Jewel took a deep breath before she knocked on the door. She didn't know whether Aurora was in or not. She stood there for five minutes and there was no answer. She tried her cell but it was off. Where was she? She went to the elevator and pressed the button and waited for it to come to the floor she was at. Lucky for her the elevator was also on its way and opened right there in front of her. She stood there in shock as she saw Rora being intimate with this other guy. She just looked at her and so did she.

'I guess this is goodbye,' Rora said to the guy and she kissed him on both cheeks before she exited the elevator.

Rora walked up to her with a smile.

'I wasn't expecting you here. Lets head inside and talk,' she said and went to her apartment.

Rora just followed behind her head ringing with so many questions she just didn't know where to begin. Rora opened the door and let them all in inside. She disappeared to what she assumed to be her bedroom. While she was alone there she began to look around and noticed that there wasn't much in the apartment. It was as if she didn't live there at all; so much space for a girl like Rora.

Rora showed up a few minutes later wearing a big t shirt.

'Do you want anything to drink?' she asked her.

'Just water,' Jewel replied as she sat down.

Roar opened her fridge and brought two bottles of water and placed them at the table.

'So why are you here?' she asked and it stung especially after not seeing her for long.

'Is that what you only care about?'

'To be honest I don't know what to expect. It's like you and your dad really love to come here. I was considering moving when your dad blackmailed me into marriage; just in case you ask me why I'm marrying him.'

'Why did he do it?'

'That is personal. If I had known helping you will result me in this kind of situation, I should have let it be but too bad I'm not that kind of person,' Rora sounded as if she resented her a lot.

'Do you hate me then?'

'No, I don't Jewel; I really like you a lot which is why you are still here and not outside.'

'I just wanted to see you and talk to you. I'm very sorry about how I acted last time. It wasn't my intention to hurt you,' Jewel apologized.

'I know and I forgave you back then.'

'I'm also sorry for how my dad had been treating you so far. If it was me I don't know what would have done to him by now,' she chuckled and found Rora smiling for the first time.

'I would have probably poisoned him by now but he should be thankful he has you as his daughter.'

'So is this a truce?'

'Yes a truce.'

'So are you happy about being married to my dad?'

'I am happy. Why should I be really that sad? I will marry a wanted man and I will see you all the time.'

'Is that all? You don't love my dad?'

'To be honest with you I kind of hate your dad but like him at the same time. The emotions are all mixed up. I never thought I would find myself marrying such an old man,' Rora laughed.

'I'm shocked too but at the same time I'm happy that it will be you. I just wanted to tell you that I don't blame you and I really can't wait for you to come.'

'If you are that happy, can you promise me one thing though?'

'Whatever you want Rora.'

'Just call me by my name please. It will be awkward being a step mom or anything of that sort. I would rather have a sister than a child at the moment.'

'I understand you totally. So when are you marrying him?'

'I have no idea but just waiting to hear from him.'

'If it's like that I will help with the wedding.'

'Then will you become my maid of honor? I don't have any friends,' Rora said.

'I will be happy to. Let's go shopping tomorrow.'

'I can't. I have work and won't be getting a day off until Sunday. So let's do that then.'

'You are working?'

'Yes I am. It won't do me good if I just sit around and do nothing. I need to eat too,' Rora said and sipped her water.

She had never worked in her entire life. She was born with the money and still a student. If she was raised like Rora what would she be doing now?

'Okay, I will come on Sunday then,' she said and checked the time.

'It's already this late. Aren't you supposed to be going home?'

'No, I will sleep here tonight. I told my grandparents and I hope you don't mind,' Jewel lied. She wanted to check for herself if Rora was going to have more guests. Seeing her with that guy made her uncomfortable especially when she knew that Rora would be marrying her dad.

Jewel really liked Rora and wanted their marriage to work but if Rora was seeing someone then that would be bad.

'You can do that too. I don't have any food in the fridge right now. How about we visit the super market and buy some now?'

'Good idea. I don't remember the last time I went to a place like that,' Jewel said excitedly.

'That's perfect then. Let me change into something appropriate and we will leave.'

'Sure I will be waiting,' Jewel said as Rora left for her bedroom again.

When Rora left she took out her phone and texted her dad.

"I will be sleeping at Rora's, please tell grandma. Xoxo"

There was no way he would read her text that moment. Her dad was busy so she had time to do what she wanted. Rora came out of her bedroom and the two left for the supermarket.

They didn't take a taxi but walked to the mart. It took them fifteen minutes walking and talking; Rora was showing her places and commenting on people that they passed by. It was fun being with her. With her friends they would talk about designer bags and clothes, boys and latest news on celebrities; but with Rora it was different and she liked it. She was an honest person and just tells the truth as it is.

They arrived at the mart and entered inside. Rora greeted the workers there who seemed to know her very well.

'You know everyone?' Jewel asked out of curiosity.

'It's good knowing who surrounds you and handles your food. You never know when you get poisoned,' she replied.

'I will bear that in mind.'

'Good, now help me look for some chicken breasts,' Rora said and she began her search.

Her mansion was filled with maids so she had never done any grocery shopping before. It was exciting looking for the wanted groceries and cancelling them on the list as they filled the trolley. They picked quite a lot of groceries before they went to pay for them. On the till Rora picked two chocolate bars and added them to the original grocery. The attendants packed the groceries in the plastic bags and the two of them left.

'If you are tired we can take a taxi and go home,' Rora said out of concern for her.

'No, I'm okay. Let's walk, this is so much fun.'

'Are you sure? These bags are heavy.'

'I can handle it,' Jewel assured Rora who looked worried. She had concern for her which other women who were after her dad never showed.

'Okay but if you get tired just tell me,' she said.

'I will.'

They began to walk back to Rora's apartment while she tells her stories about her school. Rora was a cheerful person, she kept laughing and she could tell that Rora was enjoying her stories.

'I'm glad you find school fascinating. For me it wasn't, I was more of an outcast but I made it through,' Rora said as they arrived at the apartment.

'Did you have friends?'

'I wish I had.'

'So how did you manage to survive at school?' Jewel asked as they get into the elevator.

'I was seventeen when I met this guy. He was so handsome and older but I suddenly had a huge crush on him.'

'What did you do?'

'I found out everything about him and began to stalk him.'

'Isn't that a felon?'

'It is but I couldn't help it. He was a tattoo artist so in order to see him and let me feel his touch I went there and got my first tattoo,' Rora said with love in her eyes.

To be honest she felt jealous, Rora had love for this guy and yet for her dad it was a different story.

'What did he do?'

'He drew one for me, a butterfly and I went there again and again until he became mine,' Rora said with a smile.

'How many tattoos do you have?' Jewel asked.

'I have a total of five.'

'Can I see them?'

'I will show you when we are inside,' she said as they get off the elevator.

They carried their bags to the door and Rora unlocked the door and they both got inside. Rora unloaded the food into the fridge and cupboards.

'Do you want to cook with me?' she asked.

'Yes I would love to but I have never done it before.'

'It's okay; I will let you cut the onions, carrots, green and red peppers and tomatoes. You can do that right?'

'I think I can. I should wash them first right?'

'Yes. I will cook the rest,' Rora said.

'I can't wait.'

'Before we start we need to change the clothes. I won't let you spoil those clothes,' Rora said and took her to the bedroom. That was the first time she was seeing it.

The room was packed unlike the other rooms she had seen. There was a double bed covered with a nice blue comforter, a huge wardrobe which she was opening and inside there was a lot of clothes. Rora racked through the hangers and she took out a black t-shirt and some shorts for her.

Jewel disappeared into the bathroom and put on the clothes Rora had given her. They wore the same size apparently which was sheer luck. When she returned Rora was wearing her huge t-shirt she wore before they went shopping. It was then that she noticed the other tattoo on Rora. She had a butterfly on the back of her thigh. She was staring at it when Rora cleared her throat.

'I'm sorry I couldn't help myself,' Jewel said shyly and Rora removed her t-shirt and she closed her eyes. Rora was naked upwards and just staring at the woman who will be marrying her dad was just not natural.

'We are both women,' Rora said and she opened her eyes.

Rora had a tattoo just above her left breast and it was the word LOVE, the other one was on her right shoulder and it was a dove, the fourth one was on her left hip and it was a bouquet of red roses. Rora turned around showing her back and she saw the last one there. Her upper back had her name printed in block italic letters. Her boyfriend must have loved her to draw all these on her. Rora put back her t-shirt on and left the room. She followed her to the kitchen where she began to wash the tomatoes.

'Do you mind finishing the story you were telling me earlier?' Jewel asked politely.

'Are you sure you want to hear it? After all I will be marrying into your family soon.'

'I just want to get to know you better,' Jewel confessed.

'Okay then. We began to date and everything was okay for a while. We dated roughly for four months before he got shot in the head and died on the spot,' Rora said as if it was just some fiction story.

'What do you mean he died?'

'He got shot while walking back home. I never get to say goodbye and from then on I was lonely again. Soon after that I lost my parents too. I didn't want to lose anyone else so I just kept to myself. Never dated, never befriended anyone and never thought of marrying anyone until now. I guess I will never escape it.'

'But it's good that you are marrying someone. You won't have to be alone anymore. You have me Rora. I will be there for you even when dad won't be.'

'I may disappoint you one day.'

'Shit always happen Rora. Let's worry about the future when the time comes. For now let's be happy and cook a delicious meal,' Jewel said as she began to cut the first onion.

She stopped midway and reached for her phone. She turned on her camera and placed it in a nice position where it could record the whole thing.

'Are you for real?' Rora asked.

'It's my first time doing this so I want to record it.'

'Just don't cut yourself, it will be embarrassing to watch by then,' Rora said and they both laughed.

To be honest it was really fun giving a hand in the cooking process. She watched as Rora boiled the chicken, deep fried it after she boiled it. She watched as the chicken got fully fried. Rora made her cook the soup and it was easier than she thought. Rora was with her all the way.

They finished cooking the relish before they cooked the rice with the rice cooker. Thirty minutes later Rora was dishing the plates when there was a knock at the door. Whoever was there made it sounded like an emergency.

'Go and open it,' Rora said as she dished the plates.

Jewel rushed to the door and opened it. To her surprise her dad was standing there with one of his angry looking faces.

'Dad what are you doing here?' Jewel asked and her dad let himself in.

'You just sent me a text!'

'You were busy. What did you expect me to do?' Jewel asked.

Her dad's eyes were now on Rora who was ignoring him but took out another plate and served the rice.

'Dad, I just cooked. Come and sit. Don't be angry anymore,' Jewel said and dragged her dad to one of the seats.

She watched how her dad kept staring at Rora and she smiled inwardly. Her dad was still after all a man and just couldn't resist the temptation of a woman. Rora really looked sexy even in that t-shirt. If her dad knew that she wore just panties beneath, what will he do? She brushed the thought of her head.

'It's a surprise to see you here old man. But since you are here, have a plate and taste what your daughter helped to cook,' Rora said as she served the plates at the table.

Jewel smiled as she saw the served plates landing at the table and the frown on her dad's face after being called an old man. This couple was going to be an interesting one.


Aurora didn't have time to change, so she just continued to wear her t-shirt. It's not like she was able to seduce that old man at all. He rejected her many times so even if she were to walk naked he might still reject her.

'Don't be such a hard nut, eat your food,' she said as she dug into hers.

The food was nice and Jewel was happier, it must be good eating something you have cooked for the first time. That brought sad memories for her. Her parents made her cook when she was just seven years old. At first it was fascinating but when she started to cook on a daily basis even when the meals weren't that grand it was just frustrating. Her mother would beat her occasionally until to the point that she got used to it. If she had been raised in a family like Jewel's how different would her life be?

'What's wrong Rora?' Jewel asked.

'It's nothing, for a second I just thought of my mother,' she replied.

'Do you miss her?'

'Not exactly; let's eat before the food gets cold,' she said.

The meal was eaten in total silence and even the old man wasn't saying a word.

When the meal was done she collected the plates and took them to the sink to wash them. She had just poured water into the sink when Jewel joined her.

'Leave them, I will do them,' she said.

'I can do them myself,' Aurora said, she didn't want to make the old man's daughter to work so hard. That might make him think she was using his daughter.

'I insist; it's not like you are making me do it. I will be fine,' Jewel insisted.

Aurora looked at Lucian who had a smile on his face and that was new.

'Since she insists then let her. I need to talk to you,' Lucian said and Jewel urged her to go.

'I need to change,' she said.

'Don't bother yourself. We will be back soon,' he said ready to leave.

'We will leave the apartment? I can't leave J alone here,' she said.

'Don't worry about me, I will be just fine,' she said with one of her sneaky smiles.

What were the father and daughter playing at?

Aurora followed Lucian outside and straight to the elevator without saying a word. They got out of the elevator and went straight outside where his car was parked.

'You didn't bring your driver?' she asked noticing he wasn't there.

'It's already late, I sent them home.'

'What a loving and caring boss,' she said.

Lucian unlocked the doors and they both got in.

After buckling herself up Lucian drove away from the complex.

'So where are we heading?' she asked.

'Back home.'

'You mean yours.'


'And why would I go there whilst your daughter is still back at mine.'

'Since she loves being at your place, I might as well pack a bag for her. She can't be wearing your clothes while she is there,' he said and that made sense.

'Wait a moment. Wasn't she supposed to sleep tonight and return back tomorrow?'

'She was but now plans have just changed. I don't trust you Aurora, so I will make J keep an eye on you and if you break any of the clause of the contract I will make you pay dearly,' he threatened her and she just knew the old man was back.

'Fine, she can stay as long as she like. Besides it's not like she hates me,' she said.

'I noticed that you two make a perfect mother and daughter.'

'Don't say those words please. Can we just be quiet?'

'I will let this slide this once,' he said and continued driving.

They arrived at his mansion and it was still huge. Imagining she living in it, being the lady of the house was just fascinating.

They get out of the car and she followed Lucian inside. Last time she never gets to see J's room and this time she saw it. Apparently J loved purple and her room was very purplish. It was huge and lovely.

'Pick a few clothes for her.'

'How long will she be staying at my place?'

'Just for the weekend; Monday she will come back and so will you.'

'What do you mean by that?' she asked.

'I won't let you stay there any longer. Since you will be marrying me, you might as well just move in; that way my daughter won't have to be sneaky and come to your place as she wants.'

'So in the end it is still about your daughter?'

'Yes it is. I love her more than anything.'

'I'm glad you do,' she said and began to pick the clothes thinking about how to tackle the old man in the future.