since I found you, we need to talk,' he said and escorted her to the car that was already waiting. She sat inside and didn't say a word. Where she was going she didn't care as long as she was with him. The car stopped and when she came out she noticed that the house was somewhere she wasn't expecting. It was isolated and there was no one at all.

'Did you just kidnap me?' she asked and this time he laughed.

'Why would I waste my time? Besides you came here voluntarily, let's go inside.'

She followed him inside and couldn't help herself but admire the interior. Rich people surely were differently. Even after inheriting her parents' wealth and their insurance she only made less than a million dollars. Lucian could spend such an amount within days if he decides to and never regretted.

She took a seat without even being told. All her life she took orders and now she made them herself. Lucian gave her that look which she ignored. She wasn't Jewel's friend anymore, he had made sure of that.

'So why am I here?'

'We need to talk,' he said.

'We can do more than that since you literally blew away my entertainment for the night.'

'So you go around picking men?'

'It's not like it's a bad thing. Don't you men do the same thing too?' she asked fully knowing that it will make a man like Lucian very angry.

'Don't test me,' he said and sat opposite her. Lucian took out the hairpin that she gave Jewel and he put it in front of her. She smiled and looked at him.

'Where did you get this?'

'It was my mother's, she is dead.'

'I have heard but where did she get it?'

'I would have asked her if she was still alive but I guess I will never know. Why are you interested in it?' she asked.

'Thought it looked familiar with something I have seen before.'

'Is that the reason why you spoiled my night? I can't believe a rich man like you can just do this to anyone. I'm leaving,' she said and stood up.

'Where do you think you will be going now?'

'I'm going back to my place and somewhere very far away from you. I can't believe you are such a bully. No wonder why your wife divorced you!'

'Don't you dare?' Lucian roared at her while he stood and she knew he was angry.

'What will you do to me Lucian? Hire someone to take care of me, send me to the police or hit me yourself?'

'I'm telling you to stop all this at once,' he said and with one move he pulled her.

'Let me tell you something, all those will not work on me at all. You dragged me into your damn car and brought me here to dig up my past. What wrong did I do to you? We don't even owe each other and yet you act like a total control freak. No wonder why you make everyone around you suffocate,' she made another blow at him again and this time he grabbed her by the collar.

She was thinking what he would do next. Would he throw her to the floor? Or would he slap her and hit her? It's been too long since she experienced that and somehow she felt like being hit. To her surprise Lucian did the opposite. She opened her mouth in awe as his mouth descended on hers as if they weren't fighting a second ago. He was actually kissing her and she couldn't escape it.

'So you know how to shut up,' he said as he stopped the kiss.

'Who wouldn't when stuck in such a situation,' she said looking deep into his eyes.

To be honest Lucian was hot and handsome, he had that kind of body that would make you write love poems and have endless sleepless nights. That kind of man was standing right in front of her, their bodies touching from head to toe. She could feel him and damn she wanted him. Since he was attacking her using this method she decided to fight back too.

She kissed him and linked her arms around his neck. She saw his eyes widening and knew that she had caught him off guard just like how he did. He pushed her away and said to her, 'if you think your plan to seduce me will work then you are a fool. I won't fall for it.'

'Then don't fall for it. I only sleep with a willing partner,' she said and separated herself from him.

'What do you think you are doing?'

'It's none of your business,' she replied and left the house.

The road was long and she was still under his effect and needed to cool down. It was already dark and soon it will be dangerous to walk but that wasn't for her. She was used to this kind of things. She remembered when she was barely nine years old. Her father took her mountain climbing and dumped her on top alone. She had to find a way back home crying. It took her three days to get down the mountain. Her father taught her how to survive even in harsh conditions. At the age of nine she had her first kill. She killed a cute rabbit and she really loved rabbits but because she was hungry she killed it. She learnt how to pick fruits and roots to eat. Her father practically chose a place where it was hard to even find people. When she got down the mountain, she walked until she reached her house. They never felt sorry for her and she knew from then that her life was never going to be the same again.

She took out her phone and called a cab. It took the cab thirty minutes to arrive while she was busy walking. As soon as she got into the cab she saw Lucian's car driving by and she ignored it. She knew it one way or the other he would be knocking at her door and she will be there to open it and welcome him. She had so much patience and he was going to realize that when she sets her mind on something she will make sure she gets it done using any method possible.

The cab took her back to her apartment and she paid her cab fare and entered the apartment complex. She took her elevator up to the fifth floor and when she got to her door it was open. She didn't remember leaving it like that earlier. Someone had broken in and she wondered who had the guts to do so. She entered inside without fearing anything; she could handle anything that comes in her way anyway. When she got inside it wasn't really surprising to see him seated there on her couch and watching TV as if it was his house.

'How did you find this place?' she asked as if she didn't know how.

'Money can do wonders for you. You should know that by now,' he replied and she laughed. She went to the kitchen and poured herself some juice which she drank before taking a seat opposite to the intruder that had invaded her house.

'So what are you doing here? I thought you and me were done,' she said staring at him.

'I do have a feeling that you seem to be enjoying this and we aren't done yet,' he said.

'Then why did you come to the lion's den fully knowing that, Lucian? Aren't you one brave man?'

'I guess I can never make your sarcasm stop any sooner. I just wanted to make sure you got back home safely and see for myself if you actually live here.'

'As you can see I'm all fine and I guess I should find a new apartment. I wouldn't want strange men breaking into my apartment all the time.'

'Don't worry about that. Don't even think of going anywhere because I will hunt you down and make your life miserable,' he warned.

'Now I'm thinking that you old man do have a huge crush on me. Always following me like a puppy but I like it. Why don't we just sleep together and get it done. Maybe I will be out of your system sooner,' she said standing up.

'What do you think you are doing?' he asked as soon as she made herself comfortable on his lap.

'What do you think?' she asked and kissed the man.

He wouldn't understand just how much she wanted him. She walked so that she can forget it and yet he still walked into her house on his own and he thinks that she will just let him go, he was joking. She kissed him and felt him responding and she smiled. He held her tiny waist and plundered her mouth as hard as he could and she loved it.

Lucian couldn't believe what this little girl was making him do. He didn't want to fall into her trap and yet he found her lips so tantalizing he just couldn't make himself stop kissing her. Her tiny body fitted with him perfectly as if she was exclusively made for him. The way those tiny hands linked around his neck as she kissed him back as if there was no tomorrow was such a huge turn on. It's been long since he found a woman who can do that to him without even doing much. His hands found themselves cupping her bottom bringing her closer to him and he heard her moan in his mouth. If he didn't stop this sooner he was going to find himself sleeping with an enemy. He gathered all the courage and strength and broke the kiss unwillingly. He could tell she wanted him, those starry eyes filled with so much lust that he could just take her right now and she wouldn't even say no. He wasn't going to do what she wanted, this little girl was very tricky and he won't be sleeping with a girl who was fourteen years than him. She was like a daughter to him. He took a deep breath and kindly removed Aurora from his lap.

'I need to go home,' he said standing up.

Aurora just looked at him and didn't say a word. He couldn't tell whether she was angry or not but that didn't matter now. If he didn't leave now then he would regret it for the rest of his life.

He walked up to the door when Aurora finally spoke.

'If you change your mind, I will be here. I won't be going anywhere,' she said and closed the door as he walked out.

He looked at himself and noticed the evidence of his encounter with Aurora and he cursed himself. He took the elevator down to the car lot and instructed his driver to take him back to the mansion.

Aurora feeling very frustrated with what Lucian had done o her, she undressed herself and stood under the cold shower for a long time. She let the water hit her, it was painful. She began to remember when she was just seventeen when she met her first love. He was a handsome guy and full of life. He was everything her parents told her not to mingle with and yet she wanted him. She pursued him even though it took her two months. He finally agreed and they began to date. He was the only one who could make her feel like that and yet this old man could do too. She was in huge trouble and had to do something about it as soon as possible.