Marcus Chan

He is stealthily waiting in the messy hallway of the main building. It is crowded by loitering students, some are studying, or pretending to study, some are flirting and others fist fighting, that's why he can easily sneak and blend in. Lexie has to turn and make a detour to avoid the crowd, he followed behind in the shadows.

She can live on her own even if no one wants to be her friend, just as long as they won't make her life miserable. No matter how tough and rough life can punch her, she can endure, just as long as no bullies involve. But that's not the case, the first day in university she already met a few, she didn't provoke them but for some reason, there is something in her that they hated. She is ignoring them even if she is already on the verge of exploding, but she can't provoke them any further, because it will only lead to a few more disasters.

Lexie seems tougher with her friends around but now that she's alone, she attracted bullies like the real law of attraction in scientific terms, as in opposite poles attract. And one of them is Chloe who just popped up from nowhere and instantly hated her. She's not even a Biology student and is already in her third year at the university.

Lexie could not find any reason why she would pick on her. It's like that brute of a woman was created just to spite her every time she sees her. Every day after her first class, she already finds Chloe in the hallway waiting for her, the worst part is, there is no other way to get into her next class. Damn! she cursed inwardly.

"Hey, freshman! What's that on your hands?" She is standing by the corridor, leaning on the classroom door. Lexie raised an eyebrow and ignored her. Alas, she chose a way to avoid the crowd and found herself a bully. She turned away in an attempt to avoid her.

"Hey, I'm talking to you." Is there anyone dumber than this troll? Lexie thought. She doesn’t have time for this. She now doubts the integrity of this university in accepting students.

"Why are you even here Chloe?' She asked lazily. Finally facing her unwillingly.

"To ruin your day. Isn't it fun?" She smirked and tried to pry open her lab specimen. Lexie held her breath and counted from one to ten. She releases one big exhale and walked past Chloe.

People are starting to stare at them and would like to walk away but Chloe pushed her making her fall. Her specimen rolled over spilling everywhere. She gritted her teeth, she was about to stand up and scratch that horrific woman’s face, but someone else has done it for her. A guy in his twenties who is wearing a trench coat pulled Chloe’s hair and pushed her hard making her body slammed on the cement wall. Chloe’s scream was heard all over the corridor.

Someone in the corner clenched his fist, fuming, he can’t do anything to rescue his girl. He gritted his teeth and can only do what he can do from his end side of the rope.

“Get even if you dare.” The man’s cold voice was penetrating and looked too scary. He offered his hands to help her up. Lexie took it, stood up, and cleaned herself up. He is too bright and sunny with a cute dimple on his cheeks. A boyfriend material. He has a lovely pair of phoenix eyes which she wishes she got a pair for herself. Wasn't he too brutal to Chloe? It was but she could care more about that bug head.

He hated the way she looked at him, Albert wanted to take her away and shot him in the head. But it may scare her away so he restrained himself. He knew this type of man. He was the same as Lucy's lover, he would be nice at first then they will hurt her later. But Albert promised that he will never allow that to happen to Lexie.

“Are you okay?” Lexie nodded while her stare was at Chloe’s whose eyes are also piercing through hers.

“Never mind her.” He then offered his hand. “

My name is Marcus Chan and you?”

“Lexie Ma. I don’t know what kind of problem that woman has against me, she’s like a mad dog attacking me every time we see each other.”

Someone else heard her concern and took it to heart. They dare hurt his girl, and they'll pay ten times more. Albert was drinking a Vendo coffee that tasted horrible and made him more irritable. He sent a text message to one of his trusted employees to do the deed. And he continued to follow her. This man's presence threatened him. He has a smell of violence, the kind of stink that is similar to the man that killed Lucy.

Marcus walked her to her class. They talked a little bit, exchanged numbers, and decided on having a coffee after class. But there’s a pair of eyes spying on her every move. The spy clenches his fist again in angry annoyance. Alexandra Ma is his alone! He met her first, can’t those dogs stay away? He has to mark her sooner or later. His woman is just as playful as a puppy that's all, but he knew she was his.