College life and dating

"Hi! is it today?" Lexie asked in a flirtatious voice. She certainly knew that they agreed to meet today.

Albert spied on her phone calls. He specifically paid someone to have his line connected to her, so he can listen to her conversations. His jaws clenched and eyes narrowed when he heard the voice from the other line. But he calmly listened and did not take action. Soon, is the statement he said to himself.

"Ready?" She knew it was Marcus, she smiled widely. Who knew amidst all of this mess she got herself a cute date. Maybe there won’t be a chance of meeting with her crush. But at the forgotten corner of her brain, she wished that she would have a chance to meet him one more time, even if he won’t pursue her, just once, so she can move on to dating Marcus.

"I'll be there in a sec." She answered shortly while rushing to see him. Good thing the Café’s manager called her that she is not needed today otherwise no date for her and Marcus.

Being chased by a bully is tough, and Lexie had a rough day at school, she has to ask for a two-day extension and work late because of that stupid woman, she planned on reporting her to the dean's office after one more pestering, but that would lead to more bullying since that woman has friends at school. Lexie is busy with the virus she's working with when her phone rings.

"I'm outside waiting."

Marcus brought her into a dainty restaurant instead of a coffee house.

"I thought we will only have coffee?" But she, of course, knew what he was trying to do.

"They sell coffee here don't worry." He chuckled and it was infectious so she laughed along with him.

"You're not local are you?"

She was just guessing and stereotyping because of the Trench coat. Perhaps Koreans and Japanese would wear this outfit, but not in Riverside.

"No, I'm not, I'm from Han City." So that explains his Trench coat. Han City obviously is a four seasonal country where half of the year is cold.

"What brings you to Riverside?" She asked.

Marcus said that he was invited as a speaker on business management and that he also would want to expand his business in Riverside. Later Marcus notices that Lexie has little knowledge nor interest regarding business so he quickly changes the topic. He attempted to open up a topic on Biology, but She doesn't want to talk about it either so they end up talking about a vlog she recently watched regarding a Chinese woman who lived a simple life by farming the food she eats. They shared insights regarding sustainable livelihood and career, and they both find it enjoyable. Perhaps it's because the calming beautiful scenes or the home she created was infectious and Marcus actually agreed with her opinion.

"So where do you stay here?" She asked with no dirty intentions, just pure curiosity.

Someone from somewhere listens to her conversation.

"Tsk tsk. Al thought men would think differently Lexie. You must be careful with your words."

While Marcus and Lexie shared a pleasant conversation, their every action was monitored in someone else's office. The way the man gave attention to Lexie is superficial, based on his facial expression and body language, he wants to get her laid as soon as possible. He would be willing to spend money to get her.

As usual, by the time Lexie got home, she was so tired that she only had time to clean herself and went into a deep slumber as soon as her body touched the mattress. She decided not to do her homework tonight because it will exhaust her to death. Her date with Marcus is not bad, though. She enjoyed talking to him and the food he bought.

"So you like to date now huh?" The man lay beside her, placed her head in his arms, and sniffed her hair.

"Hmmm, you're back, nice to see you again." She smiles while her eyes closed.

"I had a date with Marcus Chan. I wished it was you but you didn't show up." Automatically curling her body in his.

"You can date me all you want soon darling." He caressed her face with the back of his palm.

Lexie felt that an incubus was taking advantage of her again and took the form of Mr. Sexy at the bar. The Doppelganger can be taken as the real one. She is always put into a spell every time it appears. She always felt guilty and perverted after when she allowed “IT” to touch her body. He is kissing her sensually, touching her everywhere licking her naked body. Maybe because he is just a spirit so he can’t penetrate her exactly, just almost but not quite, just outside that barrier. He put a hand on her mouth to stop her loud moaning. Then he placed back her clothes and took her panty as a souvenir for this night's affairs.

"You'll know who loves you the most my sweet, sweet, and lovely wife. Soon you'll only have eyes on me." Her date doesn't deserve her, will just make her cry and possibly kill her if he lost control. Lucy, the lady who raised him, was killed by that kind of man, he can smell it on that man's blood, he just knew that the guy was the violent kind, he deals with this kind of people from the brothel that Lucy used to work.

They cuddled and slept together peacefully until the usual waking up time of Lexie’s parents. He will always be woken by the four am news every time.

"Lexie I have to go now, see you later honey." Kissed her on the head and left.