The sun couldn’t rise any faster to an already excited Akande Samuel who just couldn't wait to get home. It was the first time he was returning home after eight long years of study in London. He was now a master in the field of Physics and really couldn’t wait to celebrate his new achievement with his family.

Even though he might have felt sad leaving some of his good friends behind - some that he might not see again, the joy of going back home and seeing his mum again totally engulfed the little feeling of sorrow he had.

It was already nine thirty in the morning and his flight was meant to take off by twelve noon. About an hour’s drive away from the airport, Samuel knew he had to be quick in packing up so he didn’t miss his flight. He got out of the bathroom to his phone ringing.

“Hello mum!” He picked the call with a wide grin.

“Hello dear," Speaking all the way from Nigeria. "Hope you are packed and ready for your flight.” His mother asked.

“Yes mama!" He said " I am about getting dressed, I will be on my way to the airport now”

“oohh I can’t wait to see you mum!” He exclaimed with excitement.

“Me too baby. Alright, I will leave you now” She didn’t want to waste much of his time

“I love you Ma’. See you in a bit” he said

“I love you too.” She replied, ending the call.

Samuel got off the phone and continued his preparations for his flight back home.

The flight lasted six hours, or a little bit more.

Samuel had finally landed back in Nigeria.

"Ahh" Samuel let out a very gentle breath of satisfaction as he walked out of the plane.

The smell in the air, difference in the temperature, change in the zone, it all amused Samuel. Made him realise he had finally arrive home.

Mr. Peter Ojo, his mother’s chauffeur had come to pick him from the airport.

“Good evening sir” Samuel prostrated, showing his respect to the old man.

“Get up my boy. You are all grown up now. How are you?”

Samuel was only about five feet and eight inches tall, but the stature of his body had evolved into a more matured man and his beards more prominent, covering at least a third of his face.

“I am fine thank you sir.” He replied with a gentle smile.

“I thought mother would come” Samuel looked around hoping to see his mother around somewhere.

“Let’s take you home now” Mr. Peter refused to indulge in that conversation.

“Okay. I understand” Samuel felt a little disappointed not to see his mum.

Ever since his father’s death, Mrs. Akande was now the bread winner of their family. She worked very hard to make life as comfortable as possible for Samuel and his younger brother. Her vehement desire to create a very satisfying environment for her kids cost her a lot of time, as she spent more time at work.

“You know… Jimmy’s leg is way better now. He plays football in school for his class” Mr. Peter tried to lighten up Samuel’s mood a little as they walked to the car.

Jimmy is Samuel’s little brother. Eight years back, when Samuel was going abroad for studies. Mr. and Mrs. Akande drove Samuel to the airport, along with Jimmy who was just three years old at the time. On their way back from the airport, after Samuel’s plane had taken off, they had a terrible accident which left Mr. Akande dead, Mrs. Akande with a fractured skull and little Jimmy with some broken ribs and vertebrae. Despite Samuel’s travel at the time having it’s many perks, it always left a bitter taste in his mouth every time he remembered the cost.

But without any doubts, the news of his brother being fully fit again was enough to brighten up his mood.

“Wow, that’s so amazing. I can’t wait to see the young lad now." Excitement overwhelming his pain. "I hope he still recognises me” Samuel began to stride even faster to the car, hauling his bag behind him.


A beautiful orange filled the sky as the setting sun took away the warmth in the air, replacing it with cool uninterrupted breeze.

Shola sat at her desk at work, making documents of things her boss had given her to work on. She was usually the last to leave the office, along with Mrs. Akande who had a higher position at work than her. With no one else to keep them company, the two gradually grew into buddies discussing so many things together.

Aware of Samuel's arrival, Shola was curious as to why Mrs. Akande was still at work that evening.

“What time did you say Samuel’s flight was leaving London again?” Shola asked, with her eyes still locked to her screen.

“He should be on his way home by now. He is going to be so mad at me” Mrs. Akande replied, feeling guilty.

“I think you should go early today so you don’t miss his arrival at home.” Shola turned her seat around, facing Mrs. Akande.

“But that’s not possible anymore. My car went to pick him up from the airport and there is no way an Uber would make it in time”

“I can drive you home in my car.” Shola offered to help

Mrs. Akande didn’t feel comfortable making Shola sacrifice her duty for her;

“No. You have a lot of work to do”

“I insist”

“Shola I really appreciate your help but I can’t do this to you. This is my problem, I will handle it okay?” Mrs. Akande rushed off with her heels heavily stumping the floor.

Outside the office, Mrs. Akande felt lighter than usual.

“Tsk! I forgot my bag!” She tapped her forehead. Turning around to Shola standing behind, Mrs. Akande drew a smile.

With Mrs. Akande's bag in her hand, there was no way Shola was going to allow her miss her son’s arrival. Not when she could do something about it.

“Please allow me to take you home.” She was as persistent as Mrs. Akande was stubborn.

“Oh omo mi. You are blessed!” Mrs. Akande finally conceded to Shola’s kindness as she swiftly entered the car.

Their office was only about thirty minutes drive away from Mrs. Akande’s house. Compared to Samuel’s one hour drive, they were surely going to get home in time.

Always very unfriendly, the traffic made their journey even slower as they made it in fourty-five minutes.

“Thank you very much my child” Mrs. Akande expressed her gratitude to Shola as she got out of the car.

Shola only saw it as her duty to help Mrs. Akande. It had always been like a factory setting for her to assist anybody in need of assistance.

“You are very welcome Ma.” She waved Mrs. Akande goodbye as she got into her car. About to pull out her vehicle, a black mini van came parking behind her.

“My baby!!!!” Mrs. Akande ran from her door steps with her hands wide spread.

The headlights of Mrs. Akande's mini van beamed in the night as it pulled over by the drive way.

Samuel stepped out with a bag in his hand and the chauffeur took care of the rest luggage while Mrs. Akande preoccupied Samuel with hugs and kisses of love. It was no surprise, after spending eight years away from her first child there was no telling what she would do when she finally saw him. They both embraced each other.

“I am so sorry for not coming for you myself”

“Come on mum, it’s totally fine. What's most important is that I got to see you today”

“And it’s all because of one person” Mrs. Akande pointed at Shola who had already gotten out of her car.

“Who…?” Samuel gazed at the very young and beautiful Shola.

Debonair single lady with perfect hips and structure, every woman’s dream figure. She was in her mid twenties, only four years younger than Samuel who was already twenty-nine. She had a natural long hair which she braided all the time, and a saccharine sweet smile that always caught men dumbfounded every time they got a sight.

He walked up to her, getting an even clearer view of her charming face than before. Samuel gulped as Shola raised her hand for a shake with her signature smile.

“uhh… thanks” He tried to keep his composure as he shook hands with her.

There was a spark of electricity in her heart when Shola grabbed hold of his warm masculine palm as they both stared at each other. The weather, suddenly colder than before got a lot more windy, blowing Shola’s hair all over the place and across her face.

“You are welcome”

“Why does it suddenly feel like its…”

Shola cut him short

“…about to rain?”

With a flash of light and a terribly loud 'boom', there was a sudden thunder clap as the rain began pouring down aggressively on these two, stuck in each other's gaze.

“Yh…” Samuel said as they both continued to stare at each other.