Two scandals broke out and he wondered where they just came from. Of course thanks to Aurora he had been hanging out with his old female acquaintances even though it wasn't working out at all. Now he was seated facing his mother who seemed to be angry. He knew he was in trouble and he had to think of something fast.

'Mother why are you here?' he asked as if he wasn't aware.

'I wish I could hit you with a stick but I can't now, can I?'

He shook his head and looked at her.

'I'm sorry, it won't happen again.'

'I hope it doesn't because I and your father had come up with a solution.'

'What solution mother?'

'I don't care how you do it but we are giving you two weeks to find yourself a wife.'

'Mother isn't that too much?'

'It is and that pressure is what we all feel whenever those tabloids write something about you and those skinny women. I don't care if you love her or not, threaten or blackmail them. Just find yourself a wife or we will be taking Jewel. She will be solely raised by me and your father,' that was a huge threat and he knew it and so did she.

'You can't do that to me?'

'Trust me I can. You have to think for your daughter too. We know you love her but she needs a mother too. Do you want that kid to never know what it is like to have one?'

'Mother this is...'

'And your father told me to tell you that if you don't introduce a woman to the family in a week's time then he would call up a board meeting to discuss your removal from your C.E.O post,' she said.

Now he knew how serious his parents were. He looked at his mother who was really in a serious mode.

'I will find a wife, please tell that to dad,' he said.

'That's better and in the mean time no more scandals. I wouldn't want to be a widow simply because you can't keep your zip closed,' she said and he closed his eyes.

'I'm sorry for disappointing you.'

'I know son but remember we love you and want the best for you. Your father is waiting for me back home. We will see you when you come back home with her and in the mean time Jewel will be staying with us.'

'Mother but I promised.'

'I know, just see her as a bargaining chip. You need to know how serious we are,' she said with a smile and left his office.

How could they do this to him? These two what were they really up to?

His younger brother called him as soon as his mother left and he wondered why he was calling all of a sudden.

'Can we meet?' Keane asked on the other said.

'Let's meet for lunch. I will head out now,' Lucian said.

Lucian told Victor that he will be going to the hospital for a lunch date. The driver took him there and he found his brother waiting for him. Keane was a doctor; he didn't want to run the business like he did. He looked awesome in his coat like always.

He took a seat and looked at how tired he seemed to look.

'Did you even go home?' Lucian asked.

'I didn't, I will go back tonight. It's not like I have anyone to return to.'

'You should be the one getting married and not me.'

'You are the one getting into trouble and it's been long since your divorce too brother. Just understand them this once okay.'

'I will, they used Jewel and I don't have a choice now.'

'So who will you marry?'

'I have to think about it.'

'What about that Isobel?'

'I would rather have my position taken away than marry her. She isn't good at all. She is so selfish I wouldn't place her in my house.'

'Then who exactly will you marry when all the women want is your money?'

'I think I have a candidate,' he said suddenly with a smile showing at the corner of his mouth.

'And who is this girl?'

'There is someone I need to teach a lesson.'

'And by marrying her will she learn her lesson?'

'I doubt but I can put my mind at ease.'

'I hope to see her soon.'

'I will show her to you. Now I have a bride to blackmail,' he said and excused himself.

Where would that girl be now?

Aurora was anxious, that fool hadn't come back ever since that night and she was going crazy. She needed to do something in order to forget what she was going through. She found herself a part time job to keep herself busy. She had money but it was good to work too. Tired from her shift she clocked out and began to walk back home. It was an exercise. Her apartment was just a few blocks away. She was nearly at her apartment when a black car stopped by her side and she stopped too. Who was this daring?

The window opened and the devil himself was staring at her. She knew what he wanted so she opened the door and get inside.

'I thought you will never show up,' she said.

'I didn't want to but I have no choice now. Where are you coming from?'

'I was seeing my boyfriend, why?'

'Since when do you have a boyfriend?'

'I'm shocked that you can ask such a question. I'm young and not married so of course its normal for me to have one.'

'That was so soon.'

'Didn't you brutally reject me?'

'Weren't you also the same person who told me that your door will be open?'

'That was then and this is now. So what do you want from me?'

'Let's get settled first and then we can talk,' he said.

Aurora was taken somewhere again and yet all she wanted to do was just sit down and relax.

They returned to that house where it all started again. She was now familiar with it. She looked for something to eat without any permission. She found some apples and she picked one and began to eat. Lucian just looked at her and shook his head.

'You must be hungry.'

'I am, I sort of overworked myself,' she said.

'Is that so?'

'I won't spare you the details. So spill, why are we here again?'

'I want you to marry me,' Lucian told her straightforward.

Aurora choked on her apple and Lucian helped her by patting her on her back. When she was feeling okay she looked at him.

'Are you kidding me right now? I'm not in the mood to play with you today Lucian.'

'Neither am I.'

'I thought you didn't want anything from me.'

'Now I do. I want you to become my wife.'

'And if I refuse?'

'Then I will call the police and tell them how a young girl like you keeps a gun in her apartment. I guess it's not even registered and it may be related to a few crimes too.'

'You wouldn't dare.'

'I'm a business man Aurora; I can do anything that will benefit me. So choose which way you want it to end,' he threatened her and she felt powerless for the first time.

How did he even find that gun? She hid it so well and yet he saw it. If that gun got released to the force then it would all end. He looked very serious and judging by the way he hates her he wouldn't hesitate to send her to jail. On the other hand if she marries him then she would get the man she wanted and get more steps closer to her original goal. It was a win situation for her and something she shouldn't decline. What she came here for was all that matters.

'I don't want to be arrested that's for sure, so I will marry you,' she said.

'So you are admitting that you are a criminal?'

'Indeed I am. Who never committed a few crimes in their life? It's you after all who came to me unless you changed your mind.'

'I haven't even a single bit. Here is the contract, read it through and sign it today.'

'I won't have to go back home with it?'

'No, I don't trust you enough. I have to add another clause too.'

'What is it again?'

'If you are in a relationship then you have to break it off. While you are married to me, you aren't allowed to be with another man except me.'

'I can't believe you are this stingy.'

'I'm not, I'm just being precautious,' he said.

Aurora took the bunch of papers Lucian gave her and she began to read them. They were reasonable and childish at the same time. This man didn't want anyone messing up with his money.

'Why is there no duration of the marriage?' she asked.

'Are you planning on marrying anyone else again?'

'Why not? It's not like we have good blood between us.'

'It will be a marriage for life, just bear that in mind.'

'Don't blame me when you start to regret ever saying those words,' she murmured and continued to read through.

There were a few clauses she liked; she was entitled to monthly allowances and the sum was huge. She had freedom to do almost what she wanted as long it didn't bring any shame to the family and the company.

After reading through the contract she signed it and gave it to the owner.

'Are you satisfied now?'

'I am.'

'Since we have settled that issue, I would like to go back home and rest like any other normal girl out there,' she told him.

After signing the contract Lucian seemed to be at ease with her and he sent her back home. The first thing she did when she got into her apartment was to look for her gun. It was there which was very refreshing. She was going to take it to her safe house and keep it safe there. She took a shower, made a sandwich and helped herself.

After eating she retired to bed; she was tired and wanted to think and she could only do that after a good night rest.


Lucian was very proud of himself and stored safely the contract Aurora had signed. His baby wasn't home so he made a trip to his parents' house and they were waiting for him.

'Daddy!' Jewel called out to him as he parked his car.

He embraced her and they went inside.

'How was your day?' he asked her.

'It was great and yours?'


'I heard you are going to marry. Who will you be marrying?'

'There is this girl I recently met. I think she will make a perfect bride,' he told her.

'Who could that be?'

'A friend of yours,' he said.

'Daddy, will you be marrying a teenager? That is weird, don't you think?'

'It's not a teenager. Do you remember Aurora?'

'You mean you want to marry her, but why?'

'I saw how much you liked her. I want you to be with someone you can be at ease with and not those other women.'

'She is young and did she agree to this?'

'She did, apparently she has a thing for you too.'

'Even when she didn't answer my calls?'

'You will go and see her and talk things out.'

'I don't know her place,' Jewel said.

'I will tell you the address and you can go and find her, deal.'


They joined the others at the table and shared a nice dinner.


She was really worried about her dad so she leaked the pictures to the press which made her dad to be in hot soup with her grandparents. She just wanted him to settle down. She was tired of seeing him with different women all the time. After speaking out her mind to her grandmother they came to an arrangement and threatened her dad into marrying. What she never expected was for her dad to marry Rora the girl he was cautious about. She was a child but she wasn't a fool. Her dad didn't like Rora especially after what she told him about what she did even though the way he looked at her back at the party stated otherwise. It was good to see that look in his eyes. When she saw Aurora leaving she wanted to follow her but then she saw her dad driving towards her and he took her home. Why would he escort someone he hates so much? She knew when her dad was obsessed with something and currently it was Rora. Even though she didn't know much about her one thing was certain for sure. Rora wasn't who she said she was and the way she beat those guys, she showed them mercy. She wondered what kind of a girl she was. She tried calling and texting her and yet she ignored her. There were numerous people who talked to her even when they hated her simply because they loved what she brought to them but Rora wasn't a person who liked pretending. She made it clear she wouldn't be friends with her and she had a nasty feeling that it was her dad who made that happen. And now since Rora would be joining her as her mother she just couldn't believe it. Her dad had given her the address and she will personally go there after school and see what Rora is up to.

It would be fun really having someone who is six years older than you as a mother. If her mother knows about this she will personally fly back to Mereen and put on a show despite being separated with her dad.

She washed her face and wiped it. After making sure that everything was in order Jewel retired to bed and prayed that the next day would come fast.