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I'm just about to pack my books away when I hear a soft knock on my bedroom door. "Come in," I say flattening the sheets of my bed. My mum opens the door and looks at me smilingly , "Just wanted to say diners done you should come down." I nod and make my hair in a quick bun before I follow her down the corridor.

As I walk behind her I can smell her perfume and it brings back fresh memories and wonderful times after all these years she still smells the same and I've always loved her perfume. As a child I would sneak into her bedroom when she's busy or out and then I'd pretend I'm a rich woman with nothing to do but spend money and to smell nice. I smile at this thought, "Um honey can you bring the glasses and I'll see you in the living room my neck hurts from sitting behind a desk all the time so we'll just lounge around and eat."