The sound of the thunder was loud enough to wake an already asleep Jimmy. Jimmy always loved it when it rained because of the cold that he’d feel and sweet smell of cold dust that came with it. It was all so pleasing to him. Even though it never really ended well for him, he always drew open all his curtains whenever it rained or was about to.

It’s about to rain again! He jumped out of his bed in haste, rushing to quickly open the curtains. There was no way he would miss even the tiniest atom sized bit of cold if he was aware of it. He never really cared if his room got all wet.

The maid will clean it after all.

What a rascal!

There was a short stint of sound, metals rubbing as the rims holding the curtain railed across the curtain rod. Jimmy could see through the window, headlights of a car parked by the drive way in front of their house. His vision was a little blurred by the droplets of water on the window but he could identify his mother wherever he saw her. There was a rush of blood as he felt excited seeing his mother. His tiny feet tapped their ceramic tiled floor as he rushed downstairs to his mother.

He could hurt himself doing that! Like Jimmy cared.

“Mummy!!” He yanked the door open

“Jimmy?!” Samuel exclaimed, letting go of Shola’s hand and looking to the door.

Wanting to reach out to him again, Shola stopped herself. What was she thinking? She had only met him for the first time, she couldn’t have possibly fallen for him already!

No Shola! Put yourself together! You are a strong independent woman. Even though she felt a spark of electricity the moment she held hands with him.

“Brother Sammy!!” Jimmy suddenly forgot his mum and rushed out to embrace his big brother who in return ran towards him with wide spread arms.

The two grabbed each other as Samuel raised his brother up swiftly

“How are you? Ha! Ha! Ha!” He held Jimmy at chest level, rolling under the rain with a very wide smile anchoring across his face.

“Hehe! Hehe! Hehe!” Jimmy enjoyed playing under the rain.

“Brother did you bring something for me?” Showing Samuel no mercy. Not unusual amongst kids. Presents always being the first thing on their minds when welcoming someone from a journey.

“Of course I did lad! But first, let’s get out of the rain. Then I will give you something you never expected” Samuel carried his little brother inside.

He paused for a second at the door, looking back at Shola who stood in the rain smiling at them.

“What are you doing Shola? Let’s go inside!” Mrs. Akande ran past her, holding some of Samuel’s bags in her hands.

They all rushed out of the rain into the warmth of the Akande family house. It was a very beautiful interior, with sparkling white tiles spread all across the living room and beyond. A huge bright chandelier hanging at the center of the room, casting out colors, glittering in hundreds of different facets. With the brightness of its light filling the four corners of the room whilst emphasizing the beauty of the house.

“Wow!” Shola and Samuel exclaimed simultaneously.

In a short glimpse, she looked at Samuel and pinched herself. Control yourself woman!

Samuel looked at her, noticing she was trying not look at him. Wow! She even looked way better in bright light. Brown-ish long hair. Beautiful dark toned skin. And a slightly long, tasty looking neck. He noticed the wetness of her blouse as it stuck to her skin adamantly, revealing her white laced bra which featured her boobs prominently. 34C probably. Samuel gulped as he gawked at her without even realizing it.

She would probably let him have a taste if he asked politely.

Fat chance!

“Samuel!!! What are you looking at?!” Jimmy folded his hands winking at Samuel with a naughty smirk.

“Go away!”

Jimmy scram laughing audibly.

Samuel cleared his throat. As if there was something to clear

“Let’s uhh… Have a seat umm…”

“Adeshola Joel” She smiled as she looked at him with her glimmering hazel colored eyes. Beautiful eyes.

That smile again, and accompanied with her beautiful eyes.

Samuel motioned her to the sitting room

“I am Samuel Akande. Please have a sit”

“Thank you” She sat on the white leather chair. Mrs. Akande must really love white huh?

The material was so thick, yet so soft and comfortable to sit on. Her skirt slid up a little, revealing a portion of her thighs. Samuel’s gaze instantly caught it as her thick thighs pressed against the chair. He was probably lucky that his mum decided to send the chauffeur to him or he wouldn’t have met this sumptuous thing. What a journey it had been so far.

I should probably control myself before I begin to get turgid and uncomfortable in my pants.

“Oya! Let’s be going brother Sammy before you will embarrass me now” Jimmy grabbed and yanked at Samuel’s hand.

“Sister I have told mummy to bring something for you to cover your…” Jimmy pointed at her chest.

“Ahh!” Her voice was a high pitch. Her panic underscored by the widening of her eyes and her hands all over her chest. Curse her love for laced bra. She probably wouldn’t wear them again after this incident.

“I couldn’t find anything that would fit you except for Samuel’s old shirt that he wore eight years back. Here, try it on”

“Jimmy told me about your little problem” Mrs. Akande giggled holding her lips as she handed the shirt over with a towel.

“Thank you ma”

“The guest room is upstairs. Around the corner, you can’t miss it” Mrs. Akande pointed at the stairway.


Woo! That was pretty refreshing.

Shola closed the shower and dried herself with the towel Mrs. Akande gave her, after stepping out of the bathtub. She grabbed her skirt from the hanger in the bathroom and put it back on. Thank God this didn’t get soaked up too.

“Tsk! I think I left the shirt in the bedroom.” She grabbed the knob of the door about to open it.

“Oi my friend!” That is Samuel’s voice!

Who was he talking to? Most importantly, what was he doing in that room? She quickly closed the door, stepping back a little. Isn’t this meant to be the guest room? Or did she make a mistake and entered Samuel’s room? No! Samuel had probably forgotten, he will soon realise and leave.

“…you got that right mate! Not a single thing changed. My room looks exactly the same. They even left my shirt of eight years back on the bed.”


“Oh no! I am finished!” She let out a quiet mumble, laced with tension.

What would she do now? There was no telling when Samuel was going to leave the room. Or what if he took the shirt out with him?

Okay, worse case scenario I will just put on my blouse again.

Where was her blouse?! She buried her hands in her hair like a person about to lose her mind, realising she dropped it somewhere in the bedroom. Now her heart raced even faster than before. If Samuel saw the blouse then he would suddenly know she was there somewhere, and it would be even more embarrassing for her.

How can I be so careless!

She covered her face with her palms, hoping he won’t see her blouse. She peeped and saw he was on the phone.

Probably talking to one of his white friends. At least things couldn’t get any worse than this.

You wish!

“…nothing much really. Just about placing my things in the bathroom and heading down for dinner. Mum is cooking my favorite pounded yam and egusi soup!”

She quickly tied the towel around her and slid back into the bathtub, sliding the curtains close. Hoping he wouldn’t come in there too, like hoping worked for her before.

“You wouldn’t believe what I saw today man! The finest thing to have ever graced the surface of the earth.” Okay that made her blush a little, but couldn’t relief her situation one bit.

Samuel walked into the bathroom and arranged a couple of things he brought with him. He stood at the mirror as he spoke to his friend.

“Na! Amy was a mistake that was meant to happen. I learned from it. But there is a different vibe to this girl. And damn you had to see her laps and her boobs. I mean, even if nothing happens between us, I hope I get to tap those buttocks at least once.”

What?!! What a perv! She sat there boiling in the bathtub.

“Aiit mate I have got to go.” Samuel cut the call on his way out of the bathroom.

“It’s warm in here. Like someone just bathed in here.” He said in soliloquy, pausing at the door.

On hearing that, Shola’s shoulders lifted, tension evident. He was probably going to check if there was someone in his bathtub.

“Brother Sammy! Mummy said you should come and eat.” Jimmy the savior.

“Oh okay. I will be down in a minute” Seriously?!

“No! Come now!” Jimmy pulled Samuel out of the room.

Phew! What a relief. She quickly put on her wet blouse and rushed downstairs.

“Shola come and… Kilode? What is wrong? You did not wear the shirt again?” Mrs. Akande stopped serving her plate of pounded yam.

“I really appreciate your hospitality, but I have to leave now.” She began to pace towards the door.

“Wait! My daughter what is the problem? The shirt didn’t fit you ni?”

She paused, trying to be polite to Mrs. Akande,

“No Ma it didn’t fit me.”

“But it looked like a perfect match.”

“Yes I thought the same too, but at times looks can be very deceiving.” She glared at Samuel

Mrs. Akande threw looks between Samuel and Shola, unsure of what was happening. Samuel recognised her glare to be a mixture of anger and disappointment. But what did he do?

“I have to go Mrs. Akande. Thank you for your care. Goodnight.” She walked out.

“Samuel! What did you do to her?!” Mrs. Akande immediately turned her attention to him

“Wahala tì dé!” Jimmy mumbled almost inaudibly. There sure was trouble.

“Nothing oo. I just went up to arrange my stuff nì and came back. I didn’t even see her at all.”

“You better had not done anything to her!”

“Mummy wallahi I didn’t do anything to her” He pointed up while shaking his head in emphasis. His emotional state instantly brought out the Nigerian in him.

The whole incident was immediately forgotten the next morning. Samuel woke up to a note from his mum.

“I prepared your breakfast before leaving for work. I know it’s a Saturday, but there are many important things for me to attend to before Monday. I Don’t know what time you will see this but if Jimmy is gone before you wake up, then he has gone for football practice. Be sure to pick him up by 1:00pm. The place is opposite your former secondary school, hope you still remember. Be sure to take an umbrella, it’s been raining a lot lately. We will spend time together with the lord tomorrow. P.S. check the garage. Love you”

He dropped the note on his bed as he stood to take a shower.

With the lord huh?

How does he tell her he no longer believed in a creator? He probably wouldn’t. Couldn’t afford to ruin the thoughts of his little bro, he would never forgive himself.

Guess I am keeping it to myself after all. He took a quick shower and checked the time.

“Twelve?! Man I really slept.” Never mind breakfast. Having to see Jimmy play ball was more important to him. He quickly made his way to the garage. To a great surprise, his mum had worked on his power bike. Turned that old junk into something sweet. Paint job, new engine, silencer and a dope ass pair of tires.

“Sweet! Love you too mum”

He opened the garage and looked outside.

“Doesn’t look like it will rain anytime soon.” He grabbed the keys and mounted that baby. Off to football practice!

This place is really cool. But where is everybody? Samuel walked into the field looking around. He didn’t see even a fly pass by. Then suddenly he heard two kids. Sounded like they were fighting.

“Hey!” He shouted with his deep masculine voice, running towards the kids.

Jimmy was fighting another boy. Did Mrs. Akande ever spank this kid? I bet she didn’t.

You should know better than this Jimmy. He grabbed the two kids, separating them.

“What is wrong with you?” Throwing looks at them. More at Jimmy.

“Uncle he is the one that looked for my trouble.” The other kid pointed at Jimmy with his brows all wrinkled up out of anger

“It’s a lie oo. He is the one that started it…”

“Hey! Hey! It’s okay! It doesn’t matter who started it. Fights are dangerous. Don’t fight again!” Samuel eased the tension, holding their shoulders.

“Who is coming to get you lad?”

“My name is Emmanuel not lad, and my mummy will come” What a sweet mouth.

“Well they better come soon 'cause it’s about to rain.” He looked up to the sky.

The clouds looked pretty heavy already. What kind of instructor leaves the kids unprotected? I can’t leave him here.

“Okay let’s go sit on the bench and wait for your mum to come”

After a few minutes of sitting, it began to drizzle. They confined themselves in the little shelter above the benches.

“I guess we will wait for the rain. If by then they aren’t here, I will take you home myself okay?” The little boy nodded his head with a smile.

The rain didn’t look like it was getting any better. Pouring down continuously. The wind carried around the cold. Jimmy of course would love that. There was someone under the rain, holding an umbrella. A feminine structure. Probably Emmanuel’s mum.


That voice. Samuel strained his eyes trying to see who it was.

“Aunty Shola!” Emmanuel ran under the rain to his aunt

“Where is mummy?”

“She couldn’t come. Let’s get out of the rain first.” She held his hand but he resisted.

“Don’t leave my friends, they waited for me.” He pointed back at Samuel and Jimmy

Great! It’s that cad again. If it weren't for Jimmy, she would have probably left Samuel there. She waved her hand at them to come. Samuel carried Jimmy and ran out to them as they all rushed into Shola’s car. A/C tight. It was a new model car. Aren’t those meant to be like, expensive? Probably not for Shola.

“Thanks for helping us”

“Didn’t you come with a vehicle?” Shola had no interest in being formal with him anymore.

“A bike.”

“Who drives a bike around, wearing a tank top in this season” She was being sassy.

“Wait up! What is wrong with you?” Samuel flared up.

“What is wrong with me?!”

“Yah! Last night you suddenly went from this amazing las to something else. And now this?!”

“Oh!!! Okay you think your fancy little British accent will shake me. Well you are mistaken mister buttocks tapper!”

With a sudden glare, Samuel immediately knew what she was talking about.

“You were the one in the bathtub.” He said under his breath.

“Yes...” Feeling a little shame.

Samuel suddenly felt ashamed too. If he wasn’t a very dark skinned person, his face would have been as red as Shola’s painted lips as he blushed out of embarrassment. There was an instant ambiance in the car. Shola looked out through her window, feeling frustrated while Samuel could only look down at his feet.

He knew he had to apologize anyways, “I am sorry”

“Hmm, classic.” Shola sassed

“Really. What I did was inexcusably wrong. I really just want to know you.”

Shola stayed quiet

“I was trying to blend in. That’s not really who I am.”

“You shouldn’t change yourself for another. You were brought up differently. Think about your background.” Shola finally responded, looking at his irresistible puppy dog eyes.

“Be the Samuel that would forget the world the moment he sees his little brother after eight years. The Samuel that doesn’t leave another kid all alone under the rain without protection. Be that guy. Not Samuel for the peeps!”

“Thank you for not leaving Emmanuel behind.” A slight smile drew across her face.

What a goddess, Shola was born kind and caring. Nothing pleased her more than to see people happy. And she sensed something similar in Samuel, which drew her to him even more. So much more that she could easily forgive him.

“Do I get a do over?”


“Grrrr!” Samuels stomach growled. He hadn’t eaten all day.

Shola noticed and reached out for her portable cooler.

“This was meant for work, but I guess I wouldn’t be going today anymore.” She handed it over to Samuel.

“Thanks.” He reached out for the cooler.

His fingers brushed hers and there was that sudden spark of electricity again that went down her loin, making her feet feel so light. Luckily, she was sitting.

She stared at him as he dug into the meal. What was she thinking? She couldn’t have possibly stayed away from him for good. They would have eventually met again one way or another, and she couldn’t possibly resist his charming looks. She knew it. Those well built arms and chest under that tank top. Neatly shaved beards complimented with a very thick manly voice. And his touch. There was just something about it that she couldn’t ignore. He wasn’t like other men she had met before.

“Hmm. What were you doing in my bathtub anyways?” Samuel mocked.

“Hey!” she slapped his arms as they all laughed in the car, having fun waiting for the rain to stop.